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🧵 Complete knee blow out

Anonymous No. 159175

I am 42. Decided to jump on a skateboard which should be relatively easy think to do. I just forgot I’m overweight and live pretty sedentary and have no business acting like I’m 25.

Pushed it out a bit on flat ground and hopped on. Saw like a flash, it was like a temporary loss of consciousness, I think shock from pain. Didn’t hit my head. Came to on ground in pain. Thought knee was sprained so I got up and it just collapsed again.

I have complete tear of ACL/ MCL and a Tibia plateau fracture with a segond fracture (some price kinda floating around). I see surgeon tomorrow. Anyone ever done anything this bad to their knee? How much trouble am I in here?

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Anonymous No. 159178

Details here.

Anonymous No. 159180

>How much trouble am I in here?
At your age, a lot
That shit would never be the a same if it happened when you were 21
It's the kind of injury that makes college students about to become a professional athlete never play again

They'll get you moving again but I'd expect a full replacement coming down the pipe in the next 20 years

Anonymous No. 159181

Do you have a desk job? Because you're not going to be walking unassisted for the better part of a year

Anonymous No. 159183

Yes I work at home and have for years. It’s not new to me like a lot of new Covid work from homers. So my income is secure. Honestly that sedentary life style probably is a contributing factor. I don’t get much exercise. I’m gonna try to look at this as a way to improve my overall health with the PT and then just keep it going. Being a desk jockey is no good.

Anonymous No. 159185

congratulations on hitting rock bottom tho :^)

Anonymous No. 159192


Anonymous No. 159313

I had a complete ACL tear and meniscus damage from a knee injury couple of years back. Had a ACL reconstruction surgery, the recovery was a bitch, first 6 months you can't even walk. Expect to do tons of rigorous leg exercise if you decide to get an operation.

I can do most most stuff pain/discomfort free now, but still scared to go back to martial arts/extreme sports.

Anonymous No. 159315

That's a career ender. I suggest you find a new hobby.

Anonymous No. 159316

>I am 42. Decided to jump on a skateboard
and i just lold
i lold so hard today

Anonymous No. 159326

Near exact same thing, but back when I was a fat kid

Anonymous No. 159357

So I went today and the bone will heal on its own. So will the MCL somehow. I don’t get how that works. ACL surgery in 8-10 weeks of course depending on bone doing its thing properly. I took it as good news even though this is an 8+ month recovery.

Anonymous No. 159423

Reminder that you can skateboard at any age, yes, even 70, if you already live a healthy life and have a fit body. At least do some weeks of stretching and calisthenics before jumping on the board

And for you OP, hopefully medical science will improve enough soon that your injury will be little more than what a scrape is

Anonymous No. 159425

MCL goes straight down the side of the knee, it probably tore at the bottom so it'll knit back together on its own
ACL crosses diagonally through the joint so it'll never find its way back to the correct place on its own
that's my theory on the matter

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Anonymous No. 159494

Life is hard, but it's harder when you're stupid...

Anonymous No. 159526

Thanks Boddikker

Anonymous No. 160141

I'm a MRI fag , i see a lot of these, again depending on the tear you are either fucked with ACL reconstruction or ULTRA fucked with complete knee prosthesis.
Don't expect to do anything for better part of a year at minimum. any kind of high level sport is right out, but you are 42 and fat so that's nothing new to you.

Sorry this happened to you, but at least be thankful it happened somewhat late in your life and your future was not dependant on that knee, i saw a LOT of early 20's athlete ,life get ruined by ACL tears.

Anonymous No. 161188

>I have complete tear of ACL/ MCL
skate career ender

my friend put on a pair of rollerskates at 42, stood up and then instantly destroyed his ankle. 1.5years ago and still walking with a limp.

Anonymous No. 161190

>Reminder that you can skateboard at any age, yes, even 70,
you cant learn to skate at any age. you have to learn
1. how to avoid falling
2. how to fall
when your younger, othrwise your gonna be spending all your time injured as an adult.
I watch a few old guys skating and they never fall, and the few times they do, they do a slow, scary tuck and roll out of it..

Anonymous No. 161213

Fucking hell dude. I'm just getting back from a fractured patella at 34 and it's been hell for 3 months. This is next level brutal. Good luck bro.

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Anonymous No. 161226

i imagine it went something like this, thanks for the laugh hehe

Anonymous No. 161235

On rollerskates? Really?

