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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 160648

No fucking way does this shit work, this has to be straight aikido-tier

Anonymous No. 160650

It works when somebody knows when to fall

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Anonymous No. 160651

Same thing with this

Anonymous No. 160653

I think these may actually work if you're anormously strong

Anonymous No. 160656

It works then they’re pushing really hard
This one you really only ever see as people taking advantage of an opponent who really threw themselves off balance.

Anonymous No. 160662

no wonder Mongols only spam these moves, its just a brute force throw

Anonymous No. 160687

I saw a sambo guy doing that throw in a competition the other day

Anonymous No. 160770

We've gone from people dismissing no and light touch knock downs to dismissing stuff that has been used in competition for +100 years or more.

Anonymous No. 160781

The problem is people don't understand what demonstration forms are about. Instead of understand that it's about showing the principle of the technique, they jump straight to "oh this is how it'd actually work in full speed fighting."

Anonymous No. 160785

You're retarded.

Anonymous No. 160786

I've personally done it live and I suck so it obviously works, it has to be the right move at the right time

dismissing it is part of the helio gracie grift where he couldn't do it himself so therefore declared it doesn't work at all

Anonymous No. 160792

You people are actually retarded, trolling or not.

Anonymous No. 161779

a lot of this shit doesn't work
I had a judo blackbelt try to do a fireman's carry, idk the stupid fucking name in japanese for it
I just posted my free arm out and stuffed it.

Anonymous No. 161782

>a throw was unsuccessful
>therefore it doesn’t work
You know it exists in wrestling too and also is done with success there right? There’s no throw (or any attack for that matter) for which there is no defense.

Anonymous No. 161801

>just wear baggy sleeves and flip yourself over when you haven't been tripped or lifted in any way, shape, or form
Yeah its BS

Anonymous No. 161802

See >>160656
Also watch the slow motion in OP. You can clearly see Ike being pulled upwards by his arm then downward by gi and lapel while tori moves out of the way to allow him space to fall.

Anonymous No. 161804

>just refuse to keep walking while not planting your weight bro
>that'll make my mcdojo look good so we can scam more scrubs

Anonymous No. 161805

Are you seriously, unironically, going to suggest that the judoka in >>160656, who is an international competitor, just allowed himself to be thrown and is a retard who doesn’t know how to grapple?

Anonymous No. 161829

they arent beginner techniques for a reason

Anonymous No. 161899

Yes. Simply drop your center of gravity and at the very least it'll neutralize the throw. At best you can go for a counter throw by stepping inside of his stance and swimming your arms to get your own grip on his gi, then pulling back and down with your bodyweight

Anonymous No. 161900

>Just drop your centre of gravity bro it’s that easy
You are as retarded as the notrains who think striking as easily as “just dodge” and then “just hit them.” No shit you need a lower centre of gravity for the throw. Watch the fucking videos you gormless retard.
The first tori is using his grips and head to pressure the ukes body up and backwards. Pushing it up obviously raises his centre of gravity, and pushing him backwards means that Uke cannot just drop his hips because if Tori kept pushing his upper body onwards, it would slap into the mat a second after his arse hits the floor.
The second guy does have his centre of gravity lower than the tori, so he has to actually drop to the floor to get under him. The only way to prevent someone getting their hips under yours with a drop is to be constantly sitting down, although if you’re a BJJfag I suppose you would consider that optimal grappling regardless.

Anonymous No. 161989

Striking defense IS just dodging. You can move your head literally any direction that isn't in the plane of that particular strike and they'll miss. Everything else about defense is just repetition and doing it fast enough. Damn yall overthink things. Is it because you're not naturally athletic and simply moving is too complicated for you?
Don't tell me I'm speaking to a bong. That explains everything. Sheltered motherfuckers

Anonymous No. 161995

>I’d just do X bro
Universal sign that you’re speaking to a retard with zero actual experience

Anonymous No. 165931

They are pretty retarded.

