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🧵 /Vigilante/ General - Night Fight edition

Anonymous No. 154695

I cannot be the only schitzo who trains hard by day so I can go looking for trouble at night. It isn't hard to explain. Condition self with high cardio, do basic strength and prerequisite less lethal weapons, arm up with any advantage you can. Disguise your face. Stay clean, stay stealth and negotiate obstacles for your getaway once you find and beat up criminals you can positively ID. I have become addicted
For me it started years ago. I realised that most low level street enforcers are weakest when they have to leave their stupid little corners. I avoided driving nearby, used hobo disguise to case and watch them. Took pics, studied every bit of crime news I could find. Timed responses. Using clothes that I can dispose of. After eight months of working my way up to it I was able to corner and beat a dealer with an ASP baton and take his cash. I've managed to corner three people. One latino two black. I know that I'll fuck up one day but I can't quit what I've started. I've been hitting conditioning and body work hard. Also using knee pads, armoured bike flannels and general protective but normal clothing which keeps it on the down low. I skipped work because I had an opportunity to get one and get him good.
I work a heavy bag, wrestle with my amateur friends who have no idea what I do. Try to always make the fight an ambush and start that on my terms. My questions are these, outside of the typical firearms related concerns, how can I maximise my numbers while mitigating risks? Does anyone else assault random, if not low level at least criminals who deserve it by night?
I know I'm retarded for it but after the second one I knew I wasn't going to stop. I can't be the only one out here doing this can I anons?
How would you go about using the night and basic combative skills in a more meaningful way than just picking off randomly selected degenerates? Most important how do you even begin to navigate evading bad luck or situations that can turn on you in an instant?

Anonymous No. 154697

>be me chillin with bro last night
>hes got cancer, doctor tells him he has a year or so left
>he tells me hes come to terms with it, at least hes going to see his child be born next month
>he takes a hit of his medical marijuana he uses to dull the unending pain
>suddenly a large shadowy figure waddles in between us
>woah that guys fat
>he tries to say something but he’s stuttering and i cant make it out
>unsheathes his wood sword, mumbles something about the dare program and how drugs are bad
>”now ill s-stop you… n-non lethal katana…”
>cracks my brother on the back of his head and waddles away
>he cracks his skull when he hits the concrete, dies several days later in the hospital
>never gets to see his son

Anonymous No. 154708

I remember being 14 too

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Anonymous No. 154711

Yeah I go by the name Mr.Magnificent

I've been trying my best to clean up the streets in the NY metro area since 2001

Anonymous No. 154785

oh fuck off. how would you even identify someone as actually a criminal? and how do you know they deserve it? do they go around beating up people? Well great, unless you killed the guy, he's gonna get up later and do that shit some more. You're not gonna make the world better. I guess you don't have any delusions of that, though. My advice? Train mma.

Anonymous No. 154789

If you were actually serious, you'd surveil suspects, collect evidence, and when you have enough to confirm that they are irredeemable degenerate scumbags, you'd quietly euthanize them in the safest and most efficient manner possible, from a distance.

Of course, you'd still be treading on very thin ice, ethically speaking. What makes you so sure your moral judgement is more accurate and more reliable than the legal system? When you are inevitably caught, how do you intend to justify your actions?

If you just want the thrill of combat, join a proper gym and learn you aren't so big and bad as you thought you were. What you're doing now is tantamount to bullying retards. You're accomplishing nothing.

Anonymous No. 154795

>armoured bike flannels
What kinds of products exist for this? Might be cool for discreet joint protection while training parkour.

Anonymous No. 154799

They don't even hide. It's not that hard if somoene isn't showing up with cherries and berries. Have you never seen corner slingers before? Not junkies but the sellers. It's not that hard. Waiting and spending hours looking in rearview. That's hard. Deserve it is nebulous.
Part of the fun is stalking people who are more aware of thier surroundings. They aren't as dumb as media would have you think but they aren't as good as covering thier shit as they think either. Not quite this bad but it's there. So one day I'll get number four.

