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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 157800

Why is it like this?

Anonymous No. 157805

I've seen 2 people mention Rugby. Judo should be number 1 and I don't even know what the fuck Senegalese is.

Anonymous No. 157809

Sumo > judo

Anonymous No. 157820

Contranism + never train + no fights

Anonymous No. 157822

It's almost the same shit just with two 400 lb. men.

Anonymous No. 157828

show me the judo match where two guys slap the shit out of each other

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Anonymous No. 157830


Anonymous No. 157854

this board = people that actually practice martial arts vs people that listen to joe rogan and jocko that haven't updated their skills since 1995

Anonymous No. 157863

1. should be sambo
BJJ is just peddled by its practitioners because they're the kind of retards who fight to neutralize

Anonymous No. 157865

How does actually practicing martial arts make you worship sumo and even more obscure types of wrestling?

Anonymous No. 157879

A large part of this board (and this website) have a strange fetishization for old-timey things such as 'martial arts' or otherwise obscure and niche fighting sports. I don't know why, but people have this intense fascination with ineffective and forgotten 'traditional' things because they are either A. Following the rule that is 'old thing is better thing' or B. Contrarians who want to go against everything and try to find something incredibly retarded and unmolested by the modern world to make them seem like unique cool guys for studying stuff like Hapkido or Catch Wrestling or Ninjutsu or Siamese Twin Garroting.

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Anonymous No. 157899

Old /asp/ used to advocate judo/wrestling/bjj + mt/kickboxing/boxing + FMA + parkour with the caveat that nothing beats a well-placed pipe bomb.

Anonymous No. 157907

because when you have an refined eye you can see the quality and depth in things untrained normalfags can't comprehend

dumb retard idiot ufc fans just see 2 fat guys pushing each other
these are the same people that boo during highly technical grappling battles because they don't understand whats happening and just demand more blood for the blood god
those in the know can watch sumo and see all of the technical skills on display

Anonymous No. 157912

Highly technical grappling in ufc usually includes rolling on the floor which sumo guys can't do because falling down is an instant loss

Anonymous No. 157913

This board is significantly more retarded and I really miss dogpiling on kung faggots

Anonymous No. 157916

This board just relentlessly spams "judo judo judo" and mercilessly shits on BJJ.

Huh, I had forgotten that /asp/ liked FMA. It's been a long time :-(

Anonymous No. 157918

>This board
It’s one guy, I’m not even convinced he actually trains. On behalf of /judo/ we disavow on the grounds that he’s a faggot.

Anonymous No. 157926

On behalf of /bjj/, I thank you for your disavowal of that faggot, and I affirm BJJers' respect and admiration for judo and judoka. Love you motherfuckers.

Critiquing BJJ (or any art) is fine, of course, but it's ridiculous that there are people who refuse to actually train, just because a grappling system isn't "perfect".

Anonymous No. 157941

don't be gay, bjj is just for people that aren't tough enough to do judo
that's a fact

Anonymous No. 157946

I might do judo if there was a single judo school within an hour from me instead of 3 BJJ gyms 5-30 minutes from me.

Anonymous No. 157951

BJJ is just judo with an autistic focus on ne waza.

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Anonymous No. 157973

>this board = people that actually practice martial arts

Anonymous No. 158032

Remove senegalese wrestling, add kudo and we are good.
Kyokushinkai karate, kudo and you don't need anymore.

Anonymous No. 158036

Because we are smart and cool and our opinions (mine especially) are far more valuable than those of normalfags.

Anonymous No. 158124

The vast majority of judo dojos are olympic judo for kids, BJJ its just better.

Anonymous No. 158137

Judo is actually good though.
No problem with bjj or muay thai even though bjj is just gay judo.

Anonymous No. 158303

Judo's focus on falling hard and not getting hurt (ukeme/breakfalls) is more important to 99% of the population than ne waza techniques.