Anonymous No. 165934

>t. Actual retard

Anonymous No. 165935

>T. Actual Aikido believer

Anonymous No. 165936

Yeah its not like I started training combat sports saying I can do it better than these guys
>oh wait I did

Anonymous No. 165939

That’s Judo, double retard
Then go to the Olympics since it’s full of drooling morons who can’t fight unlike you apparently

Anonymous No. 165941

this nigga believes in magic

Anonymous No. 165942

I posted two examples of these throws being used in competition in this thread already. If you choose to ignore it that’s on you.

Anonymous No. 165945

those two aren't those throws gooby

Anonymous No. 165946

Yes they are triple retard, you realize that demonstrations like this are performed perfectly under perfect conditions. Are you going to tell me next that every throw in nage no kata isn’t real either because they don’t look like that in shiai?

Anonymous No. 165950

the throws you posted aren't even remotely close to the real ones gooby.

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Anonymous No. 165953

Ok buddy whatever you say

Anonymous No. 165960

jacked it to your pic faggot, feel dumb now don't ya faggot

Anonymous No. 165964

I've pulled it off in randori accidentally, but uki and sumi otoshi are more about teaching the principles of offbalancing than high% competitive techniques. Even with an uke that will take the fall, if your timing and kuzushi aren't on point, it won't work or look good.

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Anonymous No. 165971

Congrats, you’ve relinquished your chi abs made yourself a weaker foe. I feel nothing about the damage you’ve done to yourself.

Anonymous No. 165974

it can work if the timing and offbalancing works just right, but yeah its obviously not
the highest percentage takedown, which is why you dont see these shit often in actual judo/sambo competitions

thats really what separates judo from aikido. full contact competitions that filter out the bullshit from takedowns that works against a prepared and trained opponent
>simply drop your center of gravity
>snaps you down and takes your back
nice job retard you just gave back mount to a grappler.
>just counterthrow by stepping his stance, getting a grip, them offbalancing him
greatbjob you discovered how 99% of people get throws in judo. These guys are competitors if its that easy and if judo is such bullshit maybe you should prove your point and win a competition

Anonymous No. 165976

its doesnt take as much strength as you guys think
Judokas and mongolian wrestlers are crazy strong but on the technical level you can create massive offbalance by using movement.
Circuling motions, pushing and moving forward, pulling and moving backwards. A kid can do this to you and offbalance you enough for you to fall on your own.
The downside of using movement is that you also become less stable and can get countered, but at the highest level its a battle of grips, movement, and offbalancing before forcing a throw.

Anonymous No. 165977

I actually do believe judo works, but there are simple defenses to everything. You saying otherwise just means you're low IQ and think everything is complicated

Anonymous No. 165980

there are simple defenses to everything but
A)its not so simple to think of it and pull it off when youre in the middle of the fight
B) if the other person has grappling experience, theyve seen and encountered the simple defense enough times to know how to deal with it.

Anonymous No. 165985

I never said there weren’t defenses to everything holy shit. I said there were defenses to everything here: >>161782

You faggots seriously want to argue about literally anything just for the sake of it.

Anonymous No. 166069

Yes it is. Its muscle memory in simple steps based on simple physics. I find it incredibly easy to learn other fighting techniques because I understand the overall concepts, I don't just mindlessly drill the exact movement

Anonymous No. 166081

Thanks for another bust nigger

Anonymous No. 166103

in which case youre trained and thats that.
but like i said there are counters to the defenses and the other guy will do them if theyre good.

A single leg or double isnt obsolete just because you can "just sprawl/get an overhook bro". the other guy can chain the shot with other shit like peekouts or getting a close underhook.

Same thing with these "aikido tier" moves. if they "lower their Center of gravity", they can get shoved down and forced to turtle.
if they dont push back they'll get offbalanced and thrown with something else, or get pushed out of bounds

I'm not even saying that these moves are always viable and high percentage moves but in these extreme cases where its a massive unstable pushing match, these moves can work.

