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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 156487

Is it possible to get truly amazing at striking without joining a gym? How far can you go with just being self-taught from watching videos and shit?

Anonymous No. 156488

No. Striking is all about footwork, distance, and timing. You can’t get any of that alone or with an inexperienced training partner.

Anonymous No. 156489

You don't need a gym per se, but you do need someone experienced to watch you and correct your mistakes

In the long run going alone is a hindrance because you'll have bad habits like that bald guy in the Krav thread which you will have to later correct under the supervision of someone else and may never correct them all the way. it's better to learn the right way the first time

Anonymous No. 156490

No. It's much easier to work on many aspects of it solo compared to any sort of wrestling or grappling, but you won't even become passable with just solo.

Anonymous No. 156491

You have to be one of those people who is incredibly self aware of flaws in your technique

Anonymous No. 156501

So what you’re telling me is if you can’t afford a gym, or there isn’t one near you, you’re fucked?

Anonymous No. 156503

Many peoople with full equipped gyms full of world class partners still can't dream of being amazing. Yes, you're fucked.

Anonymous No. 156504

>truly amazing?
>pretty damn good

Anonymous No. 156506

You consider that “pretty damn good”…

You serious?

Anonymous No. 156509

Post body or training video. Otherwise shut the fuck up fat boy. Watching rekt clips on /gif/ between wanks doesnt make you an expert.
You can learn all of it. Striking does not require a partner to learn at all. You dont need a partner to practice any martial art. But you will most likely not compare to someone who does train the orthodox way. Unless you have some otherworldly talent or work ethic, you will only go so far without testing yourself. But yes, you can learn striking by yourself.

Anonymous No. 156515

Compared to this huge nigga who barely does anything, I do
>captcha 204MMA

Anonymous No. 156521

Why do we need to keep having these threads? No you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 156527


Anonymous No. 156528

can anyone translate esl schizobabble?

Anonymous No. 156538

>Post body or training video. Otherwise shut the fuck up fat boy.
Nta, but that guy is straight trash and would get pieced by the random regulars at my previous gym

Anonymous No. 156541

Get a job and stop being underage.

Gyms aren't expensive if you have your priorities straight and actually have a job.
If you want something you got to work for it.

Anonymous No. 156548

Same goes for you dick riding fucboi. Post something proving we should give a fuck what you say. Otherwise keep your anecdotal bullshit to yourself.

Anonymous No. 156551

You can go as far as your intelligence and perception can take you. If you're able to mimic the strikes perfectly and you practice footwork and distance skills then you can become very capable with your offensive skills, that said offense is only half the fight and most people aren't capable or mimicking and rational thinking.

Anonymous No. 156558

>Ska8er fucbois learn infinitely more complex skills with ZERO instruction
Spending money on a martial arts gym is fucking retarded unless youre going to go 100% into it. The only reputable gym in my area charges more a month than my fucking car payment. Like I am going to pay some dipshit who cant do more than run a PE class, to suck off his ego & pay his rent. Martial arts isnt hard, but the entire martial arts community is a cult, brainwashing the world into thinking it takes years of training to perform some of the most rudimentary movements humans are capable of.

Anonymous No. 156560

Which goat shed video did you get beat up in?

Anonymous No. 156566

Broke underage cope.

Anonymous No. 156569

>Broke underage
How many minors you know making car payments? Martial arts is stupid expensive considering its a service industry with almost zero overhead. After the initial setup costs their only consistent $ drain is utilities, rent, and maybe advertising but most gyms dont bother beyond social media. Say whatever you want but the entire martial arts consumer base is essentially being scammed by PE teachers. Thats a fact.

Anonymous No. 156570

Oh an the insurance, but liability insurance is stupid cheap & you pay by the year.

Anonymous No. 156588

Get a job nigga

And yes, you still sound underage as fuck, lol.

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Anonymous No. 156611

Who am I dick riding lmao
>pretty damn good
I'm assuming you're talking about the guy who won the fight. He
>doesn't step in and open his hips to kick through his opponent
>no idea what he's doing with his arms when he kicks
>throws haymakers
>hands totally down between punches
Imagine being this butthurt about achieving mediocre street fighting tier training that you demand video evidence of someone being better

Anonymous No. 156616

I typed that post off of memory from this afternoon. To be fair to the guy, rewatching it he does actually step in. He's still missing the up and down trajectory of a proper leg kick that requires him to turn his hip over. Everything else is accurate

Anonymous No. 156619

Didn't demand video of someone. Of you, specifically. And what fucking fight are you talking about because unless you mean the guy who was in a tshirt & pants, who lost, you're dead fucking wrong in your breakdown. The only thing you said that applied to the dude in shorts was throwing haymakers which there is nothing wrong with if it works. Entire match the only guy that dropped his hands was the one who lost. Just fuck off dude, it's painfully obvious you dont train & don't know dick about fighting.