Anonymous No. 158304


Anonymous No. 158367

Mostly because normies base their opinions only on UFC, but also partly because 4chan is filled with contrarian nichejerking fags
UFC is the best measure we currently have of how good of a fighter you are, but theres obviously problems with it. realistically, how often do spontaneous fights happen where people wear gloves, are on a padded ground, and are naked?

this means that: punching is slightly overrated (no gloves); grappling as a whole is slightly overrated (multiple opponents); Gi grappling is heavily underrated (clothes); and all takedowns are heavily underrated (concrete ground or hard earth);
Like remember all those massive slams that wrestlers like daniel cormier would do? If MMA uses unpadded grounds there would be alot more KOs from them, and some of them would straight out kill people.

Anonymous No. 158387

>none of the top 5 martial arts include headbutts


Anonymous No. 158389

The simple fact that you can type your opponent's name into a search engine or belt checker or what have you changes a lot too. Knowing that they're great wrestlers but haven't ever actually been in a standing distance battle makes your choices much different than they might be in a chance encounter. To say nothing of the relative safety of a 3rd man who's entire job is to regulate the fight and make sure everyone walks away within reasonable bounds.

Anonymous No. 158451

I'm glad that fighting as a whole its pretty far away from internet shit, you don't see trannies or radicalized incels like in other things, its just normal people one way or another

Anonymous No. 158457

No one that says "radicalized incels" trains

Anonymous No. 158459

>you don't see trannies or radicalized incels
because they don't last. Those weirdos sign up all the time and never make it a month

Anonymous No. 158465

Your way of thinking will never be relevant

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Anonymous No. 158468

The amount of fighting trannies is not that small. There's at least 10 of them in Thailand, at least one in streetbeefs, some guys pretending to be trannies to fight against women, a pooner pro boxer etc.

Anonymous No. 158484

Absolutely deranged post

Anonymous No. 158486

>it’s the same seething tranny from a different thread
lol, lmao even. Why do you faggots even come here?

Anonymous No. 158488

>only normal people train
Tell me more about how you absolutely don't train lmao.
Go to any BJJ gym. 80% of the 18-30 year old males there are shitposters. within those 80% the guys are split evenly between barely NEET losers and asian/indian STEMlord university students taking CS and engineering.
You go to a university Judo/BJJ club and its even worse, 99% of the guys there are shitposting CS/eng majors

Anonymous No. 158491

>source: your ass
I don’t know where the fuck you train bjj/judo but this absolutely is not true in my experience. In HEMA, absolutely that’s accurate, but not in fucking Judo.

Anonymous No. 158493

how about my recent experience in a university judo and bjj club? or in a highschool wrestling team? or my current experience in a commercial bjj club?
Martial arts never attract normal people. The stereotype that jocks trains MA is completely false, its fucking nerds and introverts that train it

Anonymous No. 158494

The gay germ theory has even more credence to it when you notice tropical countries have a disproportionate number of trannys in them
Ive said it's a parasite

Anonymous No. 158495

Most people in bjj are over 30, the average starting age is 28

Anonymous No. 158496

Nerds? Sure. Stemlords and neets? Absolutely not. I remember training at my university club for judo though and having it be a complete shit show to my more competitively oriented (albeit nonprofit) club I started at so maybe that’s part of the difference. Again, in HEMA major autists, trannies, and stemnerds are far more common in my experience. There’s not a single person in my HEMA club with a visible six pack but that is true for a significant number of the competitors in my judo club.

Fun anecdote, my HEMA club used to share space with a karate club and an mma club, the head instructor of the latter has now gone pro as a catch wrestling specialist. I learned a lot cross training with him. Never cared much for the krottyguys. Anyways, one of the mma guys had mentioned warhammer 40k around the time their class was ending and not a single one of the other mma guys had a clue what he was talking about. You can bet your ass the HEMA guys were ready to have a 40 minute conversation about it though.

Anonymous No. 158497

It's their life goal to subvert and destroy everything. Why do you think ancient societies put them to death?

Anonymous No. 158584

if the only thing good about judo is learning to fall properly, actual judo gyms and classes are useless since 90% of breakfall drills are done alone as warm up

Anonymous No. 158756

It's not the only good thing, it's just arguably the most useful thing to most people and it's something you practice every time you get thrown.

Anonymous No. 158804

Sambo guys get heem tappied in ADCC and those ONE grappling matches.

