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Anonymous No. 160530

Dumbest shit said by particular martial arts practitioners or fans

Anonymous No. 160536

I'm convinced 90% of the posts on here come from this Polish guy.

Anonymous No. 160537

throws are actually better than submissions
there's a reason slamming people is banned and submissions are not. Even bjj itself admits it's too dangerous thus superior

Anonymous No. 160540

Submissions are controllable. I can definitely kill you with most submissions, slams and throws are less predictable

Anonymous No. 160541

I create approximately 20% of threads on this board. Don't know about percentage of my posts. It's hard to count.

By this logic, fish hooking is super effective

Anonymous No. 160546

>By this logic, fish hooking is super effective
yeah it definitely is

Anonymous No. 160549

>Elbows don't stop fights
Bas Rutten

>I'm 300-0 because I fought guys on the beach
Rickson Gracie

>ronda rousey could beat the 135 men
joe rogan

>travis lutter is the michael jordan of bjj
mike goldberg

Anonymous No. 163563

>Rickson with an R

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SpinHinaSpin [sou....gif

🗑️ Anonymous No. 167440

dont mind me, just testing on a dead board

Anonymous No. 167488

Greco has a point though.

Anonymous No. 167655

12-6 elbow is legitimate weakness to typical mma style that the rules don't account for.

Anonymous No. 169573


The most retarded thing about tkd is

I love the kicks of tkd and i use em successfully in mma but doing only tkd will actually leave you with less fighting capability than say, just lifting weights

Anonymous No. 169598

Funny thing is, TKD manuals now show shin block and use of low kicks.

I sorta agree too. I would not shoot for a single leg or double leg because the risk of eating a knee or an elbow/punch by my opponent unless I know I can get away with it. All the throws, trips, and takedowns in wrestling shouldn't be discounted.

Anonymous No. 169599

They're both equally important. My biggest gripe with judo is that they treat throws and takedowns like a silver bullet. Sure it it's pulled off correctly, you can pick the dude's brains off the pavement or they have a broken neck. But if it fails, you need to follow-up with either another throw/takedown or do groundfighting.

Yup. At least there's a measure of control when applying a joint lock or choke.

Anonymous No. 169639

>muscles mean nothing
Pretty sure BJJ is one of the most heavily roided combat sports on the planet.

Anonymous No. 170004

>I can definitely kill you with most submissions
If by most submissions wou mean strangles, sure, though.onlybafter looking them in for a few minutes straight. Throwing someone on their head ok pavement is a one deal type of thing.

Anonymous No. 170028


> S Tier: Ameri-Do-Te
> Myau Thai, Legendary.
> Wrestling, pretty much explains itself.
> Silat
> BJJ, Wingchun/JKD.
> Kickboxing/Karate/TKD.
> Boxing, decent.

Anonymous No. 170029

> S Tier: Ameri-Do-Te
> Myau Thai, Legendary.
> Wrestling, pretty much explains itself.
> Silat, Judo, Sambo.
> BJJ, Wingchun/JKD.
> Kickboxing/Karate/TKD.
> Boxing, decent.


Anonymous No. 170030

They PED abuse for performance they do not roid muscle mass, two different things.

Anonymous No. 170031

I don't think people understand that you don't necessarily want to murder people every time there is an altercation. There is a lot of value in being able to control someone and threaten with submission instead of slamming them on their skull and going to prison.
Sometimes altercations are with people you know and you just need to control them while they have a tantrum

Anonymous No. 170061

I thought they were the same thing. What the fuck is the difference?

Anonymous No. 170072

Being that small minded.

Anonymous No. 170089

I’m just asking you to explain it to me.

Anonymous No. 170254

>But if it fails, you need to follow-up with either another throw/takedown or do groundfighting.
You’re absolutely right, I think when you half-fail a throw Judo should only award you with half a point so that you need to continue to dominate in newaza or get another throw to win. Oh wait

Anonymous No. 170277


Ped as in the name performance enhancing drug is just a catch all term and kinda nebulous in itself.

Two examples to illustrate two different cases:
Caffeine for example is a ped, arguably. It's not gonna make you some mass monster
epo is a ped for sure. Yet it's the twink build that survives cycling at the tour de france and such that uses it

On bjj guys blasting: the ultimate goal is performance yes but most of them do it for size as well. Some of them are retarded so they shit that doesnt actually help much performance wise, makes no sense when it comes cost to benefit and will destroy them

Anonymous No. 170279

The line's pretty clear imo. There's people a few people who are truly maximizing their performance based on theorized drug use and personal reaction to a substance/being able to mask it if necessary, and motherfuckers who are lost in the 70s just taking whatever, whenever, however. Most of the latter also seem to be a specific subset of brazilians who also treat all forms of grappling like it's the 70s.

Anonymous No. 170361

>ken ken uchi mata
>rolling around with opponent on ground ippon
>heh....i am deadly....

Anonymous No. 173078

If you half fail a punch boxing should only aword you with a KD, only a clean shot should be treated as KO, cause maybe if you didn't have gloves, it might actually knock someone out

Anonymous No. 173079

Just do boxing with mma gloves instead.

