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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 158881

Using all of your martial arts knowledge,

How do you escape this position as the guy on the bottom?

Anonymous No. 158884

Bridge, kip my way out then get his leg and heelhook him or go to x guard into backside 5050 heelhook therr or reguard into k guard and backtack

Or just stand up

Anonymous No. 158886

you learn that in your first BJJ class

Anonymous No. 158899


Anonymous No. 158904

unzip my pants and start pissing on him

Anonymous No. 158910

Unironically death gripping his balls. You're still fucked tho.

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Anonymous No. 158920

Bridge an try to get his arms or one arm, pull him and bridge at the same time.

Alternative way, if he his not holding tight control of my hips with his knees (by pressing them against my hips) I do a shrimp-like move to gett my butt out of this.

That being said, you should avoid to find yourself in this position, it's hard to get out of, and if the other person decides to hit you in the face it will be very damaging.

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Anonymous No. 158950

Finger in bum

Anonymous No. 158962

Try to grab the collar of his shirt and pull his head down into a clinch.

Anonymous No. 158969

Basic hip escape

Anonymous No. 158976

Bridging is basic answer, but it's likely you'll have to combine it with some other techniques like hand control to prevent him from posting

It's also worth noting that this position is so dominant that you are not expected to be able to escape

Anonymous No. 158977

Not to mention the at least 2 or 3 weight class difference, and big man seeming pretty comfortable with himself.

Anonymous No. 158987

Bridge, he’s not even in a good mount. I swear this board is full of actual drooling retards.

Anonymous No. 159107

you dont train

Anonymous No. 159124

Hard crotch grab.

Anonymous No. 159296

Even his bigger size and strength a simple bridge and roll technique should do the trick.
If he’s more stable in mount then it seems you should go with a hook escape. It’s more technical, but works way better agains stronger opponents.

Anonymous No. 159331

Are you kidding me?
Day one of groundwork is the bridge turnover.
First thing I teach in groundwork and first thing I formally learned.
I ain't even that good on the ground. I learned hapkido, not judo, bjj, or wrestling, and even I could escape that using the good ol bridge turnover.

Grab the arms, lift your hips to bridge, pick a side, push, remember to keep pressure on the leg as you turn over, quickly transition while the leg is pinned before he pulls guard.
Simple and effective.

Anonymous No. 159380

you ain't bridgin that guy off you with a skinny onions neck...

Anonymous No. 159391

The bridge is to create temporary moment of space and slight offbalance i'm not expecting to push him off me. The kipoing motion is the main part. If the guy is presumably untrained I dont expect him to be good at keep the mount

I've done to guys in the mid to high 200s lol that are more trained

Anonymous No. 159400

but the bottom guy isn't you... bridging with no neck strength is just going to ruin him

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Anonymous No. 159443

genius shit right here

Anonymous No. 159687


Anonymous No. 159797

A gun.

I don’t know anything about martial arts

Anonymous No. 159926

literally just bridge retard

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Anonymous No. 160020

>0 fighting experience apart from high school locker room bs and a few bar fights in college
>fraternity brother/lifting buddy invites me to go to his mma gym
>meet him there after work
>going to do some rolling
>get paired up with some “””black belt”””
>manlet with a bunch of tattoos and shirt that says “GIRL DAD”
>literally pick him up and hold him
>he tries to kick and wiggle out like a toddler throwing a tantrum
>literally just holding him down
>nothing he could do to stop it
>finally yells "OKAY GET OFF!"
Gave me a lot of confidence and made me realize bjj is a meme. Our kids go to the same school so I see him around and jumpscare him as a joke to make him flinch but he’s a pretty cool guy. I call him 'Get Off' now as a joke to his wife lol.

Anonymous No. 160043

knee elbow escape and shrimp your legs
out is the simplest.
bump him up and kip.
bump him up, trap an arm, and bridge to the same side to get into his closed guard.
you dont need to be very strong to offbalance someone with your bridge. Your goal isnt to completely lift your ass and get the mounted dude flying but to offbalance for a second.
Im 180lbs. my 100 lbs smaller brother can and has bridged to offbalance me and escape.

Anonymous No. 160053

does anyone know the context of this video tho lmao

Anonymous No. 160094

Manlets not learning Vol. 5

Anonymous No. 160114

hip bridge retard

Anonymous No. 160167


Anonymous No. 160295

detonate your suicide vest

Anonymous No. 160297

From that position, wouldn't you just fuck him in the ass?