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Anonymous No. 158244

>6-0 John Brzenk
>6-0 Michael Todd
>6-0 Dave Chaffee
>2-3 Genadi Kvivenia (which is BS, he should have won that match)
>0-6 Levan Sagnishvili
Is Devon Larratt a legit top 5 contender now or not?

Anonymous No. 158335

Devon has kind of fallen out of contention. Not sure if everyone's just gotten better, or what, but hes definitely not a major threat like he used to be.

Which is odd, because hes juicing now, but his juiced track record is terrible so far.

Anonymous No. 158442

He recently challenged Ermes. If Devon can hold his own, that’d certainly be interesting. If he wins (unlikely), then maybe, just maybe, he’d deserve another crack at Levan (to whom, he’d probably just lose again). A shame that Genadi pulled out, since I’m sure Devon would have smashed him. It’s also a shame that Denis Cyplenkov declined Devon’s challenge, since I think that’d be a more even match than Ermes will be. Then again, I thought that Dave would be competitive and we know how that turned out. If Devon somehow beats Ermes, wouldn’t that make him top 3 in the world?

Anonymous No. 158456

Not really. IF Voevoda decides to go full schizo and somehow reach his prime again, which is not unlikely for armwrestling, then Devon goes even lower. Prime Voevoda would just kinda run through him like it's a tuesday.
Also let's not forget Devon's technique really degraded over the past few years.
He just spams the fuck out of the king's move and hopes his wrist will hold, then acts like some super hero when he goes for a high hook after he tires his opponent out. He's too far up his own ass when it comes to training methods.

Anonymous No. 158475

I think he can beat Gennadi, Denis, and maybe Morozov. I doubt he could beat Zaur, Ermes, and obviously Levan. Voevoda is a toss up.

Anonymous No. 158489

He can beat some of those guys only if he lands a perfect king's move, and even then that's a roll of the dice.
Denis at this moment is exactly what Devon can't handle - open toproll, holds you dead in centre, bleeds you dry and pulls your wrist back. Way too technical with insane hand control.
Morozov at 100% health is too much. Morozov in 1 - 2 years will be way beyond anything Devon can handle.