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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 156547

Thoughts on Andrew Tate’s boxing tutorial?

Anonymous No. 156552

Garbage. Even as far as basics go he doesnt actually cover anything. Just stands around talking, drifting back into grifter mode, rambling on and on without saying anything besides hollow faggy incel inspirational bullshit. Spent 99% of the vid talking, cause thats all he fucking is. I am over 100lbs overweight and havent fought in years. I guarantee I would still annihilate this faggot.

Anonymous No. 156556

If he had a school that allowed me to hit Andrew Tate as physically hard as possible with a very big hammer I would take it.

Anonymous No. 156559

I don’t know man, I think he moved maybe a little too fast for the newbie but overall gave fantastic advice

Anonymous No. 156561

He talked. All he did was talk and regurgitate shit that, no isnt good advice, it's common fucking sense. He offered nothing. His basics could be gleamed from the wikipedia page on boxing. For faggot that hypes himself so much, there should have been more. The whole point of a basics vid isnt to give the general broadstrokes like you're reading a for dummies book. When I watch the "basics" vids of people who should be pro, I expect more. Because a pros basics arent going to be basic, get it. He is all talk.

Anonymous No. 156563

Maybe boxing just isn’t that complex of a sport?

Anonymous No. 156564

Maybe Tate just isn't a good fighter/teacher/human.

Anonymous No. 156567

Okay wow

Let’s unpack this.

First of all, Andrew Tate is a multiple time kickboxing WORLD Champion. I think objectively he is a much more qualified teacher of martial arts than you or I.

Second of all, none of the charges brought up against the Top G have been proven without a reasonable doubt.

You’ve already exposed yourself on being 100 pounds overweight. Well guess what? Andrew Tate is in peak physical condition, despite the trials and tribulations he’s faced by corrupt backwards women hating regimes like Romania.

Anonymous No. 156568

>In my dreams I gargle Tate cum
He's a fag, so are you, anyone listening to his advice is an auto-fag. Championships must not mean much if such a fag can win them with his garbage ass technique. Maybe thats why he got his shit kicked when he tried to change to MMA. Look this faggot doesnt even think you should cook your own meals. Hes a retard on so many levels that the idea of listening to him, about anything, makes you retarded.

Anonymous No. 156576


Anonymous No. 156579

Ummm well if you’re as rich and famous as him you don’t need to make your own meals, when you can have the best cuisine in the world, or have his harem of women cook for him. It must easy being that handsome and charming.

Anonymous No. 156581

Hope he sees this bro

Anonymous No. 156589

Dude, you're a fag. Like, not even in 4cham context. Any living creature that comes to this site and simps for any other man like this, is a guaranteed for real homo.

Anonymous No. 156591

Being a good fighter doesn't automatically translate into being a good teacher.
Teaching is it's own specialized skill set that has to be learned and practiced to get good.

I haven't seen Tate fight and honestly don't have much of a option on him.
But judging by the video presented alone you can tell he doesn't teach or coach boxing much but has a lot of experience with the subject.
Basically he just needs more practice training people, especially beginners.

I also kinda hate threads that basically should be youtube comments sections, at least before they broke the comment section for "reasons".

Anonymous No. 156605

>ok wow
>let’s unpack this
Nice reddit spacing and twitter speak, faggot

Anonymous No. 156618

Half of fighting is understanding how to think about technique. Obviously mike doesn't know shit, so tate has to get him to learn the conceptual aspects of fighting first. Yeah sure you can go straight into teaching him how to jab, but at that point all he's doing is mimicking you and he won't be able to progress by himself. Mike would only be doing what you say tate is doing, which is regurgitating

Anonymous No. 156622

No. Go fuck yourself. Fighting is not some mystical bullshit to wrap your mind around. Physical mimicry & sparring, thats all there really is to good fight training. Learn by doing. This is fact, this is common sense. If your instructor is spending more time talking than demonstrating, he's a fucking retard, and you are too.

Anonymous No. 156626

Its not mystical, but you need to learn to think about angles, openings,counters, and counters to counters if you're ever going to become a cerebral and creative fighter. And its absolutely necessary to understand those concepts if you're not receiving full time instruction.
Are you the same fuckhead from the self learning thread?

Anonymous No. 156631

Best way to learn how to thinl about those things are by doing?
>Are you the same fuckhead from the self learning thread?
I just said mimicry & sparring is the only way to go. Fuck you're dense.

