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🧵 JUDO isn't shit

DOLO_16 No. 154214

Judo always gets flack for being "useless in a streetlight" and not being represented in MMA or ADCC a lot. it may have an limited focus on ground techniques compared to BJJ but, Judo already have all of the basic and fundamentals of ground work in Kosen Judo unlike kodokan Judo. But besides that I would say that judo is better for self defense then bjj for its strong emphasis on standup throws and takedowns. But also the Gi's in judo could be great stand-in for shirts and pants. Also BJJ is from Judo with the creator of judo Kano Jigoro teaching Mitsuyo Maeda then later teaching Carlos Gracie Jr. slowly branding their style of judo into modern bjj that we know.

Rickson Gracie No. 154215

No sane person has ever said judo is shit. I just said bjj is better for mma.

Anonymous No. 154235

none of it is good for self defense

do MMA

Anonymous No. 154247

None of it is good for self defense

Buy a gun

Anonymous No. 154249

Gun is not good for self defense.

Buy a knife.

Anonymous No. 154251

>not posting the correct version

Anonymous No. 154252

I wasn't feeling hardcore enough, but are you familiar with the Mexican saca tripas?

DOLO_16 No. 154254

What are you yapping about judo has been always been good self defense. Till this day u.s military still uses it. but what about people in country's where gun laws are strict

Anonymous No. 154255

>following immoral laws
you get what you deserve I suppose

Anonymous No. 154256

This is one of those things where high level sport is assumed to be how a martial art functions for self-defense when it really doesn't. In high level BJJ people are spinning and inverting, basically going for all this really complicated shit which they only really need to do because their opponent is on their level in the same system. If you're only using BJJ for self-defense against a random drunk at the bar, then you honestly don't need to go beyond blue belt.

It's the same for judo, things are different at the Olympic level because both people are highly skilled in the same system and they're following strict scoring rules. But, the very basics of judo that you'd learn when first starting are a great base for self-defense against people with little to no training.

DOLO_16 No. 154258


Anonymous No. 154262

It's really not though, and there isn't any data to suggest it is

Rickson Gracie No. 154264

According to Wikipedia over 20 of them have been training bjj and only 7 have been training judo. It's understandable because almost 20 of them have been trainging wrestling so they don't need another takedown based art

Anonymous No. 154266

I recently got into BJJ after many years of wrestling, and I am incredibly disappointed in BJJ's takedown defense. It's like they've never had someone shoot a real double on them before.

Anonymous No. 154270

Has any of them tried to guillotine you?

Anonymous No. 154272

They've tried, but the only ones who've managed it successfully are brown and black belts.

For everyone else they either can't get a good grip around my head and I just pop my head out, or I completely pass their legs on the opposite side so it does nothing. One guy got really close, but he was so focused on it he let me spin to north south so nothing came of it.

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Basically Just Judo.jpg

Anonymous No. 154279

the only submissions that see any use consistent use in MMA are judo submissions, triangles, rear strangles, arm bars, guillotines
anything else is exotic and rare
based on that alone it proves judo is the effective one

and you can't even have heel hooks since the ibjjf like it or not is the arbiter of what's considered bjj and they didn't allow heel hooks until 2021, it was pure sambo but since brazilians like to steal and claim they invented something now apparently it's bjj

Anonymous No. 154314

Being so autistic about which martial art is the best is only really coherent if you plan to do MMA competitively. I'm sure most people in this website aren't planning to go that far so what's the point of all this stuff. Just do whatever martial art feels good, you'll likely never fight anyone either in the cage or in the streets anyway.

Anonymous No. 154316

Heelhooks are illegal in sambo, only straight kneebars and ankle locks are allowed

Anonymous No. 154333

Stop being reasonable you fucking faggot.

Anyways a lot of noobs to martial arts worry about le “self defense.” I maintain though that any non-retarded, combat sport oriented, martial art will, within a year or two, give you the skills necessary to outclass anyone who’s going to fuck with you on “da streetz” and the most important thing is you pick a martial art you like and will stick with for that time period. All that said, the best martial art for the streetz is still “get a gun retard” regardless.