Anonymous No. 161254

yeah, we went to the park with some girls and he found a pair of skates weeks earlier and was gonna take them out for their first roll. he laced them up, stood up, fell, ankle ruined.

Anonymous No. 161269

Shoulda chose climbing for your mid life crisis activity lol

Anonymous No. 161342

Don't post stuff like that, you psychopath...

Anonymous No. 161366

I was probably like that but I’m no where near that out of shape. Also I don’t have a memory of it happening. It was like seeing a flash and waking up on the ground so I can’t say what it looked like. I have thought many times over they past few weeks what the fuck would I be doing if I was unable to use crutches/ shower on one foot etc… I’m going for an X-ray in 2 days to see if tibia is healing properly to stay the planed course of action. Stay safe folks. If you wanna try something you have not done in a while maybe stretch or walk around the fucking block first.

Anonymous No. 161395

I had pretty much the same thing happen to me, fractured tibia and fibula completely tore my acl and partially tore my mcl and meniscus. Knee feels fine when walking, but i feel a little pain when running sometimes, most of the time it feels fine. Put it to the ultimate test and played a backyard game of football, and ended up having pretty bad knee pain for a couple of weeks. As long as you don't plan on doing something like that, you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 161397

I forgot to mention that I had surgery on it

Anonymous No. 161728

Thought I would update incase anyone was revisiting the thread or came across it. Tibia fracture is healing. 2 weeks for another X-ray check then can start PT if nothing has moved. There is a potential here for no surgery as apparently you can function in a non athletic lifestyle without an ACL. You can walk run cycle swim, all traditional agressive sports and extreme sports would be out the window of course. I will be seeking a second opinion on that if I get to that point, but it was interesting news and good news if I have have to or opt to have ACL surgery or not it’s moving in the right direction.

Anonymous No. 162246

Good luck anon.

Anonymous No. 162250

I'm close to my 40's and still skate.

But I have to say, I actively discourage people who are fat from picking up a skateboard. The spills and falls are unavoidable, and if you don't have at least a few years of an active lifestyle or the sort of past hobbies where you learned to fall correctly, you're going to get hurt.

You'll notice all the best kids at the skatepark are skinny as rails. That weight is advantageous. I'm 215lb and spend more time lifting than skating, which is why I still to the bowl where I can fuckin slide down on knee pads rather than take a full flat concrete slam.

Yeah skating when you're older can seem 'omg so cool' but you've gotta be honest with yourself. If you can't take a fall, don't skate the styles where falls are the harshest. And if you're fat with no history of athletic pursuits, just don't bother at all.

Anonymous No. 163044

>acting like I'm 25
25 is still too old to be skating

Anonymous No. 163046


Anonymous No. 163087

Getting old fucking sucks, 2 months ago I sprained my ankle just going down the stairs and I couldnt even get out of bed for almost a week.

Anonymous No. 163107

You don't skate and never have

Anonymous No. 163182

>How much trouble am I in here?
This mess is salvageable, as long as you are willing to work hard on recovery, for months. I have seen guys who had horrific injuries in both knees and after months, they were able to dunk again.

Anonymous No. 163208

lots of noskaters itt clearly. you get back on the board the second you heal and give it another shot. that's how skating works. I do advise losing weight and getting active first though. being flexible helps and remembering how to fall is also key.

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Anonymous No. 163422

I completely tore my ACL skateboarding a couple of years. Absolutely fucked up situation. I quickly got the reconstruction surgery, did intense physical therapy (at a medical clinic tailored for pro soccer players). Hopped back on the board in 8 months, shredding even harder. It buckles on me if I land wrong but I think it’s due to atrophy in my afflicted leg from the downtime (quads and hamstring-did a hamstring acl surgery). It’s definitely possible to come back but you’re gonna have to change your entire lifestyle if you wanna skate again. Also I’m 24.

Anonymous No. 163423

Oh forgot to add I can’t skate stairs or rails no more so I focus on pool skating now hehe

Anonymous No. 164070

Good advice. I saw the Dr again today and did X-rays again. Bone is healing properly still and I had a PT appt set up for right after assuming this would be the case. PT said I could have already been doing some leg straightening. Dr didn’t make that very clear last appt just that I could start PT today if all was well. I am at 25 degrees right now. I can shift weight to the leg, not full weight. My brace is in an unlocked position so all it is really doing is keeping my knee from blowing out sideways due to my lack of ACL. Very excited to start this part of the process. In 3 weeks will see Dr again. In 6 weeks we will talk about ACL surgery vs no ACL. One day I’m going to come back in here and write my love letter to skateboarding as even though I have not skated in years this has made me think about it constantly. It’s fucking strange like getting something I wasn’t doing taken away has sparked something in me.