Anonymous No. 166438

In theory it's just pushing or pulling the guy off balance and then guiding their fall. And there is still value in teaching this sort of stuff because it helps you understand manipulating your and your opponent's center of gravity
But in practice, there is a reason you don't really see these moves in competitions

Anonymous No. 166743

Why do people insist things work or don't work, if you haven't tried something at minimum 100 times, live while experienced, shut the fuck up. If you haven't tried something at minimum 500 times, live with little to no experience, shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 166798

>Why do people insist things work or don't work
You’re trying to sound smart but this is an absolute brainlet post

Anonymous No. 166803

It’s not supposed to be smart you psychologist wannabe faggot. If you haven’t trained, shut. the. fuck. up. You specifically don’t respond to my posts again you tranny or your mother dies in her sleep

Anonymous No. 166804

If it's allowed by the rules and yet not used in MMA then it doesn't work.

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Anonymous No. 166808

I do train though lol. In fact, I’ve posted about judo multiple times in this thread you absolute retard. Semi related, Quit. writing. like. you’re. on. twitter. Faggot.

Anonymous No. 166828

I guess cross collar chokes don’t work then? Unless you’re going to say they don’t count because they need a gi, but so do the throws in OP

Anonymous No. 166859

A debate between great minds.

Anonymous No. 166879


We saw an Ezekiel Lapel Choke on ufc last week, isnt it the same thing?
I wouldnt know being a striker

Anonymous No. 166892

Then why bother talking to me? Are you lonely? All your trans sisters kill themselves and you are on your last days? You suck at judo, you suck at anything you train and you will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Anonymous No. 166895

no. you can do an ezekial nogi since its basically a reversed rear naked choke, but some chokes and Gi techniques require a Gi

Gi and clothing makes a massive difference in a grappling fight since it allows much more pullinf and pushing action than you normally couldnt do nogi.
hence why judokas and sambist dont have this super low wrestling stance. Leg shots arent as dangerous with clothes because if you have grips on their upper body its virtually impossible for the other person to level change and shoot. Now people here will say that wrestling is superior to Gi arts like judo since judokas will get taken down by wrestlers in bjj but thats only because the IJF fucking banned leg grabs so nobody trains shots or how to defend against them. try it against a sambist and that shit will not fly.

Personally, i think that people should so Gi over noGi grapplinf if both cant be done because the average street fight they may find themselves will have people who arent naked and who you can grab. Tshirts arent as weak as people think, and most people wear hoodies and stronger material clothes year round

Anonymous No. 166898

Lmao, why are you so mad?

Anonymous No. 166901

what the fuck going on in this thread

Anonymous No. 166902

One guy had a schizophrenic meltdown and accused me of being inexperienced and a transsexual because I called him a retard for suggesting that no one could say for certain what moves do and don’t work. I have no idea why other people are arguing about Ezekiel chokes.

Anonymous No. 166903

I'm as cool as a cucumber, just had to put some retard in their place, lol watch them try to cope like they won some arguement

Anonymous No. 166905

Ok buddy, whatever you say. I’m sorry trannies live rent free in your head.

Anonymous No. 166906

No matter how much you think you live in my head rent free it isn't happening, I don't want your eventual axe wound related suicide in any rented space of mine.

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Anonymous No. 166909

My brother in Christ, I’m not a troon lmfao. Take your meds.

Anonymous No. 166919

No I wont take any of your estrogen-laced jewish HRT pills

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Anonymous No. 166922

You better drink your troonshine before I call the ADL and have them turn the 5G towers up to 11 and beam sissy hypno videos directly into your brain. I’ll have you singing show tunes by tomorrow morning.

Anonymous No. 166937

Nice try troon, I watch alpha male pmv everyday, my mind is a steel prism of masculinity. Enjoy your time left with your 'wife' and her bull before the Jab™ clots your heart.

