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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 158154

What would happen if you only trained one move? One strike, one takedown, one choke, one something. Just only trained ONE thing. Like, who would win:
>Fighter who only trained elbows for 10 years
>MMA fighter who's done 3-5 years of BJJ and standard boxing

Anonymous No. 158156

You'd be absolutely horse fucked by the first person who can mix at all.

Anonymous No. 158157

Maybe don't fight a horse.

Anonymous No. 158158

anon we all think the Jackie Chan quote is cool but he wasn't being literal

Anonymous No. 158170

Typically People would immediately realize that you have one gimmick and then work around not letting you do it. Then again there was that one judoka who went to the Olympics and told a reporter that he would throw everyone with uchimata. When pressed on what he would do if he can’t throw them with uchi mata, he responded
>”then I shall throw them with uchi mata”
Motherfucker ends up tearing his pectoral during the gold medal match and still throws the last guy with uchi mata, winning the whole shebang.

Anonymous No. 158171

I remember there being a manga that started out with this plot.

The MC only trained 1 2 combination alone for like a year or something and ended up being a savant at that combo which won him a few street fights against normal throw away bully goon types.

Then he went up against a trained fighter who beat his shit in but thought he had potential so recommended he get some actual training. So MC did and learned new shit one move at a time.

Don't remember the name of the manga though. It's been like 10 years.

Anonymous No. 158194


Anonymous No. 158215

He would lose.
The BJJ GOAT was a mediocre MMA fighter because he was not good in the other parts of fighting.
The Kickboxing GOAT was a mediocre MMA fighter because he was not good in the other parts of fighting.

(Karelin also had a MMA fight and was not impressive either)

Anonymous No. 158238

good manga

Anonymous No. 158669

That's badass, I tried to Google him but could not find the name, who is he?

Anonymous No. 158990

It's probably an exponential relationship. If I only train one discipline, like BJJ, and I step into the ring vs a general MMA fighter, let's say I would need 5:1 training time to beat him. But if I only train one type of jab vs a general MMA fighter I would probably needs several decades of experience over him to's a pretty ridiculous idea

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Anonymous No. 161224

You would become the X ARM champion