Anonymous No. 158901

Sub grappling competitions are biased towards BJJ players. The only way to win is by submission, which is all BJJ does, whereas sambo is more general as you can win by throws, pins, or subs. It's like MMA and boxing. No shit the boxer is going to beat the MMA fighter in a boxing match.

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Anonymous No. 158911

>sport that combines striking and grappling gets outgrappled by a pure grappling sport in grappling only

Anonymous No. 158913

I'm a tranny and did martial arts my entire life
probably going to pick it back up soon when I move

Anonymous No. 158986

"A ruleset which favors beating your opponent is biased towards BJJ"

Anonymous No. 158989

It's not "just 1 guy" bjj is hella fucking gay and 100% unnecessary. Just a cult convincing dudes they need to go be humbled aka submit to our brainwashing even though 99.9 percent of the time you could just not play their game and just stand back up. Its funny as hell to fight you fags and just not play. All you fags have spent so much time training againts people playing the same rules that when someone just wriggles away and stands up, you all sit there in guard, slackjawed that the other person isnt putting themselves at greater risk so you can keep playing.

Anonymous No. 158994

You're kidding right? Pro-fighting today idolizes incel culture. Look at mcgregor, paul, that lispy faggot tate. It has the most tranny competitors out of all mainstream non-collegiate sports. There are pro fighters, some of the best there are, openly and frequently admitting to steroid use just because the testing is lax and just so long as you're clean for the match, no one cares if you just finished a cycle of test a week ago. Profighting is the most incel pozzed sport there is. I am convinced the entire thing is a jew psyop and anyone watching pro fighting is a closeted homo. We have forgotten the wisdom of the ancient masters who spoke out against fighting for profit.

Anonymous No. 159001

>he unironically uses incel as a replacement word for masculinity
Its an individual sport where you don't have to praise BLM and gays to get ahead. Congrats for typing out iterally the most woman take possible

Anonymous No. 159011

>I hate the popular thing

Anonymous No. 159016

I knew a FtM tranny who did Chinese martial arts and I think maybe capoeira who seemingly dropped off of the face of the earth shortly after transitioning.

Anonymous No. 159030

It's extremely small and basically unheard of outside of Thailand. Also the few that do almost always troon after their careers are over

Anonymous No. 159246

It sounds like you went to a jiu jitsu class and then got mad when everyone was trying to practice jiu jitsu

Anonymous No. 159267

>Look at mcgregor, paul, that lispy faggot tate.
I don’t know why you included me Gregor, but jake Paul’s a childrens YouTuber forever living in the shadow of his older brother who refuses to take real boxing matches and only fights burnt out retired athletes from sports that aren’t boxing. Tate was a kickboxing champ in a backwater no one cares about. Neither of them are an important face in actual professional martial arts.

Anonymous No. 159343

senegalese wrestling is referring to laamb. the sport and culture around it are pretty cool, and the tendencies laamb fighters develop from training and competing in the sport are pretty unique. definitely a sport mma guys can learn and borrow from, by having laamb rules sparring rounds once in a while.
most submission grappling competitions aren't just won by submissions tho. in a lot of them you can win by points. if the scoring is designed in a way where pulling guard and ultimately butt-scooting are as, if not more rewarding than throws, takedowns, and going for dominant positions, the athletes will adapt their game plan accordingly and pull guard and butt-scoot. can't blame them for playing to win, right?

Anonymous No. 159351

hold on. tbf, you can be an autist, tranny, and/or stemlord and have a sixpack.

anyways, i have a theory. "generic"(?), mainstream combat sports like mma, (kick)boxing, etc attract more regular gymbros initially through things like cardio (kick)boxing classes and mma circuit whatevers as a form of exercise. the aforementioned mma, (kick)boxing and things like judo, tkd, sports karate, bjj etc also tend to attract competitive ppl, ofc, although the latter four do attract more nerdy types than the former two. i'd say bjj by far attracts the most "yippee wahoo!" type health freaks, if that makes sense. finally we have mostly overconfident nerds and gullible wimps who get into tma, and for rbsd roughly that same demographic plus needlessly paranoid/neurotic types who google search 'best martial arts for self-defense' their way into a krap maga class (happened to me, but i noticed it was shit, and i found a much cooler hapkido school where they also sparred so i joined that instead).
all this to say it doesn't surprise me at all that guy was the only nerd in that mma group, seeing as certain types gravitate towards certain martial arts. then again, the demographics at a gym can vary a lot depending on location, pricing, what part of the day/week a class is, etc. and i think the fact martial arts is one of those hobbies/sports/practices/whatever that attracts ppl from all walks of life, who are crazy, bold, and/or weird enough to pursue it, is what makes it so beautiful.