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Anonymous No. 167208

It's bad, but it's not Wing Chun bad.

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Anonymous No. 167241

I genuinely do not understand how anyone can be told to stand like this and think “yes this will be good for fighting.” It’s like the super obviously bad stance they made a joke out of in the last airbender.

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Anonymous No. 167247

a WC guy I know had me go through all the stances and footwork, it was painful. That stance is mimicking a legitimate medical condition too

The other footwork involved all sorts of unnatural twisting & knee risking moves. As dubious and baffling it gets, WC guys will never listen.

Anonymous No. 167256

I also accidentally pulled this off in Randori recently. Its definitely one of those situational throws. It looks stupid and useless in kata format, but when you see it in context it makes a lot more sense. We were in a circle pretty quick and I caught Uke mid step and he flew like a ragdoll.

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Anonymous No. 167257

In olympic lifting they often teach a slight pigeon foot placement on the split jerk, to keep your hips square and stabilize the weight overhead. I wonder if its related to this principle. I dont get it, but theres a lot of things in MA I dont get because I am just a chump.

Anonymous No. 167282

Why didnt he just stick his leg out to catch himself?

Anonymous No. 167295

The initial pull upwards puts him onto his toes, making it difficult to step forward

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Anonymous No. 171428

what if they tried to punch him?

Anonymous No. 171441

I remember one time in like 2nd or 3rd grade, me and this other boy were playing around with this tomboy who was in either the same or a grade above us. We were in the middle of the playground's soccer field and we kept running at her and she just kept grabbing us and we would sell throws really creatively and throw ourselves. It was pretty fun, can't believe it would be turned into a martial art though.

Anonymous No. 171541

Iirc that stance it's just a training stance, for muscle strengthening or someshit and they fight in normal stances like. Beats me why they can't just do more squats and train normal stance the whole time instead, oh well.

Anonymous No. 171547

The posture trains the inner thigh muscle.

Anonymous No. 171548

the origin of this posture is in the name, horse RIDING step/stance (stance refers to step, thus movement), its stationary because its used when riding a horse.

Anonymous No. 171578

You don’t turn your feet pigeon toed and your knees inward when riding a horse you retard. Also,
>throwing punches while riding a horse
What the fuck would be the point? I swear CMA fags are some of the most delusional people on the planet. I bet you get made fun of by Qoomers.

Anonymous No. 171587

Your thighs should touch to stop groin kicks. At least that's how I was taught in Goju Ryu.

Anonymous No. 171588

>What the fuck would be the point?
Training upper body biomechanics. Then you do tan tui for lower body. Then you put everything together in your actual forms.
That is IF you want to be autistic about it like the chinks.

Anonymous No. 171589

> missing the point, besides its a spear thrusting motion.
> strawman shit because their brain has gotten too many concussions.
> calls the other guy retarded when they are actually the fucking retard.

lmao kys already lol stop breath now.

Anonymous No. 171593

>thrusting with a spear
>on a horse
You couch a lance under your shoulder and let the horse do the work you don’t fucking thrust with your arm when you have a horse at full gallop generating force for you holy shit.
I’ll accept its some weird bullshit exercise but the idea that this position is in any way relevant to riding or training for fighting on horseback is complete nonsense.

Anonymous No. 171687

>all cavalry is heavy shock cavalry
>mounted knights would only use their lance on horseback
>lances were never broken during a charge
>they never carried any other weapon
>they never used any other weapons after their lance broke

Anonymous No. 171707

I tried it several times and all it did is hurt my knees
>push your thighs close together to stop groin kick
>catch it on both knees
Is this the power of CMA?

Anonymous No. 171709

Not a single one of these things is suggested in my post.
>”hurr durr the weird pigeon toed stance and arm only punches are for practicing thrusting with a spear on horseback”
>that’s retarded, why would you thrust with your arm instead of letting the horse work for you
Are you familiar with the word “nonsequitor”?

