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Anonymous No. 160147

Who would win?

Anonymous No. 160158

You would get fustigated.

Anonymous No. 160160

Alright, I dont k ow if this is bait or not but I'll give you a straight answer. I sparred a bit with a 105er who was training for the Olympics so I can probably provide some insight.

Your guy is a champion, he had to beat a champion to do that, there's a very good reason he held that belt and you shouldn't take that lightly, even if it's some Kentucky backyard fed. Hes cut down go meet that weight, so there's a good chance he walks around anywhere between 125 and 140 depending on how crazy he is. given the incredibly fast nature of his class, he will put a blistering pace on you the likes of which you've never seen. My guy was fooling around and I couldn't touch him, otherworldly agility, it felt like he could fuckig teleport. His punches wont have a lot of stank on them but they hurt and you're gonna eat a million.

Best of luck to you

Anonymous No. 160163

You would get raped

Anonymous No. 160164

Till the room stinks

Anonymous No. 160234

You are mentally ill

Anonymous No. 160238

Maybe but being a manlet affects your performence in fights more than being mentally ill

Anonymous No. 160379

>looks up on the internet the smallest professional fighter available
>/xs/ bros, i would be able to beat him wouldn't i? i'm 6 foot tall and watched a lot of yt videos
you wouldn't be able to beat him not because of height or skills, but because you are an insecure pussy

Anonymous No. 160389

>Weight classes are just for shits & giggles
Single greatest determining factor in any fight is raw athleticism. Assuming your weight difference is composed of mostly muscle, you would have a good shot. Don't listen to this board. It's nothing but BJJ & TMA faggots, both of whom think technique trumps fitness & thats pure fucking fantasy. Lifting is unironically a better martial art than anything on this board.

Anonymous No. 160413


Anonymous No. 160463

Weight classes are for competitors fighting competitors, weight is a big factor, but not big enough to overcome the skill gap we are looking at, especially if this is kickboxing rules
You do not traim

Anonymous No. 160474

You're 140 lbs at 6'0? Lmao, eat a burger and come back.

Anonymous No. 160476

Based on your previous training and experience, you might have some degree of awareness of what is happening to you as he mercilessly beats your ass.

You are severely underweight and you don't train.

Anonymous No. 160486

Need a diaper change?

Anonymous No. 160890

I will knock you out

Anonymous No. 161106

Serious question: does 105lb guy even have the power to knock somebody out?

Anonymous No. 161109

Weight classes are for people with similar levels of skill
You don't punch nearly as hard (let's not even mention as fast) as high level boxers 20-30 pounds lighter than you
Inoue fights at that weight and he has 22 wins out of 25 before the limit

Anonymous No. 161111

If the opponent is also a manlet, yes. If the opponent is bigger but gives him a chance to precisely hit the jaw with full force, probably also yes.

Anonymous No. 161668

Being a powershitting bloatlord is not the epitome of athleticism. There are more factors than just size & strength. Top comment on that dumbass video says it best.
>I'd bet on my 8 year old in a fight with bob sapp