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🧵 Krav Maga

Anonymous No. 156273

Why is there a debate on which martial art is most “practical” when Krav Maga exists?

I mean militaries use it

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Anonymous No. 156274


Anonymous No. 156276

>I mean militaries use it
*Military, singular, it’s Israel. Most militaries have their own program and their almost all “bare minimum” shit that gets torn apart by even hobbyist fighters.

Anonymous No. 156278

U.S. uses it too. Also Israel’s military is impressive.

And I love the part in the video where the military guy was throwing strikes!

Anonymous No. 156280

>US uses it too
No they don’t. The army learns MACP (modern army combatives program) which at the basic level is just a crash course in BJJ and the marines learn MCMAP (marine corp martial arts program) which is just a crash course in mma plus sometimes you stab a guy or hit him with your rifle. Only Israel teaches Krav Maga to their military.
>Israel’s military is quite impressive
Lmfao, Israel wouldn’t last a month without the force and money of the US protecting it.

Anonymous No. 156289

Stop pretending you know more than GOOGLE

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Anonymous No. 156291


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Anonymous No. 156292


Anonymous No. 156295

>often use the principles of Krav Maga
That’s a meaningless statement when the “principle” of Krav Maga is “punch them a lot”

Anonymous No. 156297

Not true, and you know that’s not true.

Anonymous No. 156300

>Israel’s military is impressive
their military is so shitty and cobbled together with surplus hand me downs they carry their guns without a round chambered because they might discharge if dropped

Anonymous No. 156303

6 day war?

Anonymous No. 156311

have you seen their adversaries?

Anonymous No. 156319

anyone who unironically thinks jew jitsu is worth a damn are probably missing a chromosome or two
MCMAP is a military system used by US army like how Israel uses Krav maga, and guess what? both of those systems suck donkey dick compared to civillian martial arts and particularly combat sports
like this guy said

OP is a huge faggot for thinking this bait is even good, and if he is sincere then hes an even bigger faggot and pussy as well

Anonymous No. 156324

I would beat the fuck out of you

Anonymous No. 156332

Lmao post body you cheeto fingered vagina having fuckfaced retard
i do all my heavy bag work without gloves or wraps
have you ever even struck anything other than your keyboard?

Anonymous No. 156348

Goodness tough guy! I didn’t think you could get any more retarded

Anonymous No. 156349


this is me fucking around on the bag last week, not even training seriously here
had to post on wsg cuz idk how to remove sound from webms
listen to that crisp pop/snap sound on every strike
oh btw a "heavy bag" is the thing that im punching, im not sure if they have those in fag maga
keep practicing those eyepokes and crotch strikes tho im sure youll get your camo belt soon bud

Anonymous No. 156351

if you dont post body or a training video everyone is gonna assume your only training your asshole with mens dicks, and they would be right

Anonymous No. 156353

Why do people go to the military when they think hand-to-hand combatives? They're just a rip off of what riot patrol officers do. If you want to learn a effective, practical martial art, just do what crowd control and correction officers do.

Which is pretty much Judo a basterized version of Kali with some bare-bones strikes.

Anonymous No. 156355

Tighten your hooks, fag

Anonymous No. 156357

im not taking advice from someone who doesnt even train

Anonymous No. 156360

I’m not the krav guy double retard

Anonymous No. 156361

oh well in that case thanks for the constructive criticism

Anonymous No. 156362


Anonymous No. 156363

1. I pray you’re really just “fucking around” on the bag, because Jesus you’re atrocious.
2. You’re literally balding

Anonymous No. 156365

very stiff and open, unironically looks krav maga tier to me
my suggestion is to get some formal training

Anonymous No. 156366

I’m glad that /xs/ now has its own
>wufag shows off his side kicks

Anonymous No. 156413

Hey man it’s me the krab guy, I just wanted to say your video did frighten me a little bit and I’m sorry.
I would like to add some insight on your heavy bag work if you’ll forgive me.
You should definitely step pivot more after your combo instead of staying in-front of your opponent.
You should also stop doing that little motion with your hands before throwing each combos because it’s telegraphing.
Also use gloves or at least hand wraps because this will damage you in the long run!

Anonymous No. 156430

>balding manlet trying so desperately to win arguments on 4chins
Slow & sloppy as fuck. You look like dog shit, if that even is you, and going through all this effort to prove something to someone on another board is the epitome of next level beta bitch move. Not only could that guy probably kick your ass, Im betting every tranny faggot on /b/ could.

