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Anonymous No. 159931

5'6 200lbs 18%bodyfat guy Vs 6'5 145lbs with 7ft arm span. Muay thai fight. Both have extremely refined standup technique. Who would win?

Anonymous No. 159933

5'6 guy.

When striking or punching, you are trying to deliver force forward and in some regards up. Trying to punch someone who is a lot lower than you, especially with a lighter bodyweight is hard. You're pretty much trying to punch into the ground so you're fucking up the kinetic chain. Maybe if the 6'5 guy got lower.

5'6 guy is 200 lbs. He's just a stockier guy in general and will be able to clinch better (when he can). He can also sweep out the leg better if 6'5 guy tries to kick him or clinch. It will be like trying to fight a Neanderthal. Not only will 5'6 guy be better at clinching and have a better center of gravity making it hard for him to be pushed around, but he has thicker elbows too. His elbows and arm width are denser than 6'5 guy making his elbows more impactful and rigid.

My money is on 5'6 guy as long as practices some kind of sprints in his off time.

Anonymous No. 159937

What's the ring size?

Anonymous No. 159938

200 lbs
If the answer was different, muay thai would have heightclasses instead of weightclasses

Anonymous No. 159939


Anonymous No. 159943

>5'6 200lbs 18%bodyfat guy
No contest because of roids

Anonymous No. 159944

its also hard to hit 30 centimeters up above you.

I was about to say i would bet on the 6'5 guy in a strictly muay thai fight but i remembered that to be 6'5 and 145lbs you need to be an anorexic stick.

The 5'6 dude wins.

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Anonymous No. 159946

>anorexic stick
Like this champ?

Anonymous No. 159965

6ft 5in. Especially with that troglodyte 7ft wingspan. Sure, mr manlet is roided out the ass, but that’s an insurmountable reach gap.

Anonymous No. 159970

200lb guy vs 145 lb guy
Heavy guys have ko power, light guys just don't
Way more lengthy slugfests against paperweights than heavy weights

Anonymous No. 159973

BMI is a flawed measurement system, but just for context:
6' 5" at 145lbs is a BMI of 17.2 (severely underweight).
5' 6" at 200lbs is a BMI of 32.3 (clinically obese).

The lanklet is on death's door and he's gonna die if he so much as trips over his shoelaces.
The manlet is either lying about his bf% or he's on roids.
In conclusion, OP is a faggot.

Anonymous No. 159976

Why don't people remember Dieselnoi ( >>159946 ), whose bmi was also about 17.2?

Anonymous No. 159978


as Hogan once said "the cruiserweights can cruiserwait brotha"

Anonymous No. 160735

yes, anorexic stick.