Anonymous No. 156623

kek you must be attempting to troll if you're being this retarded about analyzing a backyard brawl. How much have you trained, my obvious low IQ nigger tyrone?

Anonymous No. 156625

You're the one that started up with your Mr. Expert analysis. Dont change the subject bitch. I am not the one shitting on people acting like an expert. Wouldn't even be in this thread still of it wasn't for your dumbass.

Anonymous No. 156630

I AM an expert. I don't act

Anonymous No. 156632

What a fucking fag lol. Somebody needs to make a new "i am captain now" meme.

Anonymous No. 156636

If you really think blackie chan is pretty good, you need to watch some actual amateur fighters. Or are you going to refuse to, because it'll shatter your reality and make you realize you're floundering around at the bottom of the totem pole

Anonymous No. 156641

He is. Your wrong & a fag.

Anonymous No. 156643

It’s the same guy over and over. Give it some time and he’ll start telling you you’re a cuck for paying an instructor and that we’re all just gatekeeping him.

Anonymous No. 156648

Keep being the best gangster in your backwater town then, boy
Streetbeefs is lucky I don't live in the US. Blackie chan reminds me of this nigerian dude who started training with us about a year after me. Blackie is about the same level as him at 3 weeks

Anonymous No. 156649

>Internet tough boy shitting on people.
Either stop aruging hyperbolic bullshit or link to your matches/training. Or even less likely, stop pretending you're an expert.

Anonymous No. 156652

>dox yourself or else I don’t have to listen to you
You keep making all these shitty self training threads why don’t you post a video of your progress instead of demanding it from everyone else.

Anonymous No. 156658

Never make threads, why bother. Also just keep dodging the question. I am open to all possibilties. I am not the one bitching at people online, literally gatekeeping their experience. Tell you what, I have no recordings of myself but since you're such a pussy, here is how little I think of you.
>Sean Michael Pollard
>39822 1/2 High Street
>Cherry Valley, CA
All the info anyone would need to dox the shit out of me. Not that I give a fuck. Now post something or you can even stroll right on up my driveway for a friendly sparring session.

Anonymous No. 156659

Homie you can ask anyone I've sparred with whether I'm tough to hit, assuming that I've even tried while sparring them. Come to vancouver BC, I'll show you what's what.
>link to your matches/training
Tried competing, heard BC's insurance bullshit made it a pain in the ass, didn't want to play their game. So I focused on work instead. Fighting doesn't pay the bills until you get to the big leagues

Anonymous No. 156660

I aint even gatekeeping, I'm saying your standards are low

Anonymous No. 156662

And yours are imaginary.

Anonymous No. 156664

Saying my standards are imaginary doesn't mean what you think it means

Anonymous No. 156666

>I’m retarded with my personal info online
>that means you should be too
Considering your Californian you might not want to let everyone know you’re a 4chan user, dumbass. Then again you think martial arts clubs are exorbitantly expensive so you probably don’t have a job.

Anonymous No. 156669

>implying anyone on this entire site poses a threat to me in any form
Nice strawman pussy. None of you will do shit, ever, about anything. I have zero digital footprint, no social media, self-employed. That you fear that kind of thing and think its retarded just to share your name & address tells me exactly what kind of scumbucket neet you are.

Anonymous No. 156670

>self employed
Why can’t an entrepreneur like yourself afford 150 bucks a month for martial arts?

Anonymous No. 156673

Never said I couldn't afford it. Said it's retarded to spend your money on that. You know you can do everything a gym does just by networking a little. There is no excuse to pay for what you can get for free with just a few of the right friends.

Anonymous No. 156674

And who would those friends be? Other retards who don’t train? I’ll tell you this for free, ain’t nobody who knows their shit giving you private lessons without getting paid.

Anonymous No. 156676

I paid 180 when I first started, but that was for unlimited classes a week, including strength and conditioning. My last gym was 120 for unlimited, but there were fewer classes

Anonymous No. 156678

Other martial artists from the karate club at my school. The club only allows traditional karate but lots of folks like to spar mma afterwards.

Anonymous No. 156680

>Everyone told me I have to pay for this & I just went along with it.
Skaters dont pay to learn how to skate, most dancers learn on their own & only join studios for chances at pro jobs, etc, etc... You don't need your hand held for every step of the process ya know.

Anonymous No. 156682

You don't have to pay, I don't care. But you won't be nearly as good

Anonymous No. 156684

>Skaters dont pay to learn how to skate
Skating is for druggies and other degenerates not serious athletes
> most dancers learn on their own
That’s literally not true wtf are you talking about?
> You don't need your hand held for every step of the process ya know.
Post a video of how you’re progressing then, since you’re totally learning to be a great fighter totally on your own.

