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🧵 Feeling angry. What do ?

Anonymous No. 159081

Tall half white half mexican freak girl savagely beat me up in muay thai class today.
I'm 5'6 while she's easily 6' plus. My nose was bleeding earlier today, one tooth from my upper jaw is loose, while my sides are still hurting from her roundhouse kicks. She humiliated me in front of everyone. I couldn't do shit, just fucking overpowered. She kicked my ass while wearing the most girly clothes possible, a pink gym skirt barely covering her asscheeks, black top with visible sports bra straps, and pink gloves. Our instructor fucking hates me, and I think he intentionally paired me with her to give her a good practice punchbag. She looks sexy though, when she bends, her ass looks shapely.

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Anonymous No. 159082

I'm a guy btw.

Anonymous No. 159083

dang, you're a terminal manlet
even at 5'6" you should still be a good 40lbs heavier than a 6' woman

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Anonymous No. 159088

I'm 170 lbs, she mst be 140 lbs approx. Yes I am overweight.

Anonymous No. 159090

Ask her out
Maybe she will peg you

Anonymous No. 159096

that's not really overweight if you're in shape
what you're saying is you're skinnyfat

Anonymous No. 159099

This board is too slow for coombait, fuck you.

Anonymous No. 159102

That's obese

Anonymous No. 159103

that height and weight is visible abs if you go to the gym

Anonymous No. 159114

No it’s not you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 159289

It's fatty weight unless you roid

Anonymous No. 159290

lmao you're a fucking clueless retard
stop fucking larping you're probably a skeleton that has never sparred in his life

Anonymous No. 159303

It's normal to be beat up by someone better.
So that can't be a problem, if you're normal functional adult.
The problem we need to figure out is why are you going to an instructor that you think hates you?
Has the instructor said that you are hateful, or what the fuck?

Anonymous No. 159324

Being hurt during sparring happens but what you describe is wrong.
Focus on blocking.
Depending on your gym you can also ask to go lighter during sparring.
Human punchbags should be a thing from the past.
I trained for matches and it was intense but if you end up a bloody mess every session that is not helpful.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 161647

Anonymous No. 162061

Not OP but i have those stats and i have a 32 inch waist and 16% bf according to arboleaf

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162074

Workout, and make her respect you as a friend. Then when you go out for drinks drug her and rape her in the parking lot to teach her that shes still a girl. She needs to understand her role as a mother first and a wannabe warrior second when she pops out the rape babies.

Anonymous No. 162081

thank you
I wasn't going to argue with those other retards

Anonymous No. 162301

>Tall half white half mexican freak girl savagely beat me up
for free?

Anonymous No. 162775

Honestly dude, try to be her friend. Or just an acquaintance. Keep getting better and stronger.
It sounds like you're out of shape and weak. Once you make yourself stronger and more skilled, your natural male superiority will kick in.
Since she's an acquaintance, you'll be able to stay in touch, even if she switches gym.
When you're good, spar with her again and really hurt her.
It sounds like she's tall and uses her length. Close the distance on her. Don't give her space and keep her moving backwards. Hard for her to land kicks if that's happening.
Also, attack her body. You're so much shorter that it should be an easier target than hunting for head strikes.
Good luck dude. I hope one day you beat this girl unconscious.

Anonymous No. 162799

Grab her by the neck with one hand and with the other break somenthing.
Women cant fight

Anonymous No. 162811

If she's 6 foot plus and athletic I can virtually guarantee she's well over 140. She might weigh as much as you do.
Anyway this is a fetish thread.

Anonymous No. 163642

if youre white, get a shroom and activate viking rage, if youre not, its over for you

Anonymous No. 164343

Terminal faggot, kill yourself
Do not weaken the gene pool with your living failure of an existence

Anonymous No. 164901

Idk man I think is God telling you to start doing steroids loading wraps with plaster

Anonymous No. 164903

very true this is some fetish shit

Anonymous No. 164906

what kind of question is that? the only proper way forward is to take the defeat like a man and get good at muay thai.
also, if you really think your coach "hates you", maybe look inwards and ask yourself why. are you not doing your best at practice? are you arrogant, a know it all or a cunt with a fragile ego?
but if (in the honestly pretty unlikely scenario) your coach is just a cunt for no reason, consider switching gyms

Anonymous No. 165029

punch her in the gunt

Anonymous No. 165503

I hate sparring women.
I go easy to not hurt them and they take it as an invitation to go full power…
As if a head kick landing with full power isn’t going to hurt or injure me..
be always careful sparring with women…

Anonymous No. 166461

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 166586

Damn u must be thick af, I’m 5’8 on a good day 135 and think i have some muscles already

Anonymous No. 166622

Find her socials and post what she looks like.

