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🧵 First MMA bout

Anonymous No. 156947

Anyone here ever fight? I’ve been training for a month and am looking to get a timeline for the first amateur bout. I do conditioning and weights 3x a week and do bag drills and technique on alternate days. Unfortunately I can only train with the group once a week, currently trying to find someone to spar with in between those classes

Anonymous No. 156966

1 month? You will get choked out by any blue belt
Train at least for 6 months if you are very talented and athletic, if you are average i would wait a year
Mma is a very punishing sport when you lose, you could just get harmlessly choked buy you can also pop your knee or discs and reach the end of your career in your first bout

Anonymous No. 156971

I haven’t had a proper mma or kickboxing “fighting” but I’ve done my fair share of submission grappling tournaments over the years. Do not start competing with only a month of training especially if you’re only taking classes once a week. If you don’t hat you’re just going to be used to pad some up and comers amatuer record before going pro and probably get hurt in the process. Give yourself 6 months to a year of serious training first, and most importantly tell your coach you want to fight and ask him when HE thinks you’ll be ready. The coaches job first and foremost is to make sure you don’t get FUBARed. If he’s a good coach he’ll make sure you know what you’re doing before you step into the cage.

Anonymous No. 156972

I've only had one MMA match, compete a lot in submission wrestling though
you probably wanna train at least a year but honestly even longer than that if you wanna do well. Train at least twice a day or you'll get humiliated.

Anonymous No. 156976

OP said
>am looking to get a timeline
You said
>1 month? You will get choked out by any blue belt
You're a fucking retard. Their are amateur events that accept white belts.
Find out who your local promoters are & ask them for the requirements. There might not be anything nearby so dont be afraid to widen your search. Even amateurs have to travel for matches even more than pros do.

Anonymous No. 156983

>ask the local promoter
Retard, the promoter doesn’t give a shit about him and will use him as a can if he’s not ready


Anonymous No. 156991

>You're a fucking retard. Their are amateur events that accept white belts.
We are talking about MMA you fucking moron, you are the retard for thinking you should be getting headtrauma in a fight in less than a year, also "white belts" wtf are you talking about, his opponnent will be a beginner because the promoter pinky promised? As far as i know you don't have belts in mma

Anonymous No. 157007

t. Fight promoter hard up for bodies

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darkest dungeon m....jpg

Anonymous No. 157158

>training once a week
sorry, but you'll never amount to anything with such a low pensum and even thinking about a fight is suicidal at best for you - especially if you started the sport with self esteem issues, you will never recover psychologically from a bad humiliating beating.
Even if we would consider that you are in mint athletic fighting shape already (doubtful) without any reoccuring chronic injuries that one would usually accumulate in hard pressure testing from sparring, you'd need to train 4 classes weekly at the absolute minimum - and that's just to grasp technique not accounting for sparring, conditioning, strength, bagwork.
You can't manage that because you are employed? Too bad, the guys you are fighting in amateurs predominantly live at their parents and collect welfare - they have no responsibilities outside of fighting, good homecooked food every day, no stress and can sleep to their fullest, waking up around noon while you will scrounge to get 5 or 6 hours of sleep. But maybe you think you can still overcome that advantage because you have guts, but what if those guys were also on so much gear their piss would melt the testing cup? Have I mentioned that amateurs rarely has any drug testing? On top of that the myriad of people cheating w equipment from mouthguards laced in a painkiller solution rendering your jaw numb to glued wraps for harder impact and nasty mfers that don't clip their nails to eyepoke you.
Fighting is not like soccer where a chubby boy can just jump into and the worst outcome is a lost game, you can come out of a fight as a cripple. Think about that op

Anonymous No. 157162

>I am fucking retard that doesn't realize different promotions have different requirements, including experience & belt levels.
>I am a fucking retard that doesn't realize a lot of amateur promotions are filled with TMA practicioners trying to make the transition to MMA
Do you even watch anything? What do you know about getting on a card? You either gotta have someone reputable back you, vouch for you. Or you have earned a belt from a reputable trainer, in essence a voucher of your experience.

Anonymous No. 157163

Yeah cause promoters are huge fans of being sued. I said ask the requirements. Soemthing you're gonna have to comply with one way or another. If you're looking for match without your coaches go ahead, then you're a fucking retard. I assumed that was a given. A coach would be pissed if you fought out of their gym without asking.

Anonymous No. 157167

New pasta?

Anonymous No. 157181

Go to school. Get educated. Talk to your coach. State your goals. Ask him for a plan.
If you can only make it to class once a week, ask your coach what you can work on by yourself.

Anonymous No. 157189

99.9 percent of this is just faggy internet tough boy talk & pure bullshit lies but...
>the guys you are fighting in amateurs predominantly live at their parents and collect welfare - they have no responsibilities outside of fighting, good homecooked food every day, no stress and can sleep to their fullest
This part is 100% true

Anonymous No. 157319

You will get your arse beaten fast with that training. Know someone who fights amateur and he trains ( fighting classes) 6 days a week or something stupid

Anonymous No. 157326

You're looking for what's called a smoker. But if your coach doesn't advertise them, or hasn't invited you to one, you're either not ready or any of the ones around you are gonna be dodgy at best, if not outright illegal can feeder events.

Anonymous No. 157370

>Anyone here ever fight?
Yes. Genuine former competitor here.

Since you're training part time with little sparring experience I wouldn't rush into anything. You can really hurt yourself if you rush into something you are not prepared for

Anonymous No. 157374

This is right. If youre comp ready, coaches will usually let you know that.