Anonymous No. 156431

Based on your faggy video. Neither do you. A balding faggy beating on a bag in the shittiest way possible without anything on his hands... You... Dont... Train. Cope & dilate bitch.

Anonymous No. 156432

The "bare minimum" approach is for a few very important reasons.
>Fundamentals is all you need.
Unless you're fighting a pro, even then, majority of martial arts techniques are useless/overblown variations of fundamentals.
>Quantity over quality
Dont have the time to turn that many recruits into H2H experts with everything else they have to learn. But you will never find more active martial arts communities than you will inside military communities.
>Kill vs Knock out
What they're allowed & encouaged to do in a fight is different. JJ Machado is credited with coming up with a lot of reall effective nogi techniques, stuff that people with all their fingers, likely would have taken ages to develop. Whats my point? Goals matter. How you think & your intent matters. What you can do is so heavy influenced by your POV, your goals/intent. If its a fight to the death between a soldier & an MMA fighter of similar athletic ability & time spent in their respective professions... I know who my money is on.

Anonymous No. 156433

Krav is possibly worse than aikido

Anonymous No. 156436

Thank you for understanding. Krav Maga is also very misunderstood, we spend so much more time boxing + elbows, takedown defenses, escapes, etc. than we do with groin kicks.

Anonymous No. 156439

Brotha, tell me right now what you think Krav is

Anonymous No. 156441

The core philosophy is useless unless you're the one beating on women and children

Anonymous No. 156444

And what is that core philosophy?
From my understanding it seems like you think Krav is some women’s self defense seminar where they teach you to put your keys in your knuckles or something

Anonymous No. 156450

Your first two points just make my point that it’s Not particularly effective as a martial arts style and would have the floor wiped with it by even hobbyist fighters. There’s no reason to actually want to train this stuff. The only reason the military teaches it in the first place is to, and I’m quoting someone I knew who had a brown belt in “MCMAP”, is not because they expect them to fight the enemy at that distance, but because they want them to have the confidence to fight the enemy at any distance. These aren’t serious fighting arts these are aggression building exercises
>but muh kill vs knockout
Completely retarded. There’s two reliable ways to kill people with you bare hands, repeated blunt force trauma to the head (and to the body but to a lesser extent) and strangulation. Both of these are allowed in combat sports.
> If its a fight to the death between a soldier & an MMA fighter of similar athletic ability & time spent in their respective professions... I know who my money is on.
If we’re talking about fighting bare handed and it’s not on the professional fighter you’re a retard.

Anonymous No. 156451

Hard disagree on that. As I said, it’s the bare minimum. If you can teach a guy to be aggressive and throw a lot of strikes that’s better than aikidotards literally freezing up and having no idea what to do when someone resists for the first time in their life.

Anonymous No. 156452

>Giant wall of cope
>Video that confirms what the other anon says
You might be retarded bud. That whole video is about a UFC turd finding out just how hard marines train. Theres even a warm and fuzzy motivational bullshit about it at the end.

Anonymous No. 156453

Wow I loved the part in your video where they threw strikes and didn’t just to Jiu jitsu. I also loved the part where they fought to the death. This is the second video you’ve posted that doesn’t prove anything dumbass

Anonymous No. 156454

No military strictly teaches one style. Every gym on base is an MMA gym.

Anonymous No. 156455

Krav Maga is MMA with no rules

Anonymous No. 156456

Yes anon, I’m sure the marines with their two weeks of MCMAP would somehow be able to out strike a professional UFC fighter with a 20-3 record and six wins by knockout. Nevermind the fact that a black belt in jiujitsu, out of anyone, is going to have the easiest time striking on the ground.

Seriously, what is this cope? What do you think the marines are going to do on the ground that’s going to negate a professional mma fighter and grappling specialist on the ground? I’d love to hear it, retard.

Anonymous No. 156457

Krav Maga is mma without fundamentals that actually make you good at fighting

Anonymous No. 156458

Yes, marines train hard at things that aren’t hand to hand fighting of which they have only a cursory knowledge. Did you notice the part paddy tapped literally everyone without getting beaten himself.

Anonymous No. 156460

Hmmm, it’s almost like the other anon said with similar time spent in their respective professions. Again you’re a dumbass

Anonymous No. 156461

Name those fundamentals right now.