Motorcycle gear mostly. Non ballistic. It's no replacement for plate carriers and good training but it can save you from hard impacts comming off a bike. They have hoodies and other discreet gear. Anything made for riding roadbikes basically.

Absolutely already do. Hence why there's such a long time between when I get them. Sometimes they turn out to be nothing and I've just followed some random home and I call it a night. Other times they go to fast food places and stay there until morning. It's actually kind of hard to get someone at night and they like thier groups. Very watchful. Part of collecting evidence is local crime stats, trading booze to homeless for stories of places where they know they need to stay away from. Urbex helps a lot. Most nights I'll just sit and watch places with sketchy reputations. The key is in the following them to places that they don't have friends. It's a rush I will say that. My biggest fear is obviously somoene noticing a pattern or that I hit some kind of informant. It won't matter as I spent most of the beating time hitting them in the back. I target the spine. My thinking is if they can't walk without feeling it ever again then I've done someone some good.
You're right about the gym and the reality is anyone with good boxing, BJJ or ground work will destroy me. I aim to be generally fit and more ambush oriented. For now.

Anonymous No. 154800

I don't plan to justify my actions if caught. Just excersize my right to remain silent and do not resist arrest. If cops show up I plan to comply with all directions and bide my time. End of the day it's going to happen eventually.

I try not to judge the ethics of but work from estimates. Way I see it, if they don't consider it the cost of buisiness then I don't either. I'm not racially motivated, there are easier targets if I just wanted to be a sadist and ultimately I am happy to piss in the wind and anonymously beat the balls off of some dealer. It's going to catch up with me I know that. But I don't have to make it easy.

The one thing I can't deny the reality of is that life is so much more fun now.

Anonymous No. 154801

>Motorcycle gear mostly. Non ballistic. It's no replacement for plate carriers and good training but it can save you from hard impacts comming off a bike. They have hoodies and other discreet gear. Anything made for riding roadbikes basically.
Any suggestions for such products which work well with athletic movement (e.g., fighting and parkour) instead of just sitting still on a boomer bike? I haven't bought one for parkour yet because I'd like to try it on first.

Anonymous No. 154803

Parkour is hard. Doing it at night isn't for me I prefer to pregame out routes and have a select well researched set of maps, photos and landmarks. Doing an area study will help a lot more than random escape based on reflex. Always have an exit plan.
That said most upper half stuff doesen't ruin mobility. I've not had mine interfere with ladder climbing or rolling fence. It is worth investing some time just doing general obstacle navigation via training. Police agility test is a good benchmark.

The real issue with parkour is that you shouldn't do it blind and weather affects everything. Rain vs sticking that landing and making estimates in darker night time rooftops is a crapshoot. It is absolutely worth going sicko mode on cardio thoguh. Jump a lot of rope, do a lot of interval jog to sprint training. My worst injury so far was getting windmill hit from the second guy I cornered, the latino. He was fat but wasn't ready. Having a good force multiplier + fitness is basically essential. I caught him with the baton on the leg then went on his back and just gave him a rodney king rerun.
One thing is have redudunt gloves and make sure to hard shower before. Long sleeve underwear and longjohns keeps the skin contact from scratching minimal too. If you plan to get close to them it's important you don't leave any DNA as much as you can mitigate it. Really DNA isn't the big one, it's not the instant win police drama act like it is. CCTV and ring cameras are actually the real concern. So having a mask and a backup mask is vital. Hiding your ethnicity is important too.
For pants there are normal looking jeans. Kevlar ones. Not good mobility wise but worth it for the scrape protection once you have to get to the ground. I use pants with knee pad inserts which helped a lot with the first guy. I was able to get behind him and RNC him. After that I used the baton on him until he was doing the hard wheeze and got his money. About 40 dollars USD and his ID. YMMV.

Anonymous No. 154830

I can’t wait until this thread takes off and some fat retard in a guy fawkes mask doesn’t realize this is a gay LARP and actually tries to beat up a drug dealer which, inevitably, results in him being shot dead.

