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🧵 Is he really smarter than every fighter in the world?

Anonymous No. 156393

What do you think of this

Anonymous No. 156425

Why should I care?
Why do you care?

Anonymous No. 156449

>Taking the advice of a washed up never was
How faggots like this get such a big following is beyond me. Like this video is all about staying CONSTANTLY engaged. This entire video is a how to get gassed manual. Then the fucking retard went and made a video about how not to get gassed, then completely contradicts himself. Look its this simple.
>Does the video start off with a manlet blowhard insisting he knows better than pros?
Then it's a load of bullshit.

Anonymous No. 156459

No, and Mike has admitted openly he makes hot take videos specifically to garner attention to his channel

Anonymous No. 156471

If someone is below 6 feet tall you can safely ignore their opinions on fighting

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Eddie Futch and M....jpg

Anonymous No. 156475

Nah, tons of great trainers are short

🗑️ Anonymous No. 156477

Manlets are the most obsessed with fighting and self-defence, actual big and strong people are the least

Anonymous No. 156480

Manlets are the most obsessed with fighting and self-defense, actual naturally big and strong men are the least interested in fighting as a whole

Anonymous No. 156482

He prefers to breathe while doing something

Anonymous No. 156492

this little white ass nigga just said he has proprietary techniques
that's all you need to know to know he's full of shit
also it's called cognitive overload and if he ever had an actual fight in his life he would know mental breaks are necessary, humans aren't machines, we need to reset
in fact exploiting this physiological weakness is the entire principle behind effectively using feints

I actually blocked his channel years ago

Anonymous No. 156516

This whole video of his contradicts what he bitches about in the one OP posted. He is nothing but hyperbole. Does he have good ideas? Yes. Does he know how to use that information & how to teach it. Hell fucking no.

Anonymous No. 156518

Yeah. It's not even a case like Freddy Roach or Danaher, where in spite of being cripples, they've coached a number of champions to success.

I'd take his advice over TMA blowhards, but I'd take a Bellator washout with guys in the regionals over him.

Anonymous No. 156523

mike actually does have some fighters under him that win regional events, so there's that at least. when compared to the majority of martial arts youtubers and nearly all opinionated redditors and the like, mike actually has skin in the game and can point to some results, albeit not extraordinary results.

Anonymous No. 156526

He seems like an average regional coach. Perhaps more openminded, and with a bit more interest in fighting outside the ring from being a cop.

Anonymous No. 156529

didn't the self defense challenge teach us anything? he's all talk

Anonymous No. 156533

He has actually been in several fights but he doesn't really fight like he's talking in the video

Anonymous No. 156534

he did alright for a middle aged manlet. to mike's credit, he's always been straight forward that strength and size are probably the most important.

Anonymous No. 156539

that's street beefs though, those guys are drunk retard tier. I mean against competent opponents

Anonymous No. 156549

>I love sucking jew cock
All "pro" means in american sports, is that the venue is owned by jews/jew puppets.

Anonymous No. 156550

Sorry not venue, promoter.

Anonymous No. 156557

How did this guy become a cop? I know size isn't everything but he's like 5'4 at 150 lbs. How the fuck did he even manage to wrap his hand around another man's wrist, let alone take them down to the ground. Who hired him? What department? Clown Town Police Department? Goofy County Sheriffs Office? Short-stuff Correctional Facility?

Anonymous No. 156571

Standards in America are pretty fucking low. It only takes about 6 months to become a cop in a lot of places.

Anonymous No. 156593

>let alone take them down to the ground
He actually has a couple of videos that show how he did his police takedowns.
They aren't terrible videos or techniques. I often teach the same takedowns to women and young teens.

Anonymous No. 156603


bro, you sound like a bitch.

Anonymous No. 156604

Why? He’s right. If the people there weren’t drunk retard tier they’d fight in real promotions not some guys backyard in South Carolina

Anonymous No. 156635

Stop being a gatekeeping faggot.

Anonymous No. 156637

Are you the same guy who regularly screeches about how training with a coach is the same as getting scammed and you’ll totally become a bro training in your moms basement? Your post reeks of the same kind of sour grapes.

Anonymous No. 156760


just seems like youre moving the goal post.

Anonymous No. 156761

Beating a drunk retard in a fight doesn't prove you know anything about fighting
Drunk retards fight other drunk retards, which means a literal drunk retard can win a fight against a drunk retard

Anonymous No. 156968

This, the only worthy opinion big guys have is "being bigger makes fighting easier"
I will take advice from a manlet that needs to train 100x more to beat a normal sized guy than a big guy who can just throw him around

Anonymous No. 156973

Considering how many drunk retards end up in the pros, your point is kinda stupid. McGregor has to be the most famous drunken retard there is.