Anonymous No. 171725

That is the weirdest horse stance I've ever seen.

Anonymous No. 171821

I’m actually impressed that you decided to double down on your retarded take. You are fucking stupid. Obviously cavalrymen would sometimes use their arms to thrust weapons. “Letting the horse do the work for you” works for shock cavalry on the charge. A couched lance has a very niche use for the initial charge, and would famously break after the first or second impact. At that point, the soldier is within striking range of enemies and isn’t going to refuse to thrust their weapon with their arms because they prefer “having the horse do the work.”
Do you think cavalrymen would give up on using any thrusting weapons once their lance broke? Do you think they would give up on using thrusting weapons while engaged with an enemy after a charge? Do you think a cavalryman will simply refuse to use his arms in the middle of battle? Do you think cavalry was never used for anything except epic charges to route the enemy?
Obviously not. Obviously it happened, and it probably happened more than couched lances were used.
Idgaf about this wing Chun shit but thinking that engaging your arms to thrust on horseback is universally a bad idea is fucking braindead.

Anonymous No. 171824

brevity is wit, anon

Anonymous No. 171835

A simple green text was beyond his comprehension, I don’t know how else to make him understand that cavalry stabbed with handheld weapons in addition to couched lances.

Anonymous No. 171839

Too long; didn’t read. wang cunt punching drills are not useful for horseback combat training. ive read a lot of cope posts from wing chin fags and none but you actually claims it’s relevant to cavalry fighting at all. Wasn’t this shit supposedly made by a woman to defeat men in hand to hand combat? Why don’t you explain the pigeon toes and inward pointing knees in regards to riding a horse.

lol, lmao even.

Anonymous No. 171842

>cavalry thrusted with other weapons (even though my original claim was about spears, I love moving goal posts)
>this means that wing chuns retarded pigeon toed stance and arm only punch drills MUST have been relevant to fighting on horseback

Anonymous No. 171852

Your original claim was that the wings Chun stance is retarded for horseback training (true) because it’s stupid to to thrust with your arms on horseback (false). Now you’re backtracking and pretending you said something that wasn’t quite as retarded.
This post clearly scoffs at the mere idea of thrusting a spear on a horse or performing any sort of stab outside of riding with a couched lance
>don’t fucking thrust with your arm when you have a horse

This is obviously retarded for a number of reasons that you understandably don’t want to address, which is why you’re pretending you didn’t say it and are desperately making up other arguments that you wish you originally said.
Thrusting with a spear is using a different weapon to a couched lance btw, did you think they were the same thing?

I’m not a wing Chun autist but I’m also not a 16 year old with Asperger’s who knows just enough about fighting on horseback to recognise the wing Chun retardation but not enough to avoid making an ass of himself in the process. Just don’t reply lil bro, all I need to do is scroll up to remind you of what you actually said.

Anonymous No. 171878

Tl;dr wing chin and horse stance is retarded for training on horseback. You have no response to this. Have fun in your faggot pretend martial arts school.

Anonymous No. 171881

very interesting indeed

Anonymous No. 171930

Hahaha you don’t need to be this angry lil bro go for a run or something XD

Anonymous No. 171955


Anonymous No. 171998

we have reached the nadir of this argument

Anonymous No. 172001

>Do judo for 2 sessions
>Stiff arm opponent
>Push him back with my bodyweight

>Wahhh wahh you're not supposed to do that

And that's exactly when I realised this shit doesn't work and id have also been hockey punching and headbutting him irl

Anonymous No. 172009

>push him back stiff arming with your body weight
Welcome to seoi nage city you fucking retarded scrub

