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Arm Wrestling 2023.webm

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 159208

Does arm wrestling count as an extreme sport?

Anonymous No. 159211

You just wanted to post a webm with women in it, that's you wanted to do. Don't lie, that was the whole point of this thread. You don't give a shit about arm wrestling and if it's an extreme sport, you just wanted to post that webm.

You fucking suck.

Fuck you, you get no fucking answer for your shitty thread.

New thread topic:

What fighting style would an old-timey cowboy use?

Anonymous No. 159222

Only if it’s extreme arm wrestling

Anonymous No. 159223

If any at all, it would be something like pugilism or wrestling (though old times pugilism also involved a lot of wrestling that isn’t present in modern boxing because rounds didn’t end until someone hit the floor)

There was also “rough and tumble” fighting in the American south where people tried to gauge each others eyes or bite their noses off intentionally.

In general though, you should keep in mind the Wild West was quite literally a developing nation. People were more often concerned with their work than training recreational combat sports. There were some odd exceptions though. Traveling circuses often had strongmen/catch wrestlers that would offer cash prizes to anyone who could pin them. Most people, however, we’re not swole and didn’t know how to wrestle so this was a pretty easy way to make money.