Anonymous No. 156685

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Yours just happens to be wrong cause its based on faggy consumer logic. You dont know who runs the club, what competitors there have been, etc... You know collegiate martial arts is a thing dude. Sorry you think wisdom can only come from a service you pay for, thats not the only way to get good.

Anonymous No. 156686

Not what I said retard
Just saying you dont have to pay for training if you know where to look.

Anonymous No. 156687

I actually do know who owns my club and what competitions they’ve been in. For someone who thinks he can “network” himself free training from experienced martial artists you sure do act like asking basic questions is impossible.

Anonymous No. 156689

Ok, so you know where to look then? Why are you training on your own?
>not what I said
You have been raging for a month at anons saying you’ll get just as good by training by yourself and everyone who gets instruction and trains at a club is a retard. Which is it? Are you becoming a great fighter on your own or is there greater value to proper instruction?

Anonymous No. 156690

I meant my club, jfc, reading comprehension dude.

Anonymous No. 156692

So you have a club now? I thought you were learning on your own? What happened?

Anonymous No. 156693

Its funny how you think you know whoever anyone is on an anonymous board. I said you can train alone, but you probably wont compare(go back to the beginning of the thread & you will find you are arguing with someome who agrees with you but isnt a massive gatekeeping faggot and is willing to admit you can practice martial arts alone, to a detriment) then I said you dont have to pay for good training. But go ahead and keep arguing with hyperboles againsts points I never made.

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Anonymous No. 156695

Yes, check out my moves

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Anonymous No. 156696

very cool anon, here's mine

Anonymous No. 156699

You can practice martial arts alone and make zero progress. It’s not at a small detriment, you’re not getting passed even the very basics if you even manage not to fuck those up. I’m sorry you talk exactly like the other faggot on this board who whines about gatekeeping and says having a coach is for cucks and fags. In fact you’re probably just samefagging.

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Anonymous No. 156700

Relevant excerpt from an 1865 boxing manual.

Anonymous No. 156701

skateboarding is a solo activity you do next to other people, fighting is an activity you do against other people
there needs to be others there for you to practice

Anonymous No. 156702

I literally don't think that. I'm half self trained, but you need to be one of those rare individuals who truly understand themselves to make it work. Are you one of those?

Anonymous No. 156732

Nice try blackie chan you’re not fooling anyone

Anonymous No. 156734

It's amazing how many of you awesome fighters had nothing to do on a Saturday night.

Anonymous No. 156741

Why must it be one or the other? Can't you go to a gym/club & study on your owm at home? This is what was meant by hyperbole by the way. This isn't an either or situation.
Fags like this don't train. Acting like shit posting is some kind of demanding task & we shouldnt even be here.
I hate you types. Pretending like MMA is some horribly difficult thing to grasp. It isn't, at least not mentally. Think about your daily activities, you probabaly do half a dozen things more complex than fighting, from muscle memory, with no instruction. Kinematically, martial arts is probabaly the easiest sport to get into.
Painfully white.

Anonymous No. 156763

>i wanna be the best
>but I don't wanna pay for it or go anywhere
>i just wanna watch muh YouTube clips
Many such cases. Sad.

Anonymous No. 156782

>Pretending like MMA is some horribly difficult thing to grasp
Its not, but since the average person is pretty incompetent in general, I don't have much hope for some random anon.
>Think about your daily activities, you probabaly do half a dozen things more complex than fighting, from muscle memory, with no instruction
I can't think of anything that falls under your description. Welding aluminum maybe, but I do that once in a blue moon
>Kinematically, martial arts is probabaly the easiest sport to get into.
It is, but there are painfully obvious levels to this when you broaden your scope beyond amateur/hobbyist fighting

Anonymous No. 156785

and tbqh senpai you probably would get better faster with a skating coach. it's just that the culture doesn't produce skating instructors. the traditional way to learn is to be a 14 year old shithead with a ton of free time and just skate all day, getting pointers every now and then from older kids who are better than you. bafflingly, this is still the primary way to learn skating. no work has been done on coming up with a pedagogy for skating because skaters are not intellectual, to be blunt.

solo activities still have instructors. piano tutors for example. you can definitely learn piano on your own but you will develop bad habits and it will be a much slower process. this is true for basically everything and it's doubly true for martial arts.

Anonymous No. 156815

> Can't you go to a gym/club & study on your owm at home
Yes but that’s not what self training people on this board are asking about you dunce.

Anonymous No. 156817

I'm pretty good at solo self taught drumming. I can play along to all sorts of songs, I can blast out solos, I can switch between my kit and other percussion.