Anonymous No. 173085

>My biggest gripe with judo is that they treat throws and takedowns like a silver bullet.
So you know basically nothing about the sport of judo nor judo as a martial art and you have strong opinons based in ignorance.

For fuck sake, 2 out of the 4 ways you can win a match are on the ground, and only clean powerful dominant throws count as a ipon. You know, the kind of throw that would probably end most fights if it wasn't on a soft grappling mat, and shows that they probably had enough control where they could have modified the throw enough to seriously hurt the guy if they wanted to.

But you don't know that because you know basically nothing about judo.

Anonymous No. 173087

>and only clean powerful dominant throws count as a ipon.
Yes, like gently rolling over your opponents back after a kenken uchimata

Anonymous No. 173100

In the video shows a example of a ippon qualifying version of the throw.

Again, I am thinking you don't know what you are talking about.

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Anonymous No. 173108

ADCC guys are comically yoked. Strength is a huge advantage in grappling and the absurd notion that BJJ is somehow a strength neutral sport, or even that it's deprioritized, is straight up Gracie propaganda. What's ridiculous is that people who definitely know better keep saying this shit.

Pro BJJ players take roids for the same reason everyone takes roids. Improved recovery + muscle mass. Due to drug screening ranging from gossamer-thin to non-existent at the highest levels, BJJ has the most ridiculous roid monsters we've seen since Pride.

Anonymous No. 173109

I think it's because grapplers usually win against strikers even if the striker is stronger (especially in early ufc) so people started to believe strenght doesn't matter in grappling

Anonymous No. 173125

I'd argue that grapplers are more fitter and stronger than strikers. Wrestling in particular is the most physically intense training that people go through. Not saying boxers and Nak Muays aren't physically fit and strong (they have to be), but a grappler has to have grip strength, cardio, and be able to use proper torque in stand-up as well as on the ground.

The holy triumvirate of submission grappling (regardless of style) is Strength + Leverage + Technique. You can't have 1 or 2; you need all 3 when training and competing. Neglecting 1 is stupid as well as focusing on 1 or 2 over the others is equally moronic. You need strength to be able to have the physical exertion to pull off rolling, sweeping, and other moves yet you need to take advantage of mechanics and the fulcrum as well as a good idea of how to apply a move.

Anonymous No. 173127

What does leverage mean in context of grappling?

Anonymous No. 173128

Using the correct position of your limbs and hips when applying a joint-lock or choke as well as setting your hooks in or performing a sweep. It's physics 101; why exert more effort than necessary when you can take advantage of pivot points to slap on submissions or help you set-up for one?

Anonymous No. 173142

Lul. Ok. We can pretend that every throw is a megaton slam.

Anonymous No. 173149

Nice strawman.
Your ignorance could easily be cleared up if you knew what a ippon is but you don't and you refuse to learn.

Very strong opinions with very little knowledge.

Anonymous No. 173284

Some of that shit is true tho

Anonymous No. 173341

I'm a judo & jits black belt you stupid fag. I fucking know what an ippon is. Let me guess. You're a citrus belt with a superiority complex?

Anonymous No. 173354

Like what?

Every one of those is generalized bullshit.

I like Muay Thai and Freestyle, but I've heard some of their practitioners spout stupid shit too like Nak Muays saying nobody can take us down and Freestyle saying that good luck having somebody knee them when they go for a single/double leg.

Ideally, you take the best from what the following has to offer:

- Boxing for footwork and head movement
- Judo for throws, trips, and takedowns
- BJJ for groundfighting
- Lethwei because fighting bare-knuckle is something that can happen (I don't agree with using headbutts however)
- Greco for stand-up takedowns

For Karate, I would take boshi-ken (thumb punch), sokusen (toe kick), and tuite (trapping techniques)
TKD has a few tricky kicks that might come in handle, but generally I think kicks should be no higher than the waist. I prefer low kicks and kicks to the abdomen

Aikido? Fuck no
Krav maga. I've got nothing against it, but I'd rather train in Sombo
Heard of Keysi but can't really comment
If people mean Kickboxing as in the Japanese variant or Dutch offshoot, that's okay. But Western kickboxing (American full-contact karate) is not my cup of tea.

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Anonymous No. 173365

>karate geekery
>Krav maga. I've got nothing against it
>Western kickboxing (American full-contact karate)

Anonymous No. 173380

Lethwei is a legit martial sport. I just think using headbutts is too much. And the striking is nowhere near as polished as Muay Thai is.

I don't like karate in general, but Okinawan toe kicks are very dangerous and overlooked. Thumb punch and tuite have some self-defense applications.

Krav Maga was built on actual fighting techniques from boxing, wrestling, judo but it eventually spawned to a meme. Still, there's probably enough legit instructors that know how to pull off the parent arts to fuck someone up.

And I said, I never cared for Western kickboxing.

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Anonymous No. 173403


Anonymous No. 173419

There is never a good reason to voluntarily go to ground fighting outside of a sport. Be ready for it sure, but you never initiate that shit, thats retarded.
Same difference dipshit.