Anonymous No. 154644

nobody thinks judo is shit other than a minority of MMAfags who just learned about fighting or trolling bjjfags.
The strongest critic of judo are judokas because they recognize the potential and legacy of judo as an MA and they can see that the IJF has shit on judo to make the MA less effective (by not rewarding submission holds enough, by rewarding pins too much, and the most egregious being the leg grab ban)

To play devils advocate to the ijf, they are more concerned with making competitions exciting and fun to watch, but its always going to be a challenge to try and convince people to watch an MA match where its difficult to KO people and with minimal possibility that people die. Thats why MMA and striking arts are much more entertaining to watch than grappling; people want blood in their blood sports.
BJJ can get away with it because people understand submissions as a KO and because MMA has popularized bjj with the common people as a legit martial art that can hurt others, but judo never had that with its crispy clean,, karate-like reputation.

On a more insane note, if the IJF really wanted to popularize judo and get people to really be interested in watching without gimping the MA, change the tatami mats into unpadded plywood or solid earth, and dont allow people to pull guard. That will turn grappling into the most dangerous MA to compete in and viewers will absolutely love it, but at the cost of the athlete.
Heres a fun fact, UFC octagon are actually padded and shock absorbing like wrestling mats. If youre wondering why wrestling slams or judo throws dont look as effective as it should in the UFC, you now know why.

Anonymous No. 154661

>fighters have gloves
>floor is mats
>no rounds where you start up standing again
>can't soccer kick

Against untrained people, judo is more than enough for self defense. Just throw the fucker onto concrete and soccer kick them if they're still trying to fight you. Enough self defense benefits without any of the brain damage gains goblin.

Anonymous No. 154664

bjj is better than judo. you can cope by saying that Kimura beat Helio 70 years ago but we all know what the truth is. BJJ should teach more throws though

Anonymous No. 154669

the throw alone is gonna do the job on some random idiot
the right throws may break something or with enough force may even kill a guy

Anonymous No. 154703

because as we all know everyone who trains MMA must first swear a blood oath to follow UFC rules and they are instantly smitten by lightning if they break the pact

Anonymous No. 154743

Bjj fags like you only have the balls to fight in.a comfy padded octagon fuck off

Anonymous No. 154797

Yup. The vast majority of people, martial artists, even BJJ-bros don't even know how to breakfall safely. Judo is bad if you want to get out of it without a manslaughter charge. But Judo is best if you want to get out of it no matter what.

I'm not saying that, but muscle memory is a bitch and when you're in the high-stress, adrenaline-pumped moment of fighting someone in self-defense, I doubt your muscles are gonna resort to things you haven't drilled in MMA 1000s of times.

Anonymous No. 154807

Judo is good if you want to fall properly. That's saved my ass on more occasions than my fighting ability.

Anonymous No. 154821

Based tripper

DOLO_16 No. 154822

Bro brought an argument as if I typed it out you're arguing with yourself bud.

Anonymous No. 154825

as well as slipper, tumbler, and general loser of balance on boards, bikes, and beams. I was told I learned as much snowboarding in three hours as is typically learned over three days because I could just keep throwing myself down the mountain with zero pain, discomfort, or injury over and over again without pause for the entire time slot.

Anonymous No. 155499

self-defense training is antithetical to military training tho. the goal is the polar opposite.

Anonymous No. 155500

MMA fag here. I've won a couple bjj tourneys because I focused on the throws and takedowns taught by judo. Basically a lot of those throws can take you straight into dominant positions or armbars.

Anonymous No. 155501

No shit. You do proper judo on bjj nerds and you can score ko ippons or fuck their shit up with kami basani or just pretend you didnt feel their tap on your sloppy kneebar.

Anonymous No. 155508

Funny thing is technically its not even hard. But it requires confidence. Your back is gonna take the ground hard and unless you commit 100% you're likely gonna fuck it up.

Anonymous No. 155770

>Your back is gonna take the ground hard
Wrestling double legs use a lift and the head to drive to the opposite side, not straight backwards; which is probably why the BJJ people are having trouble. Because they're landing more on their side with their knees pulled together, that anon is able to pass guard more easily and avoid the guillotine from the start.

Anonymous No. 155771

Ah yes, all those judo leglocks

Anonymous No. 155772

the entire leglock game was created in america by americans, nothing bjj about it

Anonymous No. 155779

>leglocks werent known to judo
Ill take "what is ashigarami?" for 500 alex.