I can't play in a band worth a fuck, because I've never spent any time doing it. Good luck letting me keep everyone in time.

tardlord No. 157256

>truly amazing

It's certainly possible to get better without a gym as most gyms are dogshit.
They'll waste time on crap like pushups without explaining technique.

I trained at mt and boxing gyms for a couple of years, and coaches would go "don't PUSH, STRIKE" and refuse to elaborate. Years later I chanced upon an explanation of double contraction in boxing. Took me 5 minutes to read and 2 minutes to implement in practice. Instantly stronger punches. Same for things like footwork. With internet, you have access to coaches like marvin cook or precision striking. Some has-been from a nearby gym cannot compete.

The only use for an average gym in this day and age is sparring. Otherwise it's wasted time since you're gonna have to drive there, waste time on jumping jacks, jogging, stretching, and only actually work on technique/spar 30% of time. Why would anyone want to skip rope when they can shadowbox and train footwork and endurance that way?

Anonymous No. 157277

Sounds like gyms in YOUR are are shit. I don’t know a single decent fighter or coach who couldn’t explain what they meant by “don’t push your punches”. Sorry you got mcdojoed

Anonymous No. 157304

Have to agree with this anon. Tensing up when your fist hits the target is punching 101. A rigid mass transmits force better.

Anonymous No. 157333

Nobody seems to have mentioned that if you don't get consistently punched in the face in training you will most likely freeze and panic when it happens in a real fight. That alone is a reason why you can't get "amazing" on your own

Anonymous No. 157338

As other anons have said, 99% of people do not become “truly amazing” at striking even with high level professional coaching. Chances are you will never be better alone than a regular dude with 2 weeks training in an actual gym.

Anonymous No. 157368

There is a lot fine to tuning that goes into making someone good vs average in striking alone, even without thr soarring aspect. Guys like the autist in this thread aren't even aware of the bad habits they have most of the time will never really learn what it's like to hit either

Anonymous No. 157380

>the onlu way to condition your flinch/freeze response is getting punched in the face
I am constantly reminded that martial artists are not known for being intelligent.

Anonymous No. 157388

I’m constantly reminded that this board is full of retards who have never fought but assume they’re good at fighting

Anonymous No. 157404

No, because distance management and moving without overextending require a partner. That's the fundamental basis of good striking, not your combos or the crispness, but being to place your body in the correct position to do damage and minimize risk.

Anonymous No. 157438

>Is it possible to get really amazing at striking without joining a gym? No, impossible.

>How far can you go just being self taught by watching videos and shit? Considering that it is applied, train hard, manage to correct flaws and forms, you will lack defense, notion of distance, reaction speed.

I would say that the attack can be well trained, but the defense is the main flaw.

Anonymous No. 157456

>Guys like the autist in this thread aren't even aware of the bad habits they have most of the time will never really learn what it's like to hit either
Nailed it

Anonymous No. 157457

>I can learn to work through being hurt by thinking about it real hard

Anonymous No. 157473

>Is it possible to get truly amazing at striking without joining a gym?
>How far can you go with just being self-taught from watching videos and shit?
You will learn to throw mediocre strikes, maybe better than joe schmo at the bar, but you will not know how to actually fight (countering, evasion, cardio, managing adrenaline dump, etc.).
You could hypothetically train with friends for fun but you would never get as good as someone with proper instruction, if that's important to you. Get some money and join a gym if you want to be good.

Anonymous No. 157479

You can always tell who's self-taught on a garage boxing bag, they have a lot of confidence looking like a flailing retard.

Anonymous No. 159602

Semi related question to OP. How far can you get by joining a casual boxercise muay thai gym with a trainer that do pad work and teach techniques but no sparring? Their social media marketing emphasizes on weight loss, self defense and women friendliness. They have a 10 months promotional package. Should I take it as my first introduction to martial arts?

Anonymous No. 159603

Probably not too far. Sounds like a typical mcdojo.

Anonymous No. 160088

Guaranteed you will learn incorrect technique and your trainers won't know and/or care

Anonymous No. 160157

I trained for a while in Vancouver who's your coach? Kaleb?

Anonymous No. 160174

I was able to win a fight once because I used knowledge I gained from watching UFC to choke out a bigger opponent. I imagine you could teach yourself. It is certainly no substitute for first hand training with an expert.

Anonymous No. 161232

Who? Kalib starnes? Don't even know what gym he trains/coaches at. I did muay thai, not MMA. I used to lift at the attached gym that tristan connelly coaches at (its actually the other way around, connelly's gym is just a room in that building)

Anonymous No. 161263

Get a friend to spar with, shoulder strikes only, learn to avoid and control the distance, if you want to add in jabs/crosses, make sure to hit only chest and use the same principle as point fighting in karate just to get better at distance management, this is done so you don't have to bear injuries from training.

No weak punches allowed.

Anonymous No. 164841
