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🧵 Why do wrestlers seem to be stronger than other martial artists?

Anonymous No. 154777

You will never see any news like "judoka threw a policeman through a closed door" or "taekwondist bit off pistol's barrel". It's always wrestlers.

Anonymous No. 154778

He train from child

Anonymous No. 154783

Perhaps wrestling is a sport heavily dependant upon strength, so those who are successful wrestlers tend to be strong.

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Anonymous No. 154787

>You will never see any news like "judoka threw a policeman through a closed door"

Anonymous No. 154790

It's ironic that most police officers are actually taught basic Judo takedowns and locks.

Anonymous No. 154808

>PC Adnen Mehmood
>PC Mohammed Zeb

Anonymous No. 154811

Avg bjj blackbelt? Hobbyist.

A good wrestler isn't a hobbyist.

The pace of bjj, culture wise even at a high level isn't up to a wrestling pace because thry're lower tier athletes but also the rule and sport itself is different. For example they stall more and its ok, bottom can be neutral ish to advantage

Wrestlers are just really fucking conditioned because it's grueling sport and heavily punishes stalling even if they're working advatange like bjj guys. The folkstyle kids especially since its even harder than freestyle and greco. Also they've been doing it as kids, at high level, the culture is work hard, and they got shoes which means more power

Anonymous No. 154820

In America? You’re joking right? The curriculum of the police academies here is still stuck in the 80s doing meme wristlocks and straight arm takedowns lol. The only reason no one On the force has forced a change is because they don’t realize they suck at fighting on account of just shooting anyone who refuses to play Simon says with them.

Anonymous No. 154827


Anonymous No. 154829

>You will never see any news like "judoka threw a policeman through a closed door" or "taekwondist bit off pistol's barrel". It's always wrestlers.
What you describe is classic roid rage