Anonymous No. 156974

Manlets live life on hard mode so they have to perform better than average at nearly anything to get anywhere in life. Sometimes that means working your ass off training and studying for years to be able to beat untrained 6 foot tall men in a straight fight.

Anonymous No. 157806

Mike seems like the kind of guy to tickle your balls as a joke.

Anonymous No. 157811

>has he accomplished anything
>have his students accomplished anything

Anonymous No. 157821

t. nofights

Anonymous No. 157880

He doesn’t even train. He’s the retard who posts all the “training by myself” threads

Anonymous No. 158090

Is he the same retard that constantly says "not my problem" after giving a incredibly shit opinion?

Anonymous No. 158110

guy is a massive fag who sucks cock at the dojo while his wife sleeps with real men

Anonymous No. 158111


Anonymous No. 158116

That's not smart at all. Think about it logically. You have X amount of energy. You can use it all to maintain a certain amount of tension for an hour or you can not maintain constant tension and then produce even more when it counts. Even if you have a shit ton of energy you will still hit harder not wasting any than you will if you're constantly draining it.

Anonymous No. 158119

lmao he's literally making the same mistake frieza did on namek
he didn't learn anything

Anonymous No. 158334

bald manlet tiny dick excop retard

Anonymous No. 158337

The fact that he has said retarded shit in so many "martial arts" fields to the point that he even got HEMAfags against him is incredible. He basically said that someone fucking around with a sword by himself for 30 minutes would own a HEMA nerd in a vid in which he fought with plastic swords and bats with his lads like a drunken lobotomite.
He is unable of saying non-retarded takes.

Anonymous No. 158345

He also said that shadiversity was a HEMA expert which is the most offensive part to me.

Anonymous No. 159137



Is weird for me to say this...but im proud of myself for doing the best with my genetics. Im a short man, 5'4, i train since 13, no bully beat me up in the entire school, i even beat taller trained guys(from 5'10-6'1), now im trying to become a pro boxer, life feels good.

Well, of course i get no woman, my idea is getting money and helping family, friends, and community, finding happiness on the way :)

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Anonymous No. 159139

>5'4 man
Something like this?

Anonymous No. 159164

unlike most of /xs/ he actually been in a fight

Anonymous No. 159166

Attractive girls are mutilating themselves to become disfigured hairy gremlins and society applauds it

Anonymous No. 159167

This isn’t a particularly impressive fight by any metric. Is being a Bacardi wrestling tier amatuer all it takes to become a martial arts personality these days?

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Anonymous No. 159169

I think this sums it up pretty well. If Mike was 6’2 and attractive people would take the bullshit he’s saying more seriously. But sadly he’s just another bald coping manlet who would get annihilated in any fight with a fit male over 5’8, making any fight knowledge he had pointless in reality.

Anonymous No. 159170

the guy had a decent record in a really popular amateur fighting circuit, I agree isn't that impressive but when most of the board tells you to disregard muay thai and kick boxing and instead focusing on Senegalese wrestling and taichi even amateur fighters are a good source of informations

Anonymous No. 159172

It’s street beefs anon. Let’s not pretend this is a serious amatuer circuit. They’re like I said before, the backyard wrestlers of mma.

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Anonymous No. 159245

FUCK NO ANON, never!

This is my body, now im bulking to gain more muscle, then im going to cut and train better. I gain 40 pounds from the picture, im a fat ass now lol.

I thought in doing some maingaining but i need strengh also, i hava a friend who is strongman(6'8"), and we train together, its ironic that the tallest and strongest people treat me better than the average one kek

Anonymous No. 159256

that nipple placement is unfortunate as fuck

Anonymous No. 159277

nah, just some gynecomastia, its all good

Anonymous No. 159301

Would you like Shane or Gabriel Vargas telling you the same, then?

Just because this manlet is small and irritating, and can't beat anybody over 5'5, doesn't mean he is wrong.

Anonymous No. 159374


Anonymous No. 159408

shane is a hack and gabriel didn't agree
he said he stays focused and engaged, he didn't say anything about not resetting his combos

Anonymous No. 159501

he got punched in the face constantly and the only strikes he landed lacked any force to them

Anonymous No. 159519

Machida told them both that karate needs to be adapted to this age and they keep insisting with "traditional" shit

Anonymous No. 159639

there are a lot of good karate fighters in the full contact divisions