Anonymous No. 156463

>What is video editing
You're believing jewtube over real life.
Biting, gouging, stabbing, etc.
>inb4 welp I dunt cee dem twayne dat way
Guess what, some shit really is too damaging to practice in any capacity. This whole thread is comparing apples to oranges, except the soldier is more of a martial artist than some fuckboi sports faggot.

Anonymous No. 156464

Bruh, doing martial arts is not the marines profession. Most marines are not regularly training martial arts. If you put a guy who’s been doing marine shit (which is a lot of different shit) for ten years against a guy who’s been doing nothing but hand to hand fighting for ten years at the professional level in a hand to hand fight with each other, the hand to fighting specialist is going to win. Full stop. I don’t understand how this is news to you, but focusing on a specific thing is going to make you better at that one thing than someone who has only cursory knowledge of it.

Anonymous No. 156465

Distance control, footwork, balance, timing. I’ve been to leave Maga classes, they don’t work this kind of shit the way combat. They work “punch the face a lot really fast” drills which only works if your opponent doesn’t know bjj ow to defend himself

Anonymous No. 156466

> You're believing jewtube over real life.
I believe professional fighters are better at fighting than people with cursory knowledge
>biting and gouging bruh
lol, I cannot believe people actually drink 2deadly4u cool aid in 2023z
>well I’d just stab you!
Hey retard, ANYONE with a knife is a significantly greater threat than someone without one

Anonymous No. 156467

>*I’ve been to Krav Maga classes, they don’t work this shit the way combat sports do
Sorry for writing like a drunk

Anonymous No. 156469

Apart from maybe balance we train all of those things?

Anonymous No. 156470

When you say hand to hand fighting, what are you referring to, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, all of the above? Those sports have rule sets. Being a soldier does not. Also in a real fight to the death, physical attributes like endurance, durability, stamina, strength are most important, which a marine would take over a mma guy

Anonymous No. 156473

What is a marine going to do that will stop a professional mma fighter in a fight without weapons. You keep saying that fighting with no rules will make such a difference but fail to explain how other than “muh biting” as if that’s going to stop someone from pounding you into the pavement.

Anonymous No. 156474

> Also in a real fight to the death, physical attributes like endurance, durability, stamina, strength are most important, which a marine would take over a mma guy
So is not getting your limbs snapped or choked unconscious, which the mma guy is going to do really quickly if you don’t actually have good grappling skills

Anonymous No. 156496

fucking legend

Anonymous No. 156514

> -ary faggot
Finished that for ya.

Anonymous No. 156544

>Lmfao, Israel wouldn’t last a month without the force and money of the US protecting it.
Seething brownoid.

That's what makes mooching off the US so egregious. They don't need it; and all they do is sell military secrets to China.

Anonymous No. 156546

>I only know how to argue using hyperbole
You dont train. Fighters are more aware than this.

Anonymous No. 156580

>you don’t train because you point out the obvious
Ok buddy, I’m sorry you don’t understand why people tap in the first place.

Anonymous No. 156583

Sorry you dont understand that this isnt fucking chess and you cant argue shit like its an absolute. Yeah an MMA guy might be able to do those things but you talk like an aikido faggot. As if its all going to be against an unresisting opponent. You're a fucking retard dude. Military practices everything you're saying & more. You're hyperfixating on some people anecdotal experiences with military styles, which like many styles, is just where their fighters start. Thats not the end of the training & if you didnt have your head stuck up your cum filled faggot ass, you would recognize this.

Anonymous No. 156600

the retards saying Krav wont work are the same ones saying they dont believe in an old white guy with a beard living in the sky.

Projecting what you consider failure of the topic instead of actually considering the topic is low-brow.

Anonymous No. 156602

Lmao, have you ever even been in the military? What exactly gives you the impression that the majority of servicemen are on a level of competence that is equivalent to a professional mixed martial artist when it comes to fighting without weapons? What would make your retard brain even think this is the case?Unless a service member chooses to train martial arts on his own time outside of what the military is teaching they’re going to get fucked up by people who have more experience. I don’t know why you think this is even a controversial opinion.
>hurr durr it’s not like chess
Yes it is. If I study playing chess more than you I’m almost certainly going to win.
>military practices all that and more
That’s exactly my point. Sure, if you join the marines they’re going to give you two weeks of MCMAP and every now and then might drill it for PT (but this is a rarity. But Anyone who practices any skill more by a wide margin than another person is almost assuredly going to be better at it. Professional UFC fighters are practicing empty hand combat way more by a wide margin. Keep seething about that for whatever reason. Even Jocko Willink talks about how studying Brazilian jiu-jitsu was light years better than the shitty LINE system the SEALs had taught him.

