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🗑️ 🧵 /smg/ - Strongman General

Anonymous No. 159882

2 weeks until the Shaw Classic. Will Trey three-peat?

Want to start strongman? Find a local gym with strongman kit and sign up

Find a strongman comp

Anonymous No. 160217

Working on my stone lifts, make me appreciate how tall I am.

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Anonymous No. 160228

Why did Pudzianowski always look almost like a bodybuilder while most strongmen look like fatties?

Anonymous No. 160229

Same reason he's one of very few to get suspended for a banned substance

Anonymous No. 160233

Because he was better than everyone else and consequentially ostracized? Or are you actually implying that they're not all on gallons of grow grow juice?

Anonymous No. 160236

Why don't you just look it up and find out instead of attempting to sound like you have any idea what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 160257

You're a fucking moron. All wsm competitors are absolutely saturated with steroids.

Anonymous No. 160269

I need to take a good look at competitors, events, and past performances but i reckon he could. Nakonechnyy could be real dangerous with these events. Ill be there it should be exciting to watch
Pudz tested hot for coke, and it cost him third or fourth or something (year Vasyl Virastyuk won). Iirc either rob kearney or oberst said they really only test for recreational drugs to make sure the guys arent gonna drop dead mid comp

Anonymous No. 160271

>steroids are the only thing that could be a banned substance
Your head must double as an atlas stone.

Anonymous No. 160328

>be small
>can't cry steroids to cope because you're on them too
>claim that amphetamines made that bigger guy more jacked
Stop it. He lifts better.

Anonymous No. 160360

>They're too fat
>You're too small
>coke is an amphetamine
>marius didn't get his asshole rung dry when Big Z showed up
This vigorous stupidity could only come from the Polish

Anonymous No. 160361

Did you people get kicked off of fit.

This isn't a extreme sport.
This is strength sports which belongs on fit or sp.

Anonymous No. 160371

Theres a schizo on /fit/ that every so often tries to get /plg/ migrated over here but it never works. /smg/ would maybe fit better tho to be fair

Anonymous No. 160378


Anonymous No. 160423

You really want this to be true don't you karateman?

Anonymous No. 160442


Anonymous No. 160445

if we're being nitpicky then explain to me how boxing or karate are extreme sports lmao. are they in the x games? no?? wow crazy!

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Anonymous No. 160457

>Wanna compete?
>programs, stretching, bands, lift tutorials

Anonymous No. 160460

>This isn't a extreme sport.
>This is strength sports which belongs on fit or sp.
Factually incorrect
>"/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc."
Emphasis on "not limited to".
>/fit/ - Fitness
>Images and discussion related to dieting, exercise, healthy living, and workout plans is welcome here.
>Relationship, dating advice, and "mental health" threads belong on /adv/.
>/xs/ - Extreme Sports
>This board is for the discussion of extreme sports and similar physical activities. This includes topics such as skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, climbing, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX, airsoft, paintball, etc.
>Discussions about professional sports teams, leagues, and athletes should be posted to /sp/. Discussions about eSports should be posted to /vg/. Discussions about professional wrestling should be posted to /pw/.
Makes it pretty clear that /plg/ doesn't belong on /fit/. It very clearly falls into the /xs/ umbrella.

Anonymous No. 160475

That shut his b*tt up.

Anonymous No. 160489

Different era, it was a much lighter sport then and plenty strongmen of the 90s-early 00s were lean as well. Svend Karlsen was an actual bodybuilder

Anonymous No. 160490

whats it like to be unequivocally owned?

Anonymous No. 160491

based strongman knowledge haver, in the history of strogman who is the GOAT and also do you remember when kaz got exposed for sending autistic hirny dms to some chink

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Anonymous No. 160499


Anonymous No. 160500

Volume bench after werk, topset should be like 295x10

>bench weight begins with 2 i cri evrtym

tried an acai bowl this mornin for some reason. shit is obviously dessert idk why normies think shit like this is healthy

Anonymous No. 160503

reminder if you run another mans program he gets your gains

Anonymous No. 160572

That's why I only train once every two weeks, nobody has ever done this before me.

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zoomer deads.jpg

Anonymous No. 160578

Does anyone have advice on how to keep outdoor implements and bars from getting insanely hot in the sun?