Anonymous No. 154848

If this isn't a LARP, I think you should focus less on your combat prowess but rather on the skills to not be caught and be sneaky. Having an important tactical advantage in all your "encounters" is an incredibly important skill if you want to be a "thug hunter". Even a boxing champion can be knocked out by a well placed suckerpunch if he does not expect it. If you can somehow also afford it, I would try to get a blowgun and sleeping darts. You can knockout people with that from a safe distance, but using it can make it way easier for you to be profiled (not everyone owns blowguns you know). You can take up hunting as a hobby for an "excuse" to own a blowgun (Using long enough needles without any poison or drugs you can hunt hogs, so your hog hunting hobby can cover the ownership of such a weapon. Just make sure you use the short sleepy type needles on the thugs you attack and not the long heart piercing lethal ones.)
You can get the "sleeping" drug from the drug dealers you beat up and mug I guess. An average dose of heroin will certainly put someone in a state that is not fit to fight. If you fuck up and it causes an overdose, well, I don't think cops would be too surprised to see an overdosed drug dealer dead in the streets so it's a safe way to "poison" and kill someone.

Anonymous No. 154849

Maybe Kali/HEMA protective gear. Incredibly protective and mobile enough to fight with (blunt) knives and swords, but I think you will need to wear a trenchcoat or something to cover it all up.

Anonymous No. 154865

There has never ever been a successful example of a sleeping dart. That's less realistic than just wearing basic protection.
I already hunt and have a family history of trapping. It's barely applicable when dealing with human minds. Drugs are not viable because generally there's no way of delivering them in a practical way. Even using some of the more serious ones is depending on the kind of non resistant behaviour that I can just keep using the baton for. It's much much easier to just knock them across the head.
My backup option has been piano wire and two long bolts which I tested on a pig carcass last year. I have rubbery tubing over it to stop it cutting. If I can get behind someone by waiting patiently I already mitigate the need to use any complex moving parts. Poisons are also a form of ID and I don't need that kind of attention. I've already managed to get three people so far. two black one latino. Only the latino was able to get a look at me and he swung. If he has a clear memory there wont be much to go on.
I am willing to entertain open ideas on things that I should consider that I might not have. The big one I worry about is what happens if someone interrupts. That's the first and most stressful part of everything. Discovery is my boogyman issue and patience has been the only realistic way I can avoid that so far. The other thing is gear wise I'm good. Conditioning can always be better.

I just use normal plain looking clothes. Avoiding uniform looks or anything that can draw attention. I use a flesh color face mask which keeps me from looking obvious until I get to where I can use a balaclava. My elbows, knees, shoulders and gloves are armoured enough and my boots are well worn in and flexible enough. I'm trying to keep it to only fighting when they aren't ready and working from hit and walk tactics. Trying to keep it as normal looking as possible. Dogs I worry about as well.

Anonymous No. 154884

I just ride my motorcycle very fast at night
It’s fun

Anonymous No. 155040

Do you have a punisher skull on your car?

Anonymous No. 155041

>There has never ever been a successful example of a sleeping dart.
Zoos and animal control use tranq darts all the time, but they're so finicky to use that they're completely impractical outside of knocking out animals. It can take upwards of 20 minutes to even start seeing effects depending on what drug is used, how much the animal weighs, where the dart hit, and how much of the drug actually got into it.

For people you're better off just hitting them in the head with rock.

Anonymous No. 155068

based sociopath
assuming this isn't an elaborate larp I'm willing to bet actual vigilantism is the most extreme sport anyone on this board participates in

Anonymous No. 155168

Yeah dude it takes a lot of prep work to make up a fake story on 4chan.

I fucked up two gang members by myself with a Bokken the other day btw. Told them the city was now under the protection of the autism avenger

Anonymous No. 155187

I fucked two gang members by myself with a Bokken the other day btw. Told them the city was now under the protection of the anal avenger