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🧵 How does your personality affect your performance in fights?

Anonymous No. 158445

For example, would being an autist with above average iq put me in advantage or disadvantage against aggressive monkeys typical for mma and boxing?

Anonymous No. 158452

>would being an autist
>put me in a disadvantage
>against aggressive boxers
No offense my man you are absolutely at a disadvantage

Anonymous No. 158454

it can be an advantage sure if you're know what you're doing and know how to capitalize openings.

but it probably wont if you're a fucking nerd with high ego and have no athleticism and complain like a bitch whenever shit doesnt go your way

Anonymous No. 158461

You’ll be at such a huge advantage anon you should take a fight tomorrow. Show those stupid monkeys what’s what.

Anonymous No. 158587

your high iq, analysys skills and general smarts will absolutely give you a huge edge above any of these meatheads that train martial arts, you should join a gym tomorrow and call out any of them to spar, finish reading your jack dempsey book and go get em
kinetic energy goes brrr

Anonymous No. 158644

Massive disadvantage.

Anonymous No. 158659

personality combined with body type is what determines fightstyle, there arent really any wrong ones, its up to you to make it work. the only thing that doesnt work is being a pussy which breaks every style and physique imaginable, im quite sperglike and i have mostly high fight iq and i'm good at understanding what my weaknesses and how to improve them, and have good technique.
dont listen to the fags ITT who misunderstand your question and probably don't train anyways.
like half of the peopl at my gym are quiet introverts, everyone is an incel nowadays.

Anonymous No. 158694

Autist monkey >>> monkey >>>>>> autist. There's less than 5 of the first in any particular discipline though.

Anonymous No. 158743

I think GSP is an autist, but It might be that he's just Canadian. Or you can be a high IQ sociopath like Jon Jones. You can be a retard sociopath like Wanderlei Silva. Or you could be an autistic, sociopathic retard with a high IQ and you'd be Mike Perry.

Anonymous No. 158761

huge disadvantage
the only advantage you could maybe have is training more often because autistic fixation on fighting. hence honoraboru japanesu judo being the best in the world.

Anonymous No. 158764

Autism doesn't exist but most of the traits it labels are a big disadvantage. First off most of them are just being undeveloped and maladjusted to manhood but the few good ones thrown in there for good jewery are a disadvantage too. They're basically you being extra sensitive which means you won't push yourself hard and you'll be afraid to seize opportunities.
Of course this can be overcome and you'll be better for it. Always work on your weaknesses. Think of it like a modern vs an oldschool any given type of machine. Yours has a shitload of electronics and safety measures so you simply can't run it as hot, but if you come to understand it and learn to use it well then it will able to do more and do it better.

Anonymous No. 158778

I'm very calm even during fights, I can handle pressure without getting desperate, at the gym I train there are more people like me, but there are also desperate people who, after being punched in the face, get flustered, stop breathing and start accelerating ineffectively.

Anonymous No. 158808

Not OP but I relate to this a lot. I started off hitting the heavy bag with an old timer who boxed his whole life, got good and started sparring. My autistic brain got flustered at first, didn’t bitch out when I got hit but was overwhelmed by the onslaught of visual information being thrown at me. Hoping it works itself out eventually. And I’m legit mostly-mute autist around people, it’s not impossible to get good but I’m thinking it’ll be hard