Anonymous No. 156608

I'm willing to fight anyone that does krav maga, there are few things I would say that about
systema, aikido, wing chun, I would fight anybody that does those also. Those are krav magas peers
I wouldn't even say I would fight anyone that does taekwondo, that's infinitely more threatening than krav maga

Anonymous No. 156613


what an uninformed thing to say, when you assume the only people who train in KM are middle-aged house wives or 16 year old autists. But i get it, you wanna win these pretend fun fights, so gotta make it be against someone you can hold your own against and say something like you did to. Actually pretty smart... is that Sun Tzu or Fookd Mynd?
The compulsion to insert your personal idea and image of what you want every KM practitioner to be like is weak AF. Saying you wouldnt fight anyone who does TKD shows your hand, ninja-boi.

Anonymous No. 156614

> Saying you wouldnt fight anyone who does TKD shows your hand
You’re reading this as if he meant he wouldn’t fight a single person who does TKD, he clearly meant that he wouldn’t just have an open offer to fight anyone and everyone who does TKD the way he would with aikido or Krav or whatever because TKD does produce world class athletes at its highest level.

Why do you act like such an above it all faggot? You act like you’re above “pretend internet fights” while passive aggressively engaging in them.

Anonymous No. 156628

Hey retard, anyone saying he would rather issue an open challenge to military style but not traditional ones, is uttlerl fucking retarded. You know what that makes you? A fag for retards. Only logical conclusion to simping this hard.

Anonymous No. 156634

I’m just going to post this video of jocko willink saying combat sports are way better than Krav Maga and that krav and shit like it should only augment your base skills. you can sperg out about how he doesn’t know anything about the military if you want.

Anonymous No. 156638

>Faggot who makes his post service living by selling his BJJ brand
Jocko is objectively a piece of shit. His service record is garbage and ever since he got out he hasn't shut the fuck up about how he extremely owns his failures & loves sucking bjj cock. If this is the best you got, thanks for proving my point.

Anonymous No. 156639

>US service member giving advice of any kind
Straight into the rubbish bin.

Anonymous No. 156640

>ok well here’s an unironic fucking navy seal telling you that’s bullshit
lol, you can leave now

Anonymous No. 156738

would you be willing to agree that a marine vs mma guy no rules/no weapons/fight to the death is not always gonna be an mma victory. I agree no marine with 15 years of experience in their profession will stand a chance against jon jones. But do you really believe the mma will stomp them every time?

Anonymous No. 156746

Getting a BJJ/MMA turd to admit fallibility is like trying to get religious people to admit there is no god.

Anonymous No. 156759


why are people acting like KM is a system you use to enter fights with? Its a self defense system, the idea is to create an opening to leave, not "win" a fight.

Anonymous No. 156764

How many times will we have this contest? 10? I'd parlay my life's savings on MMA the entire way

Anonymous No. 156771

You'd think someone who actually likes MMA would know how well parlays ever go.

Anonymous No. 156774

Would you for example parlay a 400 meter race where one person is running and the other is on a bicycle?
That's equivalent to what we're talking about here

Anonymous No. 156775

No of course not, fighting is all about odds, and being the Better fighter increases your odds. Being a much better fighter increases your odds dramatically. The fact is though, the majority of soldiers and marines are outclassed by the majority of even amateur fighters (I already posted a video of a random bjj girl choking out a marine despite him doing dirty shit like trying to slam her against the cage and canvas after applying the choke) because again, the military is not training martial arts on a regular basis. Why would they? They have fucking guns, a lot of them. This is why people like jocko see the value in combat sports over le 2deadly4u shit like krav.
Because OP opened with saying it’s the most practical art despite the fact that it’s practioners get torn apart when they do try to fight people who train actual combat sports. Never mind the fact there’s no real governing body so you have no idea what you’re actually getting. I took a trial class for krav once where one of the drills was me over and over again hammer fisting a kicking pad that the instructor held horizontally, all the while chasing him around the room in a circle he was running backwards in.
>inb4 nod reel krab
Whatever you say

Anonymous No. 156776

Why does such a stupid thread have so many replies?