Anonymous No. 159353

>i'd say bjj by far attracts the most "yippee wahoo!" type health freaks, if that makes sense
It doesn’t, but I like the cut of your jib

Anonymous No. 159365

If you're trying to extrapolate to unarmed combat, then pins and throws are equal to subs as a winning condition. You can knockout someone out with a throw. If you pin somebody, you can ground n' pound or stab them to your hearts content.

But even in sub grappling competitions that award points for takedowns, it's only points. Submissions are the only way to insta-win, so they're prioritized. Meanwhile pins and throws and insta-wins (or are worth a lot of points) in sambo and judo competition, so they're prioritized in those sports, but not BJJ.

Anonymous No. 159499

>The stereotype that jocks trains MA is completely false, its fucking nerds
There's a lot of crossover between jocks and nerds. It's not 1:1 but I would wager there are more nerds in the jock community than there are nerds in the general population; many are even nerds about being jocks.

Anonymous No. 159528

sorry bud, a submission is way different than a pin or a throw. If you throw me, I can stand back up and keep going, yes even if youre in a super epic street fight on concrete, yeah itll hurt like hell but in life or death situations you can come back from it, however, a real submission will end in the victim totally incapacited, they should be inst wins because if they were actually executed fully without tap-outs, the victim would die or have their career ended. Throws and pins are nowhere near as valuable

Anonymous No. 159532

>If you pin somebody, you can ground n' pound
It depends on the pin, e.g. a half nelson doesn't really set you up for ground-and-pound.

>a real submission will end in the victim totally incapacited
If you break my elbow I can still fight, possibly better than if someone hit me with a solid ippon-scoring throw on concrete--I'd argue they're comparable. You have a point about the unambiguity of a choke, however.

Anonymous No. 159535

nah, I cant agree with that. sure you can throw me on the concrete and i might land bad. but if I sink in an armbar your arm is breaking and there is nothing that can be done. And after I break your arm I still have control over that arm, I can apply what I imagine is the worst type of pain the average person will feel in their life besides maybe giving birth or getting kicked in the balls

Anonymous No. 159537

>And after I break your arm I still have control over that arm
My now hypermobile arm. I am free.
>I can apply what I imagine is the worst type of pain the average person will feel in their life besides maybe giving birth or getting kicked in the balls
>yeah itll hurt like hell but in life or death situations you can come back from it, however, a real submission will end in the victim totally incapacited
Which is it? Also, if we're talking "the average person" we're talking about someone who doesn't know how to fall properly and will probably smash their head off the ground.

Anonymous No. 159541

Im not saying youre fighting an average dude, just saying that its extremely painful.
>hehe actually breaking my arm is good for me
ok no more free attention for you

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Anonymous No. 159551

>hehe actually breaking my arm is good for me
FMA improvised weapons beat BJJ pajama snuggling.

Anonymous No. 159574

Why do judo people seem to think that a throw is somehow equivalent to a submission? There are basically two conditions in which a throw leads to a submission, even on concrete, and that's if the person you are throwing lands on their head or has a weird curved posture and lands vertebrae first into the ground. Getting slammed on concrete is absolutely going to suck as can only be a good thing for the person doing the slam, but it isn't an automatic win, the person who has been slammed will just recover and fight again, whilst they can't from a broken limb or a choke. If they try to fight with a broken limb they are going to be in agony and it just makes breaking other limbs easier as the person is now without a functional limb to defend themselves with and obviously a choke is a choke

Anonymous No. 159580

If you’re in a street fight chances are the dumbass your fighting probably doesn’t know how to fall and is going to get hurt. People have been permanently crippled with brain damage from judo throws. All that said, no you shouldn’t assume a throw is going to end it, but if you’ve trained judo for any significant amount of time you’re going to know how to pin someone and every pin is a position to strike from if you’re not stupid. It’s also a position to hold someone until other people feel it necessary to separate you or police arrive if need be. Also we do submissions in judo, everybody on this shit board thinks we don’t for some reason and I’m not going to deny that the BJJ guys know that game better, but it’s not like any amount judoka are wholly unfamiliar with submissions.

