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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 156722

is knife fighting /xs/ ?

what kind of extreme sport would best condition you to survive a stabbing attempt ?

Anonymous No. 156753

Arnis/Kali/Eskrima all the same thing. Bout the only style I trust for weapons training. Human weapon did an episode on it once. Fuckers be shank happy over there. Strict gun control but still lots of lawlessness so everyone carries some kind of knife or machete.

Anonymous No. 156755

I keep wondering when a bigger competition scene is gonna pop up in the west. I know everyone's opinion of them is necessarily high, but the Dog Brothers are as close as it ever got.

Anonymous No. 156756


Anonymous No. 156757

Not to be a downer but I think thats as good as it may get unless some modified style comes along. Its just too violent for delicate american sensibilities, fucking hypocrits. Trouble is Arnis isn't as rigid as fencing/kendo. You're going to be getting hit everywhere. I can't imagine an adequate protective measure that wouldn't interfere too much.

Anonymous No. 156822

You are going to get stabbed in a knife fight. Doesn’t matter what you do.
My coaches friend got jumped guy a guy with a knife once. Even though he “won” the fight, his hand was completely destroyed.

As far as survival goes, all the usual things apply. The biggest thing is being able to see it coming. A knife is most often a surprise weapon, being kept concealed until just before you’re going to get stabbed. If you think someone has a knife, run.
You could also buy a sword or a ringmesh shirt. Personally, I walk around in full plate armor. No mere knifeman would dare challenge me.

Anonymous No. 157108

yes there is no way to avoid damage in a knife attack, unless one has armor covering their forearm which is unlikely. so no way to stop slashes.

It's best to let the stabber go first and bet on catching them, or them fucking up, that is the only way you come out alive in a knife fight.

honing boxing skills, cardio and the abovementioned sports should help but it's always a gamble.

Anonymous No. 157114

>You could also buy a sword or a ringmesh shirt. Personally, I walk around in full plate armor. No mere knifeman would dare challenge me.
Unfortunately because of how shitty this board is, I can't tell if you're joking.
>there is no way to avoid damage in a knife attack
You're right, its a gamble, and getting hurt in a conflict is likely, but it is possible to get through without a scratch, just unlikely.

Anonymous No. 157148

I suspect the majority of fighters who would otherwise have the time and interest to get involved are taking part in established foam, rattan, and steel combat sports like Dagorhir, SCA heavy weapons, and Armored Combat League.

Anonymous No. 157154

Fuck off back to your heem thread.

Anonymous No. 157198

I think I'll stay in this knife thread.

Anonymous No. 157230

Weird that riot cops never worry about this but somehow it's a huge issue for teenage neets

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Anonymous No. 157232

Normal people don't have shield walls, riot armor, gas, batons, and rubber bullets. Regular police absolutely worry about knives. The Germans have special anti-knife cops who wear chainmail when responding to riots and ill-behaved hadjis:

Anonymous No. 157233


Guess they brought the wall down too soon

Anonymous No. 157396

You're a teenage neet who has no idea how much they worry about that shit. Many brands of bullet proof vests are lined with steel wire mesh to stop knives.

Anonymous No. 157462

Police training documentary "Surviving Edged Weapons" (1988):
two tl;dw versions:

Anonymous No. 157463

Part and parcel m8
Hypothetically I think your best option (besides being armed) would to just unload with a few low roundhouses or a quad stomp. This has literally ended all but a few fights on da street for me

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Anonymous No. 157464

good ol side kick to the knee is one of the best

Anonymous No. 157466


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Anonymous No. 157511

>You are going to get stabbed in a knife fight. Doesn’t matter what you do.
>yes there is no way to avoid damage in a knife attack
nice memes

Anonymous No. 157534

It's more of it's nearly impossible to score objectively and isn't comprehensible to a general audience as a spectator sport.

Have you actually seen footage of eskrima stick fights?
It's not that it's "too violent". It's that the sticks are so light that people flail at each other like they both activated flurry of blows and action surge at the same time with very little successful defense especially if they are armored.
And because the sticks are doing nothing it then becomes a grappling match within a second or two.

Shit does not make for compelling viewing once the novelty wears off, and I am not so sure about the usefulness as a training method as the eskrima sticks don't really translate to real world weapon fighting.

Anonymous No. 157535

Cops have guns, armor, and backup.
Only thing they really have to do is stay situationally aware and they have all they need to win with ease.

