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🗑️ 🧵 Climber blinded and Abandoned after summiting Everest

Anonymous No. 157079

Anonymous No. 157397

body will add traction when you step on it on the way to the summit. Soon, there will be bodies all over the place up and down the summit line.

Anonymous No. 161001

Why couldn't they drag him back down and why in the hell would anyone go somewhere where being incapacitated means certain death? If someone tells me they climbed Everest I'm thinking (a) that guy would eat me, and (b) he secretly wants to die.

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Anonymous No. 161003


Anonymous No. 161007

No. I love white people. I'm proud to be white. I think life is better for everyone when white people are in power. Leaving a guy on a mountain when he gets hurt isn't white at all.

Anonymous No. 161031

>Why couldn't they drag him back down
Body recovery in death zone is extremely difficult. At that altitude it takes pretty well all you've got just to move your own body up there nevermind dragging somebody else's. That's why there are still corpses all over Everest that have not and likely will never be recovered.

Anonymous No. 161049

judging by the long shot talking about "peter" whilst zooming in on the famous UNIDENTIFIED corpse (, i'm suspecting this whole video is fake and/or full of disinformation.

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Anonymous No. 161072

Also oxygen deprivation makes you delirious, impairs your senses and movement, and generally makes it hard for people to help you. Even if it weren’t Mt Everest, even if there was enough oxygen, even if they weren’t delirious, even if you were a strong climber, carrying someone down a mountain is not fucking easy. To do so in the death zone on Mt. Everest is pretty much a Herculean task.

You can count on one hand the number of times it has happened.

Anonymous No. 161110

I'm sure it's difficult but that's why they're there. They should have enough people to lighten the load. Carry him, drag him, drop him down and follow him, ride him like a sled. There has to be something you can do or you shouldn't be there. There's a difference between defying death and gambling with your life.

Anonymous No. 161246

I'll climb stuff if it's in my way but going to a mountain to climb it seems p dumb desu

Anonymous No. 162076

Nobody ever attempts something and thinks they're going to die, lose, get caught, etc... Everybody's a winner in their mind, until they aren't.

Anonymous No. 162077

There was a team of them and it took them hours to go a 1000 ft. I'm sure they tried everything possible in that time and were not twiddling their thumbs or playing on their Switch wondering what's taking so long guiding a blind man down a mountain.

Anonymous No. 164314

What a tragedy, both for the guy to be left to die and his team to abandon their friend

It's real

Anonymous No. 164321

I thought mountain climb was fine as long as you took every precaution i didn't know it was this dangerous.
I'm never doing this kind of shit

Anonymous No. 164540

i really hope that in future years the companies
developping robots will throw a mission to
rescue the bodies nd give them the recognition
they deserve, i specifically want them to
retrieve the sleeping beauty of mtn everest.

Anonymous No. 164584

i prefer the bodies to stay. it is the best sign saying "do not enter". and their number shows how many people don't listen, many of them more tourists than mountaineers. and how much more are the ascents valuable than the retrieval of the bodies.

>the sleeping beauty
don't worry, she was taken care of
>On May 23, 2007, Woodall was able to locate Arsentiev's body, and after a brief ritual, dropped her to a lower location on the face, removing the body from view.[4] In 2014, "Green Boots" was moved to a less conspicuous location by a Chinese team.[5]
> dropped her

Anonymous No. 164630

>that's why they're there
No the fuck it's not.

Concerned No. 166634

I have no problem with people doing what they love, however irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. What I take issue with is people traveling to other continents to go on mountain expeditions when they have suitable mountains to climb in their home regions. It's especially egregious for top climbers, some of which seem to travel around the world non-stop, hundreds of thousands of kilometers every year, polluting probably 10x or 20x more than the average westerner by hopping between different regions of the world throughout the year. These climbers have an outsized impact on climate change and they're essentially killing the mountains that they claim to love so much.

Climate change is heavily affecting the mountains. Across the world, whole mountainsides are crumbling down because the permafrost is disappearing, and because the receding glaciers leave big unstable holes. The climbing season is getting shorter and people are dying in rockfalls. That's just the part that affects us. These melting glaciers affect water supply, and the effects of climate change upend the lives of poor people around the world via climate-related famine and conflict. And it's only going to get worse. How do these jet-setting alpinists reconcile loving the mountains, and having a lifestyle that kills them, and being in the front row for witnessing the consequences?