The real question is why do people on the internet obsess over street fights as if tossing, submitting, or just punching the fuck out of some random is even remotely difficult. If you’re in a serious fight for your life with even more than one person you ought to be using a weapon. If not you’re probably going to be fine, even if you ought to have walked away. For a long time I’ve been of the opinion that a lot of people get into martial arts for “self defense” but they stay in martial arts because they like fighting, in their own particular way. No different than football or soccer really. The fact that so much of this board is obessed with hypothetical street fights is just proof that the majority of this board is inexperienced.

Anonymous No. 159581

see, you've never experienced a throw with intent behind it before
you've experienced ones meant to get you on to the floor but you've never been slammed

it doesn't even need to be concrete, do it on grass, do it on a mat
submissions are legal in bjj, slams are not. There's a reason for that

Anonymous No. 159582

>submissions are legal in bjj, slams are not
lmao, seriously? I always assumed normal throws were allowed since it's an offshoot of judo and it was just that the rules didn't incentivize them.

Anonymous No. 159584

Slams are legal in adcc rules, which is the ruleset that most nogi guys train under. They are legal provided there is a submission attempt going on, but not from closed guard

Anonymous No. 159585

The guy you are replying to is incorrect. Slams are allowed

Anonymous No. 159622

lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 159623

The thing is most people outside of throwing arts will have little to no breakfall skills, making the injury condition that much more likely. You can throw in a way that prevents your opp from properly breakfalling as well, virtually guaranteeing injury even if they do know how to fall. I'd say those types of throws are a more fair comparison to fully locked in subs rather than any ol' throw.

>the person who has been slammed will just recover and fight again, whilst they can't from a broken limb or a choke
Jacare got his arm broken by Roger Gracie and Jacare still won the match.

Anonymous No. 159627

Throws are allowed in bjj, slams are not. Slam is lifting someone who holds you in guard or submission up and then slamming him onto the floor with significant force. It's also banned in amateur mma and sometimes knocks people out in pro mma. Nobody will disqualify you for uchi mata.

Anonymous No. 159632

Sumo isn't the best because it's good in some competitive ruleset, it's the best because no one dedicates themselves to the fighter lifestyle more than a sumo wrestler.

Anonymous No. 159635

The problem with the rule against slams in BJJ is it doesn’t have any rules to discourage people from doing absolutely retarded shit like jumping into guard. They’re basically asking for the opponent to break their neck but are required instead to be put down gently. See >>159622

Anonymous No. 159685

>Erm actually one time someone who is better than 99% of all athletes in a high stakes competition was able to do it once after having the fight stopped and being given time to tie his arm up

Anonymous No. 159688

Why do people care about how a real fight would play out? What is the point of martial arts at all dude? It's because we all want to be in a real fight and win, rules are only there to make the competition sustainable. UFC wouldn't be as big as it is if they allowed head stomp and kicking the nuts

Anonymous No. 159689

This is exactly my point though, if you’re mainly concerned about fighting within a ruleset (which is what you should be concerned with) who gives a fuck if something is more ideal for duh streetz bro even though you’re probably going to win regardless. People do judo because they like throwing people.

Anonymous No. 159726

Because things need to be ordered to their purpose, and competition for the sake of competition is kind of silly to me. There really is no other just purpose for martial arts except self defense, so it's fair to critique rulesets that take you further away from a legitimate encounter

Anonymous No. 159798

Sambo guys heem BJJ guys in MMA. Takedowns and pins are a lot more important when strikes are involved.

Anonymous No. 159898

>There really is no other just purpose for martial arts except self defense
Dr. Kano's intention when he systemized judo was to create a curriculum of physical education which led to balanced development of the body while training movements which were both useful and interesting.