Anonymous No. 157695

Apache knife fighting knife fighting is surprisingly legit due to it's simplicity and extremely straight forward training methodology.

It's basically
>here are some basic moves
>here is a little history and culture
>now spend the whole weekend sparing with training knives until you get the hang of it
>repeat as often as you can get a few guys and some training knives together
Training is like 80% sparing.

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Anonymous No. 157756

Should I take up serious knife-fighting "classes" if I MAY eventually go to prison? (for offing chomos). I would try to hire an ex- special forces cop ,or whatever.
Both learning to use a shank against another shank user, and defending bare-handed against shank attacker.

Anonymous No. 157757

any man who uses force (cops, military) to protect the PRO-CONDON germ*n state is worse than the worst of anti-birth-control knifemaster salafist

Anonymous No. 157795

>I would try to hire an ex- special forces cop ,or whatever
Why are people under the impression that these types of people have any significant knowledge or experience about knife fighting? If anything they may have been taught sentry removal techniques but that’s not what you need and is exceptionally easy if you’re in a situation where you have a knife, they don’t, and have the jump on them. If anything you should be asking people with experience as corrections officers and actual prisoners. On the outside you should also be getting really good at standup grappling since that more than anything is probably going to save your life.

Anonymous No. 157803

While you're certainly correct about your initial, the average CO is dumber than the average inmate, and has probably been in less fights. Cell entry teams, high risk facility, sure. But that's far from most.

Anonymous No. 157808

>Cell entry teams, high risk facility
Without looking into it, that sounds like a cool job. What's that niche like?

Anonymous No. 157814

Sort of a less casually deadly door kicking that military and fed types do. Breach cell, restrain, drag out. Probably more likely to get shit thrown at you, aids needles stabbed, or something else equally disgusting than those two, but at least you're not getting blown up. Stress can be a lot different, because you're more likely to have interaction history with an inmate than you are Baghdad Billy or Meth Making Mike.

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Anonymous No. 157881

Never underestimate prison tech

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Anonymous No. 157882

dang, tiny image

Anonymous No. 157895

>wanting to go to a prison everyday voluntarily
I will never understand people who do those jobs.

Anonymous No. 158037

>that sounds like a cool job
You think getting bloody aids shit thrown at you then wrestling a naked mentally ill aids filled ball of muscle having a psychotic episode and covered in self inflicted cuts and their own shit sounds cool?
It's not.

Anonymous No. 158039

I used to be an EMT, I used to wrestle, and I used to be a bouncer. You're making it sound like all three of these together, which sounds cool.

Anonymous No. 158123

Wtf is this an organized fight ???

looking at the subhuman audience, more likely. based.

think of all the centuries and centuries of samurai and swordfighting videos that we'll never get to see because camera wasn't invented.

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Anonymous No. 158127

thanks a lot man I'm fucking scared now I already dont go outside but I used to trust people and

thanks a lot pal

Anonymous No. 158147

wait CAN aids be transmitted trough shit?
and doesn aids make you a hunchback skeleton? can an aids-ridden faggot be a ball of muscle?

Anonymous No. 158185

It probably started as the same kind of yapping off you see in a normal street fight, hoping the other backs off. One pulls out a knife and starts threatening the other, expecting him to back off. Then the other guy also pulls out a knife, and calls the other guy a pussy unwilling to fight with knife, hoping he’ll back off. Next thing you know their desire to scare the other into submission and “win” by standing their ground ends with the two of them exchanging blows, one of which evidently ended in a thrust to either the heart or subclavian artery which killed one of them quick. The legal system will kill the other.

All in all, this is similar to the way a tremendous amount of duels in both Europe and Asia went down. Two retards fighting each other over a petty dispute that neither of them wanted to conduct but were convinced they had to do in order to be not seen as a pussy. Hell, if you read hagakure the author describes a duel where two samurai met, determined that their dispute was not actually worth fighting over, but realized that they’d look like bitches if they didn’t fight so instead one died in the field and the other committed suicide after. Some shit doesn’t change I
Guess, but seeing how poverty fags kill each other over petty bullshit takes a lot of the romanticism out of the history of dueling.

Anonymous No. 158294

>wait CAN aids be transmitted trough shit?
It can if that shit is tainted with the blood of a sodomite's torn rectum.
>and doesn aids make you a hunchback skeleton?
Over time, yes.
>can an aids-ridden faggot be a ball of muscle?
Yes, for a time.

