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Anonymous No. 157142

If you had to choose one form of fighting and only one form, would you choose to learn only striking or only grappling?

Anonymous No. 157143

Striking but only because it's more fun to me

Anonymous No. 157145

Grappling but only because it's more fun to me

Anonymous No. 157152


All other answers are thinking too hard

Anonymous No. 157153

Grappling has a broader continuum of force and allows for more deescalation and control options.

Anonymous No. 157155

Striking but only because grappling is homosexual

Anonymous No. 157156

Grappling but only because grappling is homosexual.

Anonymous No. 157157

>I can just hug him till he quits
I get where this meme comes from but you get just as much risk to yourself in exchange.
Cause maintaining distance is the ultimate defense and I am not about to put myself in a position where I can't immediately start running if I need to.

Anonymous No. 157159

if youd rather only do BJJ than any other style the rest of your life, you are a fag. period

Anonymous No. 157161


Anonymous No. 157164

what ever that jack reacher guy does

Anonymous No. 157166

Cause I don't need to learn striking to run (maintaining distance) and I am not about to put myself in a position where I can't immediately close the distance, take the guy down and control and possibly sleep him if I need to.

Anonymous No. 157172

>bjj is the only type of grappling
>touching someone is always sexual
Your logic is weird

Anonymous No. 157178

When fags on this board say grappling, thats the default meaning. Otherwise they'll say judo/catch, whatver. Touching someone isnt always sexual, prefering that for the rest of your life is.

Anonymous No. 157179

According to interviews they kinda just cobbled it together but the Alan Ritchson has done martial arts before so... Your guess is as good as mine, but stylistically it looks like they drew alot from keysi & krav maga. Makes sense given the characters military background.

Anonymous No. 157180

>but you get just as much risk to yourself in exchange.
It's situational and a judgement call. I've deescalated with words and body language, I've deescalated with grappling, and I've deescalated with the <2 seconds it takes to draw my pistol. I've only ever been in one situation where striking seemed like a good idea, and that was when a friend needed a slap in the face.
>maintaining distance is the ultimate defense
Can't grab me if I can grip fight and throwing someone on the ground is a good way to get that six feet of social distancing.

Anonymous No. 157183

I can tell you like getting hit in the head.

Anonymous No. 157184

Grappling, because you can train at a higher level of intensity against a higher level of resistance with a larger degree of relative safety.

Anonymous No. 157185

The smartypants answer is either kudo or combat sambo, since they combine striking and grappling :^)

Anonymous No. 157186

>Excuse me but my anecdotal larp posturing makes you wrong.
The best two 'de-escalations' at your disposal, assuming you're unarmed, is 1)leave or 2)render your opponent unconscious. I am not a cop, I am not under obligations to de-escalate things in a manner that benefits my opponent. Kinda like how when its a lethal threat, cops are trained to fire until the threat no longer exists. I get what you're saying, but it sounds like a lot of it hinges on protecting who you're fighting & I dont give a fuck. Either let me leave or suffer. But this is just a prefernce in the context of OPs question. I much prefer throws for making distance as well.

Anonymous No. 157187

Judging from most MMA matches & my limited experience, going to the ground is where you get your face turned into ground beef.

Anonymous No. 157188

There are some studies that kinda say otherwise. One in japan done on judokas showed just in Japan they had like 19 perma cripples in a 10 year span I think. I think its still up in one of the BJJ or Judo threads.

Anonymous No. 157196

>makes you wrong
I was partly agreeing. In certain exchanges attempting to pin someone instead of ending them rightly would be borderline suicidal behavior, but in other situations you can allow a mild to moderate nuisance of a person (think a known-to-you teenager or drunk who is starting to get physical with you out of retardation rather than ill will) to rethink their choices without serious harm.
>assuming you're unarmed
Bold assumption. In an unarmed context, for 1) I would still prefer grappling to disengage and parkour and cardio to get away and for 2) I would rather smash someone off of the ground and handle them there than engage in an upright bout of fisticuffs, but in the case of 2) that may have more to do with >>157145 skewing my experience than with the actual merits of the respective skillsets.
>I am not under obligations to de-escalate things in a manner that benefits my opponent
I don't have infinite lawyer money and would rather help stop people from making bad choices if practical. If not practical, grappling keeps them from grappling me or drawing and orienting their weapon while I find an exit or draw my weapon.

