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Anonymous No. 155584

What dumb thing you ever Done, when you do a sport

Anonymous No. 157517


Anonymous No. 157541

Ban all ESL posters

Anonymous No. 157545

During our skating phase in High School, my brother and I ate shit on a massive hill.
>Dad going to pick up car left at casino
>Brother and I come with
>Gonna take the other car to the Sk8park b4 home
>Leading up to casino is massive hill
>200+ meter stretch
>45° the whole way
>Brother and I, in simultaneous stupidtity
>"We could do that"
>Dad says we're fucking retarded
>Dad waits on standby
Here comes the pain
>Start down hill with no push needed
>So fucking smooth brand new asphalt
>View is amazing
>As if am flying into heaven
>Pick up speed and start to focus
>Neither one of us is throwing off any
>Brother reaches terminal velocity first
>Speed wobbles throw him off his board
>Going so fast he does two perfect cartwheels before tumbling into a ball
>I am significantly heavier than my brother
>This angers the skate gods
>They curse my fat ass with a perfectly placed pebble
>Board is ripped out from under me in an instant
>Picture chunk from the goonies hurtling through the air
>Perfectly parallel to the ground & feet in the air for at least 3 solid seconds
>Land tummy first palms out

Anonymous No. 157547

>I am become meat crayon
>Cheek, palms, forearms, and stomache all scraped to shit
>Brother in similar shape but obviously handled himself better as his patches of missing skin are much smaller
>Pick ourselves up as best we can
>Brother drives us to ER
>Whole trip blasting heavy metal because brother is in shock & juking the concussion
>At ER true hell awaits
>Skin is full of pebbles
>First time being getting skin debrided
>Only gave a spritz of novacaine before starting
>Nurse is ashamed on humanity because of us & it shows
>turns out brother also had a broken wrist too
Anyways, thats the story of how I learned to stop skating.

Anonymous No. 160589


Anonymous No. 160970

its perfectly coherent you retards