Anonymous No. 158296

Had a cop/security with a side handle baton in the crowd that stayed back the whole time.
If it was security then it makes sense why they didn't get involved.

Anonymous No. 158368

>and doesn aids make you a hunchback skeleton? can an aids-ridden faggot be a ball of muscle?
Also worth mentioning that an HIV-positive person may not have AIDS yet but can give it to you.

Anonymous No. 158376

>what kind of extreme sport would best condition you to survive a stabbing attempt ?

Track and field (sprinting)

Anonymous No. 159084

I love bad girls. I'm a guy.

I would be willing to work in a women's prison but never in a mens, lol. same reason why women become cops.

As for the other non-sexual crowd, seriously no comprehensible reason to sign up for such a job other than low IQ

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Anonymous No. 159205

it's a demo and I can't attest to its efficacy, but it sure seems like it'd work just fine.

Anonymous No. 159917

>dude just go into stabbing range and try to grab his hand

Anonymous No. 159921

Typical self defence against a mannequin. Better listen to him

Anonymous No. 159954

try to come up with your own opinions instead of taking them from youtubers

Anonymous No. 159959

people learn and develop through imitation, nothing is original

Anonymous No. 159960

NPC cope

Anonymous No. 159961

Proper knife fighting in not something I can learn by myself

Anonymous No. 159962

You can analyze ideas from YouTubers to assimilate the good ones into your own thoughts and arguments but lazily deferring your text and image board argument to some guy on another website who rambles on in a video for a third of an hour is retarded.

Anonymous No. 159963

Sounds like working at a women's prison would be a good way to get yourself locked up in a men's prison.

Anonymous No. 159968

Yes, but usually not just for getting caught fucking them. Dumb COs who stick their dick in caged pussy also get themselves involved in trafficing contraband, by passing communication barriers, or otherwise fucking up royally. Just being busted for sex is usually a firing with no pension, at worst.

Anonymous No. 159993

Look this.

Anonymous No. 159997

Another real knife duel

Anonymous No. 160000

Other example:

Anonymous No. 160001

>Best to let the stabber go first
Bitch it's a fucking knife, run away, throw your shit at them, shoot them, but get away from the knife

Anonymous No. 160232

Seriously why wouldn't you just low kick and run way away if you have to
Meme shit that will get you dead

Anonymous No. 160246

So, if someone is knife charging should i jsut go for a kick?

I doubt i outrange with my arm vs their arm + knife

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Anonymous No. 161459

looks like he brought a screwdriver to a knife fight

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Anonymous No. 161471

If you have a sturdy belt, and can take it out quickly enough, try to use it as a whip to hit the knife nigger in the eyes or face or even the hand with the knife
>and then run away, the belt shit is just to damage him and gain time

Anonymous No. 161481

I have seen this in a literal webm.

somewhere on /pol/ I think, some serb/polack/russian subhuman is having sex with a fat whale woman and her husband or someone busts into the room and starts stabbing. He is unable to stab the sex-haver as he keeps kicking away at him.

mind you the sex-having homewrecker dude is backed to a fucking corner and death should have been certain.

he DOES GET STABBED but 3 kicks to hold back the stabhappy jealous/cuck bf/husband and he's OUTTA THERE.

Kino webm but i forgot to save it.

Anonymous No. 164395

>>158376 this
>>161471 if you have your housekeys on a long chain, in your pocket, you can very quickly swing it like a morning star against an attacker, But if you miss the first hit, you should turn and runnnnnn

Anonymous No. 164400

This is Retard shit, you’re not going to have time to take off your fucking belt while someone is trying to stab you and swinging your keys “like a morning star” is far less effective than taking a single key and shoving it in their fucking eye. Regardless, the best thing you can do in a knife attack is get control of their weapon arm so that they are unable to stab you. Learn to grapple, faggots

Anonymous No. 164618

it seems OP's pic is a nationalist militant from russia doing knife practice
i think he showcased skills of knife in the reggie yates (or something, the annoying black guy with big glasses) episode on russian neonazis

Anonymous No. 164690

>look up info
>he hosted a "full contact knife fighting tournament"
>its an MMA match with a sturdy prop knife, like Dog Brothers
>I thought it was a real bladed knife fight held in some abandoned military base
i feel like a retard

Anonymous No. 165214

bro is holding that knife like a fucking hammer the fuck