Anonymous No. 156777

Why would a soldier wanna create an opening and leave instead of finishing his enemy?

Anonymous No. 156778

If you're a soldier and having a hand to hand engagement something has gone horribly wrong and you're no longer in control of the situation

Anonymous No. 156781

>despite the fact that it’s practioners get torn apart when they do try to fight people who train actual combat sports.

Bro, your only example was a JIU JITSU MATCH where a JIU JITSU practitioner was going against a random soldier who’s experience level you don’t even know.
You are legit brain dead

Anonymous No. 156787

>JIU JITSU practitioner
Mma fighter, And how do you think most sparring is done in MCMAP? It’s almost always ground fighting marines are not taught technical boxing beyond “here’s how to throw a punch”
> going against a random soldier who’s experience level you don’t even know.
Why do you assume this matters? Have you ever been in the military? They train two weeks at boot camp and then almost never again after that unless they pursue it on their own time. Produce some evidence that le military martial arts is somehow going to take out a ufc fighter when the chips are down in unarmed combat. Either that or keep coping

Anonymous No. 156797

They are failing to realize something, anybody that actually trains at a gym knows that people who were in the military come in to train all the time and they are beginners as much as anyone else
put your 4 years in the Marines and you come out still a white belt
Soldiers shoot guns and read maps, they don't fight people in hall ways with a combat knife the way movies portray it

Anonymous No. 156800

Since there's no rules, the guy on the bike gets his ass beat because he bought pedal locked shoes. Runner wins at his leisure.

Anonymous No. 156855

>I took a trial class for krav once where one of the drills was me over and over again hammer fisting a kicking pad that the instructor held horizontally, all the while chasing him around the room in a circle he was running backwards in.

Could you visit the Krav places website and tell me the head instructor’s credentials?

Anonymous No. 156858

It's funny to think that the Israeli military would be the ones to 'invent' a hand-to-hand combative system when all they do is just shoot missiles at Palestinian civilians and bulldoze living quarters of said Palestinians civilians whenever a kid shoots a tactical bottle rocket over the West Bank.

Anonymous No. 156859

I’m not going to do that because I don’t want to give out information about where I live. I will say though that despite being years ago their website is still up and they don’t list specific instructor names nor governing bodies for their classes. Also they offer two programs, “kids karate” and “adult Krav Maga” and their free trial private lesson still stands. I know a lot of people are going to come back with “well that’s fake Krav Maga, muh real Krav Maga is better” and that very well may be (somewhat) true but that’s another problem with Krav Maga on the whole. There isn’t a strong governing body to stop literally anyone from just opening a Krav Maga school and calling it legitimate.

Anonymous No. 156860


Chuck Steakschmidt, 19 year BJJ black belt and former private in US Army

Anonymous No. 156861

The founder, Imi lichtenstein, was a champion boxer and wrestler in his home country that I don’t remember. He learned after fighting off programs that it’s useful to kick people in the balls. If you really want to learn “real” Krav Maga you should just box, wrestle, kick nuts.

Anonymous No. 156862

You should just carry a anti-ballistic missile and learn Judo

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Anonymous No. 156891

Hey retard, you can literally open a gym in any style you want & you dont have to register with any governing body, they can't do shit about it. You have no fucking clue how many gyms, not just krav, are total bullshit.

Anonymous No. 156980

I've seen childrens lemonade stands get shook down by piggers for not having permits. This can't be true.

Anonymous No. 156982

I’m not denying that but the fact that governing bodies for real martial arts exists can help newcomers parse out which gyms are real and which are bullshit
By God the second amendment gives me the right to carry missiles and any ATF agent who says I can’t can suck my cock

Anonymous No. 157484

yeah I mean if it's military grade that means that civilians should use it if they want the best stuff right?

Anonymous No. 157487

I hope to God you’re taking the piss m8

Anonymous No. 157489

>Israel's military is impressive

Israel wins wars against shitty Arab nations because of western military hardware and successfully implementing blitskreig tactics used by the nazis in world war 2. Not because they do shitty karate (krav maga).

Also the modern Israel is not the same military that won the 6 day war they mostly just dunk on underdeveloped Palestinians these days, so if you think that's a sign of martial powers lol. Like thinking the cops in the Jim crow south could do kung fu because they beat up blacks using fire hoses and battons.

Anonymous No. 157660

I'm not even sure Israeli's armed forces use krav. I think they just learn basic Judo and strikes.