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Anonymous No. 155726

Is this a sensible curriculum?

Anonymous No. 155731

Cringe Maga is not sensible, in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 155732

I agree

Anonymous No. 155750

>most effective real world self-defense system
This was true back in 1930 Bratislava when it was about getting the average Jewish civilian quickly trained in the basics of boxing and wrestling, but it went down hill fast when Avikzar started to add fucking aikido to it.

Just learn boxing and wrestling and you'll be exactly where it started instead of doing aikido in camo pants.

Anonymous No. 155766

Jew jitsu is a meme that needs to die
You might as well take a class in McMap or whatever the fuck the US army combatives are called (spoiler alert these systems suck ass compared to civillian martial arts)

Anonymous No. 155775

>Just learn boxing and wrestling and you'll be exactly where it started instead of doing aikido in camo pants.
I’ve been telling people this for years but no one listens. The appeal of commando larp is too strong.

Anonymous No. 155780

>I’ve been telling people this for years but no one listens. The appeal of commando larp is too strong.
There's a weird cult around the idea of the "operator" where everyone and their dog wants to be the Cool Special Forces Guy, and they think doing the Cool Special Forces Martial Art will give them a shortcut to that. Buckling down to do the very basics of fitness, boxing, and wrestling nonstop for years is hard, and doesn't make you look like An Operator.

It's just easier to film yourself in camo pants tossing around an unmoving, completely compliant person.

Anonymous No. 155790

It is interesting how fleeting the success of krav maga has been. It was there for years but in a blink it exploded in popularity and was everywhere but in a short period of time it has all collapsed and is back to the obscurity of irrelevance.
It reminds me a lot of cross fit.

Anonymous No. 155792

The thing about it is that you if you present yourself as a “reality based” system people at some point expect results in reality. Krav Maga doesn’t produce those results, meanwhile there’s more and more videos every year of actual combat sports athletes defending themselves and others even sometimes against armed criminals successfully. this has inevitably disillusioned most former LARP magoo stans. Plus nowadays you’ve got retards like that Detroit urban survival guy showing off how embarrassing it is to do commando larp to the public.

Anonymous No. 155803

Absolutely. Funny, the first example of this that springs to my mind is the pilot episode of Archer. He calls karate the "Dane Cook of martial arts" and says real agents do krav maga. All these years later the joke falls flat: camo pants larping is certainly no better than weaboo larping.

Ironic, if a karateka competed in kumite and maybe had a kickboxing fight or two, they'd probably be better off than the hardcore commando krav wannabe.

Anonymous No. 155804

Even more ironic is that in one of the newer seasons Cyril comes back as a super skilled badass agent with presumably black belt in karate.

Anonymous No. 155807

You would only need to practice some takedown defenses and fight dirty and in a real fight? Okinawan Karate has techniques for fighting dirty too, grabs, pokes, gouges, groin strikes, classic karate chops, elbow thrusts...

Anonymous No. 155808

Why not just do Sambo or Sanda then? Basically what you are asking for and plenty of opponents.