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Anonymous No. 160480

If you were to purposely train someone wrong as a joke, how would you do it?

Anonymous No. 160482

Only ever do one-step sparring with no attempt to contextualize the principles of the technique. Just tell them that the opponent will step and punch, then stand still holding their arm out while you perform a block, three counter strikes, and a takedown.

Use a lot of medical and esoteric terminology to impress them with the techniques they're learning, like "you see, you must not meet that energy directly and clash with it, you must blend with it and return it, so you use the cat stance to shift to the inside line and void his attack (air meets water, you see), thus you have an open line to deliver trauma to the solar plexus and esophageal notch (wood meets fire, as it were)."

Then lecture them severely every class about the "warrior spirit" and "honor" and "the eye of the tiger" and subtly imply that they have a social duty to "teach a lesson to" any bully that they see.

Stand back and observe hilarity ensue as they step up to defend the womanly honor of a street ho at a c-store.

Anonymous No. 160483

I would teach him taekwondo

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Anonymous No. 160495

Id teach them a style where you only throw punches with your arm and don’t engage your shoulder or hip at all. Then I’d tell them if they do this really fast they’d stunlock them.

Anonymous No. 160506

Tell them to just spar really, really hard. No prior knowledge about anything, just throw everything you have at someone for a few hours.

Anonymous No. 160509

I do though
All I do is teach low percentage meme techniques and dick moves sure to make you enemies

Anonymous No. 160551

I would teach them ballet and gymnastics but say I am teaching them stuff related to martial arts.
They would be physically fit, with beautiful and elegant movements, capable of impressive physical feats, but wouldn't be trained to actually fight/harm. Instead they could put on impressive demonstrations and be entertainers.

Basically all art with no martial.

Anonymous No. 160555

This is infinitely better than any TMA training

Anonymous No. 160584

>have one or two training sessions ever then be too injured to ever do martial arts again
>train from childhood to old age with few to no major injuries but will never be a competent competitive fighter

Better how exactly?
Because you can't effectively defend yourself if you crippled yourself during your first few training sessions
You sure as fuck will never compete in anything
It's worse then TMA training, and this is coming from someone who thinks TMA training is bad too but on the other end of the spectrum.

Anonymous No. 160608

Out of all the advice here this is probably the least worst because while they won't learn how to throw a punch the average person doesn't know either and they'll at least be aggressive with their punches

Anonymous No. 160631

nah its based you're just bad at sparring

Anonymous No. 160643

>"H-hey, y-you'd better stop that, you big bully!"
Ya know, it might actually be effective.

Anonymous No. 160646

>"H-hey, y-you'd better stop that, you big bully!"

Anonymous No. 160661

Proven effective strategy.

Anonymous No. 161054

Traditional Chinese Martial Arts