Anonymous No. 160579

at comp they usually lay white towels over them between events. If you mean long term storage then maybe a white tarp I guess

Anonymous No. 160581

leading into last comp i was only lifting once every 11 days for months and ended up atronger than ever somehow

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Anonymous No. 160582

posting in the appropriate genny

Anonymous No. 160629

>Does anyone have advice on how to keep outdoor implements and bars from getting insanely hot in the sun?
Stop voting for republicans who deny global warming.

Anonymous No. 160636


0 rep

Anonymous No. 160638

>t. karatop

Anonymous No. 160695

3x5 Squat (10' rest time)
3x5 Press (10')
1x5 Deadlift (10')
Merle Haggard
Breakfast: 8 scrambled eggs, ground beef, some peppers and instant oatmeal
Lunch 1a: Double cheeseburger with a large fry/Dr. Pepper
Lunch 1b: Caniac combo with a sweet tea
Dinner: Lasagna, french bread, salad with ranch
Snacks: 1 gallon of whole milk throughout the day (not all at once), almonds, some berries, my snackin' cheese
Pretty tired and my knees hurt from all the squatting volume and walking around at the medieval fair. They had one of those scooters but said I was not disabled so wouldn't give it to me. I'd consider that cardio.

Anonymous No. 160783

question for atrongman fags, how do you decide what to train and how do you structure it? lioe do u know what events are coming or do you generally just know theres gonna be a press, a carry and an endurance thing? i know with powerliftin every brainlet follows a handful of gay programs for cuckolds. do strongmen also follow a handful of gay programs for cuckolds?

this sounds like a pretty nice day, how fat r u

Anonymous No. 160788

Just in between sets—my gym keeps them in a shipping container for storage. I'll try the towel, thanks!

Anonymous No. 160809

Attention /xs/. Notice how this thread popped up right after /plg/ didn't make here. Furthermore notice how it's all the same posters. @Janny, notice how it's all the same IPs from /plg/. You've been warned.

Anonymous No. 160814

mad tranny lmao

Anonymous No. 160815

Powerlifting style training is good for making you overall stronger which is still effective for strongman. But instead pf strictly training only sbd, rotate log/axle/etc regularly to keep competency in the movements and focus whichever events a comp might have 4ish weeks out.

yes, I'm answering questions just in case there are any good faith posters here but this is actually a troll thread by a schizo who's trying to splinter /plg/ for some reason. If you want to talk more about strongman then /fit/plg/ is still the right place to go.

Anonymous No. 160818

how much should I weigh for a strongman comp if I am 6’0?

Anonymous No. 160819

230ish probably or up to 275 if you're really strong

Anonymous No. 160820

Who would win in a fight, a 140 lb karateman or a 275 lb strongman? Keep in mind the karateman’s speed is superior.

Anonymous No. 160826

The "strong"man would die of a blood clot before landing a punch

Anonymous No. 160828

The Strongman is going to swing his arms around in a explosion of testosterone and then get totally tired after a minute at best.

Anonymous No. 160829

favorite anime?

Anonymous No. 160830

Big man wins it, anyone saying otherwise has watched too much anime.

Doesn't matter boxing, mma, no rules gutter fight its the same outcome. Playing it defensively Mark Hunt style would help the odds aswell but so long as Eddie didn't gas in 30 seconds by coming out if the hole like a maniac its over in boxing. In MMA all he would need to do is close the distance and clinch/lean on his opponent for a round or two until thier knees are ready to collapse. In a street fight he could literally overhead press him up and snap him over his fucking knee, game over.

Brainlets don't know weight classes are a thing for good reason.

Anonymous No. 160831

Shit your pants after reading our posts?
Need me to change your diaper?

Warden Pendleton No. 160832

I am the diaper.

Anonymous No. 160833

holy shit

Anonymous No. 160834

I kneel

Anonymous No. 160837

someone shouldnpost the mountain vs mcgregor clip

Anonymous No. 160838

what plg? that thread died at 268 posts without anyone linking a new one. noce genny LOL

Anonymous No. 160841

if you really want /plg/ to move here then why are you shitting up this thread too?

Anonymous No. 160852

Seething misdirecting kike detected

Your Hebrew tricks won't work in /xs/