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Anonymous No. 156642

>Best way to learn how to thinl about those things are by doing?
Wrong. You learn the concepts first, and then you drill the technique. When you understand why you throw something with "proper" technique, your brain is able to chain each strike together much faster. Doing it your way, it'd take you months to throw a jab I'd consider to be impressive. My way takes a few weeks at most
>I just said mimicry & sparring is the only way to go. Fuck you're dense.
But you're wrong, see above. Sparring is to get you used to being punched and testing how you react under pressure, it doesn't improve your technique

Anonymous No. 156644

>I don't train or fight

Anonymous No. 156646

Sparring doesnt improve your technique? You really dont train.

Anonymous No. 156647

Not him, but I would say no. Improving your technique is done through drilling. Sparring is for calibrating those techniques for use under pressure. I don’t consider those two things to be the same.

Anonymous No. 156650

I did, I have half a decade of intense (not hobbyist tier) formal training under my belt, in addition to my own study. I'm the same anon on this board that's been saying it since a year ago
When you progress past mindless repetition of what your coach demos, you'll understand there's another few levels above it.

Anonymous No. 156651

Then you're a fucking retard arguing semantics.

Anonymous No. 156653

Cool story bro

Anonymous No. 156654

I’m really not, because there’s a lot of noobs who come to the gym and want to jump right into sparring because they think that’s how you get good. The fact is you’re not going to get anywhere unless you have your fundamentals down THEN learn how to apply them under pressure. You improve your techniques first, then calibrate it.

Anonymous No. 156655

>no comeback or description of his own training
So you admit you're just stupid

Anonymous No. 156661

Neither have you. Just bullshitted about your experience level.

Anonymous No. 156663

Would you actually respond to a description of my training or would I be wasting my time?

Anonymous No. 156667

Would you even believe it?
Dude we can literally say anything to each other. I am not interested in shitting on people unless they're shitting on others & hyping themselves up. So if you think you can engage in a genuine discussion without resorting to hyperbole, it might not be a waste of time. Up to you.

Anonymous No. 156668

Not him, but considering you’re claiming to have high level training for over a decade I’m interested in hearing about it.

Anonymous No. 156671

What a crock of shit this thread has turned into.

I've seen train accidents with better outcomes.

Anonymous No. 156672

I'm not shitting on him, I genuinely think blackie chan is a mediocre street fighter and is trash compared to people who've trained properly. He might win fights in the hood but not in the ring
>you’re claiming to have high level training for over a decade
Reread the post

Anonymous No. 156675

>I have half a decade of intense (not hobbyist tier) formal training under my belt
Ok, so what was your training like for those 5 years then. Btw, redirecting an anon instead of just correcting them and answering the question. Bitch move. Whats the matter? Still waiting for bing to finish writing you a training routine you can take credit for?

Anonymous No. 156677

>I'm not shitting on him
>is trash
Gonna OD if you keep sucking all them dicks faggot.

Anonymous No. 156683

I'm playing halo with the boys now
You should be happy I'm negging a nig

Anonymous No. 156688

>Racist neet vidya faggot
That explains everything.

Anonymous No. 156694

I'm a contractor kek

Anonymous No. 156698

btw if you want to know
1 year of 1hr S&C, 1hr kickboxing, 5x week on top of framing houses during the day
4 years of muay thai 2-4x/wk and 3-4x/wk weightlifting
Gained 35lbs of muscle during that time, sparred and trained with guys that fought in thai stadiums

Anonymous No. 156730

No one here gives a shit about Tate, so it's not really surprising that things drifted off topic.
Especially given that there have been a few active posters in a foul mood and a couple others who keep searching them out and feeding them negative attention.
I am just glad they have been keeping it mostly contained to lower quality threads like this one, or the thousandth thread asking if you can learn martial arts alone without leaving the house or whatever variation of the stupid question is this time.

Anonymous No. 156744

>Larp larp larp
As long as people keep posturing here this board is eventually going to be just like /fit/
>Post Body
For every faggot who reads this... Your words on an anonymous image board mean nothing. Anyone can say anything. If your going to keep acting like this then its time for tits or gtfo, ya know. Cause you're the only one in any of the martial arts threads right now, jacking himself off, larping harder than anyone else.

Anonymous No. 156784

Why do you think this is a larp? What I did is not that hard, it just takes discipline and willpower. It makes it far easier when you honestly enjoy training too
When I take up new hobbies, they become my life. That was muay thai for 5 years

Anonymous No. 156796

I hate the "bullets are small that's why they hurt" shtick, when you punch someone you aren't Punching a hole in their head, you try to turn it and rattle their brain

Anonymous No. 156806

i won't click that, nigger

Anonymous No. 156810

So many people here falling for a bald Romanian grifter has to be a low point in 4chans history

Anonymous No. 156824

But you're ignoring the context. You hit someone in the jaw/face with your knuckles with the intent to break something. Hitting with only 2 knuckles halves the contact patch and doubles the pressure on those 2 points, increasing the chance of breaking your opponent's facial bones
Basic physics

Anonymous No. 156828

>You hit someone in the jaw/face with your knuckles with the intent to break something.
No you don't, retard. As the other anon said, when boxing you are trying to rattle their brain, not "break something". Knuckles are small and fragile, chins are not. You're going to break your hand before your break your opponent's chin.

