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🧵 Is there any Christian martial artist/fight fans here?

Anonymous No. 160967

Especially for those who compete just for the sake of it

How do you reconcile Christianity with martial arts when it is against the teaching of the Bible?

Psalm 11:5 says "The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence"

I get that there are times that violence is necessary (defending one's self etc etc) but i dont think watching or even partaking in a sport where you basically try to kill each other with your bare hands just for the sake of it is necessary violence.

Anonymous No. 160968

i dont care about your jewish fairytales i like punching people in the face

Anonymous No. 160971

If you practice and compete martial arts for the love of hurting another human, then you probably shouldnt, but if you love the sport because it can display excellence, then its fine

Anonymous No. 160973

Sell your cloak. Buy a sword.

Anonymous No. 160975

There are other ways to express excellence though

"sell your cloak buy a sword" doesnt mean "go and become a roman gladiator for your personal glory. also read my third paragraph

Anonymous No. 160976

Are you metatron, or the Pope? Since you're so clear on the Word.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 160977

if youre wondering why i made this thread, I am a Christian who wants to train and compete in combat sports. I love combat sports but am also a God believer so it feels like a dilemma for me and i have to choose between it and Christianity

that is why i am looking for an answer to see if i can choose both

Anonymous No. 160978

if youre wondering why i made this thread, I am a Christian who wants to train and compete in combat sports. I love combat sports but am also a God believer so it feels like a dilemma for me and i have to choose between it and Christianity

that is why i am looking for an answer to see if i can choose both because otherwise, i could pursue my dream but it will always feel like I am doing something wrong or completely abandon my dream

Anonymous No. 160979

i mean 4th paragraph

Anonymous No. 160982

There is no dillema, god does not approve of heathen bloodsports.

Anonymous No. 160985


Anonymous No. 160987

Look man. I love wrasslin'. Jesus loved wrasslin' too, did you know that? Look up the greek words the Greek translation of Matthew and Mark used for when Jesus cast out the money lenders from the temple. Exebalen (pardon the anglicanization), or "to drive".

And what do we shout when someone is trying to hit a double leg? Ergo, Jesus probably had a sick pump-and-dump shoot.

Anonymous No. 160991

Go ask your priest if your that worried about it homo. He’s going to tell you the same thing, no big deal buddy

Anonymous No. 161013

>There are other ways to express excellence though
So what?

Anonymous No. 161027

when the semites said violence they meant warmongering and tyranny and shit like that. a bout between two men is none of his business. at least i think so. but then again why are you worrying when all will be judged accordingly anyways.

Anonymous No. 161039

sports and martial arts are full of religious fags, just cope the way they do

Anonymous No. 161058

Anonymous No. 161059

> He distinguishes between the ability to defend yourself and forcing someone into submission through physical strength
I got some bad news for Father Schmitz on that point, even if I don't care much for the spectacle of watching MMA as entertainment.

Anonymous No. 161061

Big difference between relishing inflicting pain beating someone up because of anger or envy, and enjoying the test of the body and mind that is martial arts where it's a sport, competition.

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Anonymous No. 161074

You don't reconcile it.

You drop the negative life denying belief system for a positive life affirming one, like Paganism.

Anonymous No. 161076

It must be nice being pagan with a fake religion where you can just believe whatever is convenient for you personally.

You faggots might as well just admit you’re atheists. Whatever “pagan” system you follow has more in common with D&d than anything your ancestors believed.

Anonymous No. 161079

Maybe he's Zorastrian.

Anonymous No. 161080

Define violence, because I'm not sure fighting for sport even qualifies

I consider violence as a means to an end when navigating social situations
Someone that loves to fight people because they don't know how to use their words is not the same as someone who fights for the enjoyment of competition

Anonymous No. 161095

Not a christcuck but..,
Doesn’t Jacob literally wrestle with an angel? Also, martial arts are not about enjoying violence.

Anonymous No. 161096

Boxing is a gentlemen's style of fighting. Now kickboxing and mma, that's another thing

Anonymous No. 161128

You're making a basic mistake, that's what combat sports are, sports, violence is aggression. It's like comparing sex to rape. A mean tackle in soccer is aggression, a kick in the face during a fight is sport.

We also have the American problem of selling fights as street fights, where one will effectively try to kill the other.

Anonymous No. 161133

I think this is why Quakers only exist in oats

Anonymous No. 161134

It sounds like you just need to get over yourself. Bet you wear mixed fibers too

Anonymous No. 161135

Not sure how you're coming to the conclusion it's a 'fake' religion when there's ample archeological evidence to paint a a decent picture of it. The belief systems aren't arbitrary either, so accusing me of "believing in whatever is personally convenient" doesn't make much sense either. The Iliad, Odyssey, Codex Regius, etc were all types of religious text that laid out ethical standards to strive for, and I'd suggest you read these if you want an idea of what pre-Christian Europeans believed. Also not sure where the accusation of atheism is coming from because I never endorsed the "Gods are just archetypes" line of thinking that you see some assert. And as for the D&D insult, I'm not talking about the modern Wiccan movement, I think that's just as much of a LARP as you.

Assuming you're OP..... you're the one that's letting your religion guilt trip you into not participating in a self-defense hobby despite wanting to. It's pure self flagellation. Pagan morality would say strength is virtue and weakness is sin. Pursuing excellence in any capacity isn't a problem.