Anonymous No. 159940

Sparring MMA without most of thr UFC rules in place is a huge gamechanger. A lot of the BJJ shit gets you hemeed

Anonymous No. 159948

No, it was so he could beat the shit out of taller and bigger guys in competition. But the question is, what's the point of these competitions? To find out who is the better fighter. Not who is the better athlete, who is the better fighter

Anonymous No. 159949

Soccer is just a competition for competition, not for self defence at all, yet people like it

Anonymous No. 159953

> No, it was so he could beat the shit out of taller and bigger guys in competition
Retard, go read what Kano actually wrote about why he systemized judo. The other anon is exactly correct. Jujutsu was dieing in Japan before Kano because people thought it was an activity for thugs and criminals.

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Anonymous No. 159955

Competition is a method for practicing judo, it is not the end goal by any means. My post was a paraphrase of Chapter 2 of this book in which Dr. Kano talks about his goals in creating judo.

Anonymous No. 159958

Mma is its own thing martial arts. The way I see it is sambo is just a worst striking art and worst grappling art comparatively. So yes of course it would mog the bjj guy in a playground fight since bjj guys are specialists

Khabib and islam are hardly sambo fighters as much as they pretend they are. They are good mixed martial artists though. Khabib has good mma bjj and is a good freestyle guy. Yes he does incorporate some sambo stuff but the nature of mma means it steals shit and honestly even bjj steals shit.

A the end of the day its grappling and the systems inside adapts to the rules. the systems are the arts, for example bjj, and they can be broken down further to account for the rules for example ibjjf gi rules, nogi adcc rules.

The problem with sambo is just its behind and you can think of it as technologically. Mma and bjj are just higher level and are projected to advance at a faster pace

Anonymous No. 159971

>Khabib and islam are hardly sambo fighters as much as they pretend they are.
What is with this cope? They have trained and competed in sambo.

Anonymous No. 160231

A Senegalese wrestler just beat a ADCC champion/BJJ half of famer.

Anonymous No. 160241

The average yuko that counts as a waza-ari these days is not a hard, fight-ending fall.

Anonymous No. 160313

Anything short of ippon is implicitly inferior to a submission, whereas an ippon-scoring throw is implicitly equivalent.

Anonymous No. 160320

No, an ippon is not equivalent to a submission, only a knock out is equivalent to a submission, implicational equivalence isn't a thing in fighting, it's either a submission or it's not

Anonymous No. 160322

Allowing your opponent to land on an extremely soft floor is analogous to allowing your opponent to tap out, they're safety measures which prevent the full consequences of the technique.

Anonymous No. 160337

The difference is that an armbar WILL break an arm and a choke WILL make someone fall unconscious because that's just what they do, there is no guarantee that an ippon throw will automatically end a fight, so no tapping out is not the same as having an ippon done to you

Anonymous No. 160418

There is no guarantee that a broken arm will automatically end a fight. Only unconsciousness should end the match, submissions are wasa-ari at best.

Anonymous No. 160431

Throws aren't equivalent of submission unless someone lands on his spine in a specific way (like when he jumps into guard and gets slammed) or basically lands on his head.
This guy got thrown onto the concrete 4 times, got up 3 times and probably would get up again if he wasn't getting hit in his head.

Anonymous No. 160462

There is only one recorded instance of this not happening and it was a fluke

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harai goshi arm b....webm

Anonymous No. 160484

>unless someone lands on his spine in a specific way (like when he jumps into guard and gets slammed) or basically lands on his head
There are other ways.

Anonymous No. 160485

Rich Franklin broke his arm against Chuck Liddell but still won the fight.

Anonymous No. 160497

Missing the point nigger. People have also been shop before, then continued to fight off their attacker. But in paintball or airsoft when you get hit you're out anyway

Anonymous No. 160510

I want to make a batman fanfic where the right side are the martial arts he knows.

Anonymous No. 160553

>But in paintball or airsoft when you get hit you're out anyway
And in judo if you get thrown hard enough you're out anyway. Perhaps you are the nigger who is missing the point.

Anonymous No. 160557

none of those were clean slams, the fall got broken every time

Anonymous No. 160576

If all you have to do is vaguely no how to fall down in order to counter the worst effects of a judo throw then there is no way that any sane person would consider the throw or ippon fight ending. Slams dont end fights unless the guy lands on a particularly dangerous area of the body, like the head or spine, even on concrete.

