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🗑️ 🧵 /plg/ - powerlifting general

Anonymous No. 160018

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>Conjugate pastebin
>Tripfag Numbers
>Hero registry

Previous thread:

Anonymous No. 160019

hell yea brother lookin longnstrong

Anonymous No. 160022

Thanks, should we keep voting in the strawpoll or we're good now?

Anonymous No. 160024

what the fuck is /xs/ anyways. thought this was /x/ for a second.

Anonymous No. 160025




STAY ON >>>/fit/


Anonymous No. 160026

Is extreme eating a sport

Anonymous No. 160027

post body XD, (you wont)

Anonymous No. 160028


Anonymous No. 160029

Anyone want to help me build a site where any video can be made into a game?

Anonymous No. 160031

this is the postings of a plg tripfag probably worried theyll lose their pretend social standing if people aren't aware of their long history of gay lingering. likelly bobby

Anonymous No. 160032

Greetings /xs/ PLG HAS ARRIVED. After some debate and a hotly contested strawpoll it has been determined that powerlifting is a sport not of fitness but of extremity. The lengths we go to feast and frow bloated with drugs, destroying our joints and cardiovascular systems for universally ignored glory. Thusly, we have landed here in /xs/, enthusiastic to mix and mongle with you balding adult karate men, octagenarian pickleball enjoyers and marbelle racing fanatics. Im sure many of you lift weights and im even more sure you pugilists have something to prove. JOIN us in arguing about squatting, benching and deadlifting. Watch as we treat obese old men with 80iqs as gods. The old plg is DEAD, TRIPFAGS DEAD, TRAPPYCHANS DEAD. NOW OS THE TIME TO GET XXXXXXTREEEEEEEEMMMMMMEEEEEEEE

Anonymous No. 160033

Okay, but don't fuck up other martial art threads by telling us that you can bench 405 and squat 550 and that's all that matters in a fight.

Anonymous No. 160044

as a man with a gun, i aint much for fightin but would be interested to hear about the squat bench and deadlift abilities of the karatemen

Anonymous No. 160045

This belongs here. Because like all "extreme sports" it has little at all to do with genuine fitness & more to do with ego pampering.

Anonymous No. 160047

Based truth teller

Anonymous No. 160052

if powerlifting isnt an extreme sport then why did bobby gain 250lbs

Retired Lifting Enthusiast No. 160069

Just deposited a large load of norman khan.

Anonymous No. 160070

This our board now homie. You had a nice run but you done
*pats your head*

Anonymous No. 160075

Get shit on, twink

Anonymous No. 160082

/fit/ must be so happy to be rid of powershitting bloatlords selling 1 way tickets to snap city.

Anonymous No. 160085

Powereating is an extreme sport

Anonymous No. 160091

Kinda want to see a Strongman/Highland games thread now

Anonymous No. 160100

fuck it, plg is a home to a strength sports. half the regular poaters these days do strongman anyway

Anonymous No. 160110

>as a man with a gun, i aint much for fightin
Why do you have a weapon if not for fighting?

Anonymous No. 160142

pretty squat bro

Anonymous No. 160146

brainlet post, snap city is for little babies who are too stupid to figure out their own personalized training methods and just do whatever theyre told. i pity you little baby man

Anonymous No. 160209

Without aesthetics manlets and powerlifting piggies having it out fit is just lgbt + pol + r9k. Which would honestly be fine without the lgbt and r9k.

Anonymous No. 160214

What's your idea of beat someone just with raw strength?

Anonymous No. 160225

what did he mean by this

Anonymous No. 160226

whats good

Anonymous No. 160240

Tough question. Philosophers have tried since time immemorial to answer this.

Anonymous No. 160247

it is impossible to tell whats good or bad

Anonymous No. 160250

hot take: mobility and flexibility is the enemy of strength
verification not required

Anonymous No. 160253

If you can't tell good from bad you are not well.

Anonymous No. 160254


Anonymous No. 160256

Fortunate and unfortunate isn't the same as good and bad.

Anonymous No. 160258

how much zone two cardio do you guys/people do a week? also what is your resting heart rate?

Anonymous No. 160259

right but objectively there isnt a universal good or bad. what do you think is good? good for you? good for mankind? good for the environment? good for the weak? there are always conflicting interests. Also what you perceive as good may be the worst thing ever from a perspective you're unaware of. Consider the best thing you can imagine, now consider that its somehow set into motion events which result in the worst thing you can imagine. a persons tiny brain sees a very small amount of information and understands even less. the answer to the question "whats good?" is truly "there is probably no way to tell"

Anonymous No. 160261

Dude if we did cardio we'd be competing in a sport and not powerlifting. Just counted 64bpm, what does this mean

Anonymous No. 160262

Fat take.

Anonymous No. 160265

>what do you think is good? good for you? good for mankind? good for the environment? good for the weak? there are always conflicting interests
All of these. There is no conflict there. I am mankind. The environment is ours as far we're concerned. And the what's good for the strong is good for the weak because it's what they're strong.
>Consider the best thing you can imagine, now consider that its somehow set into motion events which result in the worst thing you can imagine
That's fortune again.
You just don't take from your own kind. That's what morality means. It's not complicated. Don't be a relativist.

Anonymous No. 160267

Heh, I see you're still thinking in binary terms.

Anonymous No. 160268

twice a week on tuesday/thursday. whats your sbd also what is your bodyweight?

Anonymous No. 160272

I've transcended beyond binary and now am a nonbinary individual. Non binary is all in the kind friend.

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Anonymous No. 160274

>when the karateman takes the last dingdong from the pantry

Anonymous No. 160277

audible kek

Anonymous No. 160278

>your own kind
you mean living things? carbon based life forms? you know mankind is a cancer on this planet right? is that 'good'?

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Anonymous No. 160282

Anyone want to be my gym buddy

Squat 400s
Diddly almost 5
Bench 300s
Ohp around 225

Anonymous No. 160283

Please not all at once.

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images (5).jpg

Anonymous No. 160311

nice ohp, i was in but you said no homo in the other thread and i wanted this to end in sweaty gay sex. and for that reason, im out

Anonymous No. 160314

Are you a mechanic with words tattooed on your knuckles?

Anonymous No. 160323

I mean us dude. It's consume and grow or be consumed and assimilated into another kinds growth. You know I'm talking about all of humanity except for that strange cannibal race that made the media that put these anti life ideas in your head. I like the matrix trilogy as much as the next guy but the machines are the bad guys no matter how cool hugo weaving is.

Anonymous No. 160329

the only noble action is suicide

Anonymous No. 160333

This idea speaks for itself but I'll say it again for emphasis. You are not well.

Anonymous No. 160340

i believe "enlightened" is the term to describe someone who intuitively sees the big picture

Anonymous No. 160350

Only psueds talk about the big picture. We know enough to know that as above so below so we learn to discern what we can see and we don't pretend our sensory organs are magical and special unless we're leading a cult.

Anonymous No. 160362

>Calls others pseuds
>Unironically says as above so below
Lol. Roflmao.

Anonymous No. 160363


Not even a little bit of a extreme sport.
You don't belong here, go back to where you belong.

Anonymous No. 160365

Ignorant of you to assume powershitters are fit.
>Garbage diet
>Fat bodies
>Gassed from a flight of stairs
What exactly about them screams fitness?

Anonymous No. 160374

I can’t be inside if you’re out. Sad.
No but if that’s what you like I can make it happen I am flexible.

Anonymous No. 160394

ignore the spamtard. The idea that /plg/ belongs here is his latest "trolling" attempt

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Anonymous No. 160407