Anonymous No. 166931

sounds like they did everything they reasonably could to help him

Anonymous No. 167038

This is emotional woman logic. If you knew anything about extreme altitude climbing you wouldn't be posting shit so naively optimistic to the point of demanding suicidal actions from others. You are failing at thinking like and being a white man here.

Anonymous No. 167402

Oh shut up with your baseless doomsaying religion.

Anonymous No. 167508

>Paying thousands of dollars for some Sherpas to hold your hand and guide you to the top of Everest is anywhere near as glorious as surmounting it for the first time
Anyone who climbs Everest nowadays is a rich larper that leaves their shit and garbage on the peak.

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Anonymous No. 167511

Bunch of richie richs have been following this new trend of "extreme travel" and shit. Staying in Antartica, squatting on icebergs in the middle of ocean for dinner, etc. Talk about single handedly exacerbating a situation

Anonymous No. 167531

People don't climb Everest because it's easy. If something goes wrong, you're dead. It's just too high up to expect people to save you. Everyone that attempts Everest knows this.

Anonymous No. 167709

How the fuck do you just "go blind" randomly?

Anonymous No. 167960

It's a fact that human activity is causing the climate to change and it's a fact that this affects glaciers.

Anonymous No. 167999

Human activity on the scale of large swaths of coal plants being built in 3rd world countries, not a handful of people flying around the world. And not even on private jets at that.

Anonymous No. 168001

If climbers stopped flying to Nepal it wouldn't slow glacial thaw one iota. Your beef is with industrial production, fossil fuels, international shipping, and the entire global travel industry. This specific clientele might have more impact, man to man, than an average person. But as a group they're too small to make a real difference. The problem is much bigger than individual consumption choices.

Anonymous No. 168009

Peak bagging is an overwhelmingly white activity, but I have seen plenty of Asians and a few Arabs up there before.

t. have climbed several 10,000'+ high points in the mountains near me

Anonymous No. 169346

eyes frozen

Anonymous No. 169993

>people don't climb Everest because it's easy
actually, they do, it's the least technical peak around there
compare how many people go to K2 or Nanga Parbat

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ahkio pulk.jpg

Anonymous No. 172777

>People have been climbing for decades and haven't invented pic related
Southoids are confirmed retards

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Anonymous No. 173124

great idea, don't forget to vlog your ass ascending in pic related terrain

Anonymous No. 173499

Love to see it

Anonymous No. 173562

Yeah, this is correct. Everest has a line of tourists now. It's not conquering nature, it's going on a more dangerous guided hike.

Anonymous No. 173576

and that's a good thing
let all the expedition-style o2 fattos gather at that one mountain so all the good ones are left empty for people who actually climb

Anonymous No. 173608

Everest is basically a vacation nowadays. It's a supported walk. *yawn*

Anonymous No. 173658

lol they're already spilling over to the other mountains

Anonymous No. 173698

just k2
and they stick to the fixed lines, so whatever line you choose, you usually don't meet anyone until the routes merge

Anonymous No. 176213

its easy if u arent fat. if something is wrong a helicopter comes and gets you. they had shirpas who climb up and down that mountain twice a day escorting rich ppl all the time.

Anonymous No. 176217

I could do it, but then again Im a body builder not some pussy mountain climber.

Anonymous No. 176391

At high altitudes you're working with a small percentage of your total abilities available to you. I don't want to say something like oh it's 20% because I dunno what it really is on Everest's death zone but it's not a high percentage. So it's fucking tough as hell bringing someone down when they can't help out by at least stumbling or crawling along, forget about if they've died and froze and are heavy as fuck.

Anonymous No. 178692

Everest is just shy of cruising altitude of commercial air liners.... but yeah all extreme athletes need to take classes on probability and risk taking.

Anonymous No. 178718

>extreme athletes
there's no athlete, let alone extreme athlete, anywhere near that mountain because there's a bunch of unclimbed walls even on sub-8k they all flock to instead of waiting in a queue for some mcburger to waddle his way up on o2 while being dragged by sherpas
if you saw what walls extreme athletes climb, you'd just call them an heroes