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Anonymous No. 160585

>senegalese wrestling
Why wouldn't /xs/ love it

Anonymous No. 160694

Getting into grappling eventually makes you want to learn and discover all sorts of lesser known styles and variants, at least for me. I have big respect for sumo ever since I tried it. It'll develop your explosive power like no other martial art and really help your balance and lower body strength. A sumo fight is like the most primal, testosterone-fueled shit ever, nothing fancy just push your opponent with everything you've got until you win or throw him if you must. If you already know wrestling/judo/sambo you can apply those skills too, but remember that touching the ground is an automatic loss in sumo.

Yeah it's not the perfect martial art and you should complement it with something else, but damn it's good.

Anonymous No. 160711

In what?

Anonymous No. 160713

MMA. Reug Reug beat Buchecha.

Anonymous No. 160714

Kek. I always hated Buchecha. His entire game was "I ATE MORE STEROIDS THAN YOU" mixed with brazil bias. Glad he got beat.

Anonymous No. 160908

Yes but its because Judo is retarded not because it's fight ending

Anonymous No. 160923

Cause judo is the baddest and most beautiful martial art. Its not popular or easy to find in America but its an incredibly important sport internationally. IJF can suck it but that can be said for most international sports federations.

Anonymous No. 160924

MMA is the showcase for individual martial arts in a fairly real setting. And sambo is the best base. Its JKD without the chinese mysticism that's attached to the name, whether it has mysticism or not, because who the fuck actually teaches JKD as bruce would have
BJJ is a meme and the most reddit of systems

Anonymous No. 160925

> sambo is the best base. Its JKD without the chinese mysticism that's attached to the name, whether it has mysticism or not, because who the fuck actually teaches JKD as bruce would have
This is one of the most bizzarre takes I’ve ever seen on this board
>bjj le meme
Average non-trainer opinion

Anonymous No. 160929

Trained for 5 years grapplenigger

Anonymous No. 160933

Nobody cares.

Anonymous No. 160997

Then you wouldn't have replied, faggot

Anonymous No. 160998

>if you call me a retard on 4channel that means you must care about me, my lies, and my dumb opinions very much
lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 161042

Sambo has nothing to do with JKD.

Anonymous No. 161082

Is this board filled with literal retards such that a discussion is happening trying to promote judo as more effective than bjj?

Holy shit. You idiots are helpless. Must be non-Americans who live in countries where fighting is nonexistent.

Anonymous No. 161344

You don't know fucking shit about fighting if you think bjj isn't a meme. I pop you in the jaw twice and you're a white belt

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Anonymous No. 161346

So I guess at least 80% of UFC fighters don't know shit about fighting or train bjj for lulz

Anonymous No. 161404

Ufc has a lot of rules in place so their grapplers don't get heemed. I think that anyone that has done mma without the ufc rules in place have caught onto to this

Anonymous No. 162484

what is heeming?

Anonymous No. 162578

I guess vale tudo and early ufc had hundrets of rules because the Gracies were usually winning it

Anonymous No. 162590

UFC rules force people to stand most of the time, short round timers and resetting to standing at the start of every new round

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Anonymous No. 163061

Okay so for real though, what's bad about bjj? Most bjj specialists I've seen are dickheads so I want to be able to more accurately shit talk it. And I say this as someone who wants to take up bjj once I get a car.

Anonymous No. 163151

It's a Brazilian hyperfocus on judo newaza to the exclusion of any other aspect of grappling or fighting. Whereas judo has an emphasis on staying on your feet while putting people on the ground BJJ would have you lay on your back while trying to work a submission on the guy whose buddy is kicking your head in.

Anonymous No. 163271

Why do you think judo is number 1?

Anonymous No. 163272

I have also seen Sanctuary.

Anonymous No. 163318

I love BJJ and I practice it but I wouldn't put it in n1 if we are talking overall, I guess I would pick combat Sambo or some kind of catch MMA

Anonymous No. 163319

judo was engayened by olimpic rules, if you are talking about old Judo then yes

Anonymous No. 163512

>1. Bjj