Anonymous No. 164441

Man. I'm glad I've been doing shit to strengthen my legs, preemptive PT and the like, for yrs now. I started looking out for my legs and back after seeing so many friends and family take WEAK stumbles and need surgery.

Anonymous No. 164444

Unfortunately, it's fucked. I did a similar injury to myself at 22 skating a bowl, went through YEARS or repeat injury due to football, eventually had a repeated full tear resulting in surgery at 28. I started skating again at 33, but only skateparks. My knee is OK now but I have flare ups of tendonitis. Also my pop is GONE. Where I used to be able to breeze around and get up on handrails, I can barely Ollie higher than my knee height now. I even get the urge to push mongo occasionally to give my right knee a break. I have about a year left of skateboarding, and I've been into it for 25 years. If you're just starting out and you've hurt yourself this badly, you might want to weigh up the risk against the gain.

Anonymous No. 164762

A lot of measured activity for the knee is needed. If you want inspiration, watch the E60 on Alex Smith, where he almost died and came back to the NFL from his leg getting an insane fracture

Anonymous No. 166217

if you want your knee to work you will have to stop being overweight. you'll probably need surgery, after you get it do the PT and focus on losing weight (diet, exercise)
a stationary bike will be your friend.

If you get an ACL reconstruction, get an Allograft with cadaver patellar tendon instead of an Autograft with your own tissue. The recovery from having a chunk of your tendon taken out is worse than the recovery for the ACL itself, according to my friends who have gone that route (I had an Allograft at 23)

Allograft has its own problems of course but the ACL is such a weak ligament that the difference is marginal in my opinion. the important thing if you want to do any sort of physical activity going forward is to LOSE WEIGHT. Get your BMI under 25.

>There is a potential here for no surgery as apparently you can function in a non athletic lifestyle without an ACL
that's true, the only places where you really need an ACL are places where you hear about ACL tears. You can definitely get back to a fairly active lifestyle as long as you LOSE WEIGHT. I'm not saying this to be a dick, I am saying it because it is the most important thing you can do for yourself physically.

Anonymous No. 166351

>I just forgot I’m overweight
How much overweight are we talking here?

Anonymous No. 166409

Something less bad than this happened to me at 19 skiing and I recovered from it with a *very* good surgeon.
>I’m overweight and live pretty sedentary
If you want to walk correctly again you're basically gonna have to completely turn your life around and force yourself to recover muscle after surgery. DO EVERYTHING THE PHYSICAL THERAPIST SAYS.

Anonymous No. 166410

My experience with the patellar tendon graft was *very* good, from what I've read allografts come out weaker.
Though probably the better option for older people (older than OP) who actually can't recover from it.

Anonymous No. 170967

>forgot I’m overweight and live pretty sedentary
You don't forget this. You live in ignorance of it. Hence why you do stupid shit and live a mediocre life. GL

Anonymous No. 170968

A medical 'professional' who doesn't know about Mark Wildman's Program Design and Injury Recovery Videos

Anonymous No. 170969

was he fat and out of shape?

Anonymous No. 171443

no, but he was more of a 'sit down and chat' type of guy.
he said he was so shocked about the fall becuase he used to rollerblade in his youth.

apparently girls ruining their ankles and knees has been a thing with that recent rollerskate boom

Anonymous No. 171444

>lots of noskaters itt clearly. you get back on the board the second you heal and give it another shot. that's how skating works
you have to be 18 to post here

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Tony Hawk LuKnight.png

Anonymous No. 171451

There's a reason why there is no fat professional skaters.

This isn't the best way to start your mid-life crisis but for fuck's sake please listen to your medical advisors and lose some weight. Get into a boomer hobby like fishing or golfing and try to keep your BMI at a reasonable level for your age form now on.

Anonymous No. 171746

Had the same experience with gymnastics, to me it was just MLC, you will get an operation lasting 70 minutes, and you'll need a plastic on your leg for 6 weeks, dynamic sports aren't reccomended until at least the 12th week