When punching you are trying to maximize impulse, and thus maximize the change in momentum of your target. You want the highest possible force imparted over the smallest amount of time... it's not about pressure.

Anonymous No. 156830

Maybe you try rattling their brain because you just point fight, but I go for weak points to break your face. I don't want to just fight you for sport, I want you to fear fighting me

Anonymous No. 156831

He’s trying to rattle their brain because doing so turns their brain off you retard. That’s infinitely more effective than “breaking their face”, LARPer

Anonymous No. 156832

I know it does, I'm saying I'd rather injure you than knock you out. The KO comes after your orbitals are caved in and your jaw is cracked

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Anonymous No. 156835

>I'm saying I'd rather injure you than knock you out. The KO comes after your orbitals are caved in and your jaw is cracked

Anonymous No. 156852

>You're going to break your hand before your break your opponent's chin.
You just went full retard.
Not only is there fuck tons of objective evedence of jaws being broken with punches without breaking the knuckles but I have personally seen it happen right before my eyes.

You have to be fully retarded to think that jaws are more durable or whatever than a fist.

Anonymous No. 156856

Your metacarpals are much smaller and much more prone to fracture than your jaw. Boxers don’t just wear wraps and gloves to protect their opponents. I know what I’m talking about bud.,the%20upper%20extremities%20(7.4%25).

Anonymous No. 156857

>I know what I’m talking about
I highly doubt the guy who thinks he’s going to intentionally cause injury before causing a knockout to make people afraid of you has ever been in a real fight

Anonymous No. 156868

Yes. You might respect me after I KO you, but if I permanently damage you and then KO you, that's when you fear me. Or alternatively you get angry that I injured you, so you want to fight again. Then I get to have fun for a 2nd time
The guy you're replying to isn't even me lol

Anonymous No. 156869

>I know what I’m talking about bud.
You Literally don't know anything about this.
For fuck sake ask any er doc or nurse about people getting their jaws broke from punches.

The jaw is not a hard target. It's one of the parts of the face you can punch hard without causing damage to your hands.

You sound like you tried to block one too many punches with your chin with how stupid your overall assertion is.
And no, your largely unrelated pubmed article you googled up and didn't read doesn't prove anything about what is actually being talked about.

Anonymous No. 156875

>against the Top G
You need to stop idolizing niggers and fuck off back to twitter.
Nothing you glowie fags do will ever make me even take a peek of this nigger content. Nothing.

Anonymous No. 156901

Sample size = 120
>The majority of the subjects, 22 (73.3%), suffering maxillofacial fractures were kickboxers.
You're a fucking retard.
Sample size = 282
>Seventeen (6.0%) fractures occurred, with 8 hand fractures,
>6% of 282 = 17 approximately
So just based on these two studies, the jaw is the significantly weaker bone.

Anonymous No. 156903

If you punch someone in the face/jaw and something breaks it is most likely going to be your hand.

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Anonymous No. 156907

You're right. I should consult someone more knowledgeable, like a doctor or a nurse.
Oh. Wait.

>Epidemiology of professional bare-knuckle fighting injuries
>Observational data collection for all state-sanctioned professional bare-knuckle fighting bouts was conducted sequentially over a two-year period from June of 2018 through November of 2020.
>There were 141 bouts conducted during the study period. (282 individual combatants)
>Seventeen (6.0%) fractures occurred, with 8 hand fractures, 6 nasal fractures, 2 orbital fractures, and 2 dental fractures.
Would you look at that. Who could have guessed?

>Kickboxing was found to be the most significant cause of facial and jaw fracture injuries. The majority of the subjects, 22 (73.3%), suffering maxillofacial fractures were kickboxers.
Interesting. I wonder what those KICKboxers would be doing differently from non-KICK boxers to have a higher rate of maxillofacial fractures? Maybe the study will tell us:
>However, kickboxing was found to be more injurious than the other combat sports with regard to facial and dental fractures because more force is applied by kicks to the jaws rather than punches.
WOAH!!!! Truly groundbreaking here.

Speaking of those fractures, what were they? Seems like 2 out of 59 bone fractures (that's 3.3% of facial fractures by the way) were to the mandible (that's the jaw by the way), while the other 57 were to the nose and zygoma (that's the cheekbone by the way). That's a lot, when compared to the 199 total FACIAL injuries.