Anonymous No. 157199

Only if you're on the bottom

Anonymous No. 157213

>Reacher is described as brutally proficient in hand-to-hand combat. He is quite fast for his height, and often fights opponents his size or larger. His skill is attributed to the fact that he grew up all over the world, due to being in a Marine Corps family. While he is not a master in any one form of combat, he tends to incorporate moves from various styles. His favorite moves are headbutts, elbow strikes, and kicks to the groin. As Child once put it, "Reacher's fighting style is like throwing a running chainsaw into a crowd." Reacher generally goes with the flow of the fight, caring about winning more than how he wins. However, he plans out how to strike first or react to the first strike, and how he'll make sure the other person never fights him again. As he puts it, "The other guy cares how he wins, I care about pissing on the other guy's grave."

So just learn some Thai boxing, knife fighting and using your surroundings.

Anonymous No. 157227

Yeah this sounds right too. I only said the keysi thing cause they like to have him do those elbow block chicken wing thing, don't know what the technique name. But yeah copius elbows & environment utilization. The show is pretty good, fight scenes are kino as fuck, as is Alan, from what I hear cool dude. Only finished killing floor but it was good. I would recommend the series to any gymbros looking for something to get into.

Anonymous No. 157263

Grappling is healthier, our body, our hands are made for gripping not for hitting with them. But grappling is boooooring.

Anonymous No. 157264

How much pinch grip strength would it take to tear off chunks of flesh, like in Baki?

Anonymous No. 157265

Grappling because

Anonymous No. 157269

Judo (Kodokan, not sport)
If it's good enough for the police it's good enough for me

Anonymous No. 157270

>Reacher's fighting style is like throwing a running chainsaw into a crowd
i lold

Anonymous No. 157377

>keysi & krav maga. Makes sense given the characters military background.
Lol. Lmao

Anonymous No. 157379

Watch any military action flick. Maybe it don't make sense in real life, but its not. Just how jewywood paints it. In that context, makes perfect sense.

Anonymous No. 157433

Striking where I live is much more likely to have to deal with knives than a rapist. Hugging someone with a knife is almost suicidal.

Anonymous No. 157434

Every empty handed technique against a knife is almost suicidal. Only a gun beats a knife

Anonymous No. 157435

But if you're in a situation where you can't avoid fighting a guy with a knife, with striking you might get a lucky shot or something and at least stun him for a second so you can perhaps run or knock him down.
If you only know grappling it's much more difficult. Even something like a judo throw puts you at a much higher risk of getting cut.
If you maintain distance while throwing kicks and he stabs you in the leg, that's still much better than being stabbed in the chest, neck, or face/head.

Anonymous No. 157437

>Excuse me while I ignore the context of the thread so I can be a fag.

Anonymous No. 157444

I hate when gunfags find threads pertaining to hand-to-hand combat and they have to throw in their 2 cents, like they are being virtually attacked online because we aren't immediately saying how a gun would kill an unarmed person.

Anonymous No. 157468

FMA practitioners are typically (not always) more likely to describe knife fighting as more of a grappling art than a striking art.

Quit making excuses to skip training at the gym, fatty, and you probably don't go the range enough either:

OP didn't say you were banned from martial weapons for the rest of your life, only that you couldn't train both grappling and striking. Fighting to get to your weapon has always been a consideration in martial arts.

Anonymous No. 157471

>Fighting to get to your weapon has always been a consideration in martial arts.

Just like fighting in a telephone booth?

Anonymous No. 157496

Go to any bjj/mma gym and half the guys wearing spandex have some crippling back/knee/shoulder/finger injury they beg you to be careful for

Anonymous No. 157499

>half the guys wearing spandex have some crippling back/knee/shoulder/finger injury they beg you to be careful for
lmao, it me

Anonymous No. 157507

>His favorite moves are headbutts, elbow strikes, and kicks to the groin
So krav maga?

Anonymous No. 157510

I literally started with both.
Why the hell would I choose just one?

Anonymous No. 157564

How would you have felt had you not eaten breakfast yesterday morning?

Anonymous No. 157579

Grappling seems more satisfying

Anonymous No. 157580

>confirmed queer

Anonymous No. 157581

Anon would rather get a hug from a bro in a jacket than get fisted by a shirtless dude.

Anonymous No. 157585

It looks more complex than striking

Anonymous No. 157593

Forgive him anon, he got slammed in grappling class and then punched in the head afterwards, he is still recovering from the concussions

Anonymous No. 157627

if strikers trained with the same intensity as a japanese judoka, every single one would have permanent brain damage.

Anonymous No. 157628

I work night shift so I don't eat breakfast in the morning.

Anonymous No. 157638


Anonymous No. 157654