Anonymous No. 172013

>Seo nagay
*Drops weight*

Now what.. oh and I've headbutted you and knees you as well

Get rikt dumb larper dweeb

Anonymous No. 172014

>drops weight
>gets knee'd

Anonymous No. 172028

>new white belt shows up
>he gets taught o goshi, some basic grip fighting, and basic break falls
>randori time
>let him practise his gripfighting, offer up opportunities to get an ogoshi in
>all he does is grab shitty grips as fast as he can and stiff arm
>when I off balance myself forward to allow an ogoshi he just stiff arms harder
>decide not to throw him because I don’t know how good his break falls are
>he goes home and unironically brags about stiff arming

Anonymous No. 172060

Skinny dweeb manlets

Anonymous No. 172067

>lanklet with a stick-like neck so long he can apparently stiff arm and headbutt someone simultaneously commenting on anyone else’s physique

Anonymous No. 172080

Its pretty rude to just stiff arm someone and not make attacks of your own
the guy you were with was just trying to teach you some of the etiquette of randori
>also been hockey punching and headbutting him irl
jesus christ man if thats what your after go lurk around a bar and pick a fight
judo WILL help you in a fight, but you need to actually learn judo first

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Anonymous No. 172094

>Skinny judolet challenges me
>weak and scrawny due to low intensity low duration
>Thinks he will beat me due to his "superior speed" and flashy throws
>Squat slightly in freestyle wresting pose I learned in Uni (could have gone pro if I hadn't joined the navy). thighs MASSIVE due to high intensity training
>Judokek shits his pants because he doesnt know how to deal with someone with a center of balance slightly lower then his own.
>I give his torso a hug, don't even go for a single or double 'cause feeling nice
>Judokas pockets start exploding spaghetti since he's not use to intimate contact closer then half arms length.
>My hustles on point, get around him to his back so as to dispatch him by honorable suplex
>"Oh no the Hanawa ochinchin!" The Judoka mewls, refusing to speak in plain American Chicago 12 pnt font.
>A full excelsior movement reduces my opponent to ash as his skull disintegrates against the mat.
>I stand at attention towards the pile of ash and give it a salute for its brave (though misplaced) confidence.

Anonymous No. 172151

nah it works and it feels extremely weird, i call this kind of throw a "steering wheel" type throw because your basically turning their upper body like a wheel to bend it over and then throwing it.

the way you get it off is sometimes dirty and involves catching peopel off guard but its not aikido shit.

he's not just pulling the sleeve he's also shoving the collar so that it turns their body in a wheel.

Anonymous No. 172154

>say dumb shit on 4chan
>get called out on it
>gaiz I was just pretending to be retarded
yep, you're retarded.

Anonymous No. 172184

I have an awesome idea.

If you have an opinion about a Judo move, specify it while also posting a picture of your belt.

Anonymous No. 172249

>be retard
>have bad reading comprehension
>think other people are retarded
Yep you’re retarded

Anonymous No. 172350

Is it used in a Judo competition?
So no, it does not work when the opponent resists

Anonymous No. 172351

Competition Judo is different from the art of Judo.

Anonymous No. 172355

See >>160656

Anonymous No. 172357

Sure if the guys is already falling over it may work but this is more an error of the opponent compared to the use of the technique.

Anonymous No. 172367

But that is the use of these techniques. In uki otoshi the goal is take advantage of an opponent who has applied to much force moving forward. In the case of sumi otoshi the goal is to take advantage of an opponent who has applied to much force to one side, and then throw them down to the opposite side when they attempt to right themselves back to an even stance. I don’t understand why this is so difficult for retards itt to understand. Using the applied force of the opponent against them may sound esoteric and gay but it’s the very heart of what makes judo effective. For whatever reason too many people can’t reconcile the difference between demonstration and application.

Anonymous No. 175588

Why did you make this story gay with your attempt at humor.

Do you walk around society making internet jokes?

Anonymous No. 175596

The real funny part is his mention of a “skinny judolet” as if judo doesn’t universally create stocky chimp strong people like wrestling does

Anonymous No. 175687

A black belt did literally this to me when i was yellow.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 179465


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 179467