I wonder how we can reduce the rate of facial fractures (55 out of 120 or 45.1% of athletes) and especially mandibular fractures (2 out of 59 or 3.3% of facial fractures, 2 out of 199 or 1.0% of facial injuries) in Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Boxing, and Taekwondo. It's a much more serious problem than hand fractures (8 out of 17 or 47.1% of total fractures, 8 out of 123 or 6.5% of total injuries) in bare knuckle boxing.

Anonymous No. 156910

You are again proving how retarded you are.
What you cited isn't evedence of your retarded claim that knuckles are weaker and hurt by jaws, or that punching someone in the jaw is more likely to break the punchers hand then the person being punched jaw.
The shit you cited is basically a red herring in context.

Anonymous No. 156917

This nigger really just tried to appeal to his own authority. Strong argument doc.

Anonymous No. 156940

Wow anon you’re really tough and cool. I respect you so much

Anonymous No. 156949

Don’t respect him. FEAR him.

Anonymous No. 156956

Brittle bones, drink your milk
Injury statistics aren't even accurate, considering they don't account for what part of the head boxers are punching when they get those fractures
>inb4 but you didn't read the study
No I didn't, but you didn't point that out either, so clearly its not in there

Anonymous No. 156979

You both are huge fucking faggots. If you want a study that specific then go become a scientist & do it yourself. Until it exists you're going to have to settle for approximations. So stop arguing in hyperbole and move the fuck on you bitch ass cock gobblers.

Anonymous No. 156981

You don’t need scientific studies to make reasonable observations like “my hand has not broken everytime I’ve punched someone in the jaw”

Anyone who discards practical and common sense observations and demands scientific studies is a faggot and a midwit.
Go back to your self training thread

Anonymous No. 156984

Guess what retard
Thats me, I agree with you, and if you weren't such a luddite you would know that the data supports you. But its not surprising cause you can't even be bothered to read a short study. Like i said, your both faggots.
Saw that word being thrown around alot, looked it up, the boot fits like it was made by a fucking fairy princess.

Anonymous No. 156985

>your both
Neither of the people you were responding to are me
>you should read muh short study on 4chan
Go back to r*ddit, midwit
>I had to look up the definition of hyperbole
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 157008

>If you want a study that specific then go become a scientist & do it yourself
But I don't want a study that specific, because I'm not interested in your beta nonfightfag opinion. Drink your milk

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transverse shaft ....jpg

Anonymous No. 157023

>I'm right, go ask any doctor!!!!
>You are a doctor? Nice appeal to authority...
You can go ahead and imagine the smug soi face yourself

Nobody is going to have a study where someone punches someone else's chin until a fracture happens you absolute fucking retard. Go do it yourself.

>Injury statistics aren't even accurate, considering they don't account for what part of the head boxers are punching when they get those fractures
Again, where are you going to get that data? And why does it matter in the context of trying to break someone's jaw in a fight? They're going to resist, not just stand there.
Not to mention, handwraps are allowed in bare knuckle boxing, which stabilizes the hand and wrist, reducing chance of hand injury.

Reasonable observations like "these tiny jointed bones with obvious weak points are stronger than the largest and strongest bone in your face."

Anonymous No. 157024

Tell you what, why don’t you let a boxer bare knuckle punch you as hard as he can in the jaw. Since your chin is so much stronger than his wimpy knuckles you should be perfectly fine while their hand will completely shattered.

Anonymous No. 157028

Didn’t Mike Tyson break his hand in a street fight?

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Anonymous No. 157030


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Anonymous No. 157033

Yes, probably not on someone’s jaw though. If he did that man was eating through a tube the rest of his life

Anonymous No. 157039

>Wearing wrapping and gloves

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Anonymous No. 157040


Why don’t you fuckers just ask ChatGPT?

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Anonymous No. 157041

Because it's a language model that puts together strings of words that it finds are most related with the question. It doesn't actually think, consider, or evaluate.
You can literally get chatGPT to say anything you want.

Anonymous No. 157045

>Again, where are you going to get that data?
I don't know, I'm not the one who's trying to prove hands are more fragile than the jaw

Anonymous No. 157048

Since my data isn’t good enough for (YOU) I guess we have no choice but to conclude that hands are stronger than jaws based on… well… they just are ok!???

Anonymous No. 157066

It doesn't even matter which is scientifically stronger, because you should be going for weak points on the face anyway. Trying to break someone's forehead with your fist definitely won't be better than the jaw or the nose or the eye socket

Anonymous No. 157200