Anonymous No. 171274

this is muat thai? looks like she is about to crack his skull

Anonymous No. 171820

>looks like she is about to crack his skull

Human legs are not capable of that

Anonymous No. 172040

You fucking deserved it you faggot, just look at the pics you posted. Nobody cares if you got beat up by a girl. Enjoy the CTE/concussions.

Anonymous No. 172087

I hope you’re european and mistook 5’6 for 5’8 or 5’9
Otherwise you’re just a roided monkey

Anonymous No. 172135

holy fuck this board is slow
>get good, learn how to clinch so you can overpower women
>she sounds like a cunt and thats not how sparring should be done, you are a noob trying to get better and not a high level fighter in a training camp.
>your instructor sounds like a cunt, and should step in if he was supervising. some of the classes i go to the instructor might be sparring at the same time so this isnt always the case. also if everyone else was sparring they probably didnt even see you getting smoked. Even if they did, its more of a "damn shes good at kicks, definitely got me as well when i sparred her!' type of comment/thought
>you sound like a cunt, speak up for yourself and say "hey lets go light, trying to work on technique and not get beat up too bad"

Anonymous No. 172143

What's her @?

Tea No. 173920

Don't take it personal , your in class to lirn to fight and build self control. My first month as a white belt I was knocked out cold kicked in the face. The only simpath I got was a reminder I sighned a medical waver as I sat on the floor seeing stars. Don't worry about being a fatty I spent more time doing pushups and sit ups than practice. Your instructor probably thinks your undisciplined and will show up late and are only their Becous you liked watching the matrex. I have a poor attitude at first I was called out in class in front of 30 people my first week and asked what I wanted to lirn, like a smart ass I replied I want to break shit with my face it most be a common thing , he took the answer seriously even recommend an instructor as breaking is more karate than kung fu San su. You should feel honored you got your ass kicked. Your teacher may have felt you needed a session in humiliation. A little girl in class was shy about kicking men in the balls so she practiced on me fore a hole class yes I wore a cup but she missed a few times I was still sore. Wemon oftion have it harder in class than men their is a lot of touching grabbing and most wemon are at a strength disadvantage always faceing men twice their size. Kung fu was great the kung fu breakfast outings my instructor required charity work yes I dug a sceptic standing in shit. Shit in my hair my eyes , but the old man was in great need and shit washes off. I took 26 sessions never earned my yellow belt it was like 150 dollars and no wont cared about a belt after the first week you knew how could kick your ass. I hope your pride heales martial Arts is a community its about making friends and improving your mind and body. As fore the girl swallow your pride tell her if you hurt its the new people how get hurt and make mistakes I ramed my my middle finger up a kids nose. All the way to my middle knuckle on acidental , but how
Do you apologise fore this mistake sorry about the nose .

Anonymous No. 174199

>I ramed my my middle finger up a kids nose. All the way to my middle knuckle on acidental , but how Do you apologise fore this mistake sorry about the nose .

Yes, you say "sorry for the nose"

Anonymous No. 174350

based, women cant fight

Anonymous No. 175051

Such total BS that this stuff is even allowed in gyms, I just don't get it. BAN ALL WOMEN.

Anonymous No. 175983

this is why I will never join muay thai, boxing gyms etc.
the humiliation would haunt me until I die

Anonymous No. 176219

maby stop being...

sorry you are a genetic failure. something something population control.

Anonymous No. 177948


Anonymous No. 181395


Anonymous No. 185812

Ok what >>181395

Anonymous No. 186907

I like to hit them with quick jabs to establish dominance. If they still throw a hard headkick, I’ll throw a relatively hard straight and drop them. No time to fuck around with these cunts that watch too much Netflix.

Anonymous No. 186908

You get over it immediately after retribution, usually within seconds

Anonymous No. 187476

why? this is not a woman problem, this is a bad gym culture problem.
the girls at my gym aren't dumb fucks and they understand the consequences of going hard. I've dropped a couple with liver shots, bitches be tough as nails, they get up and keep fighting.

Anonymous No. 188030

Found the dyels

Anonymous No. 191914

yea same here.

Anonymous No. 192836

I'm 165 and lean at 5'7 bro you just need to do legs.

Anonymous No. 193506

genuine skill issue i'm afraid

Anonymous No. 198231

post a pic of her

Anonymous No. 202403

what >>159099 said

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Annon No. 202794

I wonder how a persons nose would look after an alleged incident like that. Nose-cherry’poppin

Anonymous No. 208452

I read all of this. I appreciate the positivity you're spreading

Anonymous No. 213190

Thats brutal. I thought getting squeezed to sleep wrestling with my SIL was bad but damn.