Yeah paganism is kind of broad. I was using it as a rough synonym for a type of 'ethical Nietzscheanism'. The ideals that peaked in ancient Greece, or Renaissance Italy for example. But I am also sympathetic to certain other flavors, the cosmology of Neoplatonism is appealing to me. I do believe in the existence of Gods, I just think debating supranatural phenomenon doesn't have much utility because it's not really something you can prove, fun for intellectual inquiry, but that's about it. Even Christians are 'soft' polytheist. If they're honest and admit to believing in angels and demons alongside God. So calling the big 3 Abrahamic faiths 'Monotheistic' never really made much sense to me.

Anonymous No. 161139

Please go through the ancient pagan practice of converting to Christianity which all your ancestors did

Anonymous No. 161144

no thanks. I was raised Christian. I've had my fill.

Anonymous No. 161167

>the Iliad and the odyssey were religious texts

Anonymous No. 161238

>Psalm 11:5
Keep reading. Psalm 144:1 - Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

>there are times that violence is necessary
>(defending one's self etc etc)
So you don't have a problem with violence per se, you just have a problem with being good at it? That doesn't make sense. If you are morally obligated to fight, such as to defend the innocent and oppose evil, then you must fight as skillfully as possible. How arrogant of you to think you DON'T need to prepare for battle, whether spiritual or physical!

>partaking in a sport where you basically try to kill each other with your bare hands
That is absurd, it's just a game. Trust me, your soft little self isn't going to "kill" anyone at your local jiujitsu tournament or boxing smoker.
Whereas on the other hand, competition presents a golden opportunity for you to test your skill, and see if you're telling yourself the truth. You think you're training hard, but how do you compare to your peers? Are you going to gas out before the other guy? Maybe you're flattering yourself.

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." - 2 Timothy 1:7
Don't be timid, anon, get out there and train!

Anonymous No. 161262

Greco-Roman Wrestling is what's taught by a lot of Christian organizations.

Anonymous No. 161272

Friar Storm found no issue being a catholic monk and a lutador to raise money for his orphanage. Go in with pure intentions, not for pride.

Anonymous No. 161302

Wrestling in general has been a monk's pastime across a lot of religions. Good way to stay healthy, get aggressive tendency worked out, and as a reprieve from studies or work. People tend to forget that even the most pious had lives before entering, and would pass knowledge and interests between each other.

Anonymous No. 161317

I don't think martial art is about loving violence. The hunt isn't the pleasure of killing. Or at lest I hope :/

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Anonymous No. 161337


Anonymous No. 161343

>my religion is disorganized and now dead, the best thing we can do is try to maybe piece something together based on pop culture of the time period
Lmao. Go take a picture and post it then next time you sacrifice a goat to Zeus you larping faggot. Either that or just admit you’re an atheist.

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Anonymous No. 161352

>>my religion is disorganized and now dead
Oh what because Christianity is supposedly thriving and getting new converts everyday? Remind me again the church attendance amongst zoomers.

>>the best thing we can do is try to maybe piece something together based on pop culture of the time period
>> Foundational pieces of the Western Canon like Homer are now just "pop culture" of the time period.
Thanks for reminding me why I dislike Christianity so much again. Any belief system that isn't explicitly pro-European or pro-Western inevitably slides into Third-Worldist nigger and faggot worship. Imaging being retarded enough to call Homer pop culture.

Maybe instead of arguing online with young white men taking an interest in foundational Western culture you should spend more time trying to prevent trannies from infesting your local parish. Or would your belief system let you assert yourself at all? Maybe you can't because that would go against 'loving thy neighbor'

Anonymous No. 161392

> Imaging being retarded enough to call Homer pop culture
I have a fucking English degree. Homer was the pop culture of his era. Cry more about it. I still want to see that goat since you apparently take your religion so seriously.
>Maybe instead of arguing online with young white men taking an interest in foundational Western culture you should spend more time trying to prevent trannies from infesting your local parish.
This isn’t /pol/ faggot. Go back.

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Anonymous No. 161420

This is why Lutheranism was a mistake. Cause retards like OP take biblical quotes out of context and then apply the words literally like fucking dunces.
Jesus says it's not good to bully defenseless people and be a sadistic asshole that kills, maims and loots to satisfy his greed and violent desires. When you step onto the ring, you have agreed with the other man inside that you are going to have a duel with a set of rules. You can't compare this suckerpunching someone and taking his wallet.
Also, non-consensual violence is good and even a must if it's righteous in nature (whipping merchants establishing stands inside holy temples).
Please for the love of Mary go do Cathecism as soon as possible.

Anonymous No. 161421

You don't get laid a lot do you?

Anonymous No. 161425

>I have a fucking English degree
Okay so you're a brainlet - stopped reading right there. It's clear to me now arguing with you is going to be futile.

Can't believe you tried bragging about an English degree as if that gave you some sort of authority on Homer. As if all your incoherent arguments before weren't enough to prove it to me.

No I spend all my spare time sacrificing goat livers to Wotan.

Anonymous No. 161427

>can’t believe you tried to suggest studying literature made you an authority on literature
lmao. Homer’s stories are studied as classics for a reason, they’re very fine pieces of art, but they’re not religious texts you retard. religion is encoded into them because it was an ingrained part of the culture for which it was written. So much ingrained that they didn’t feel the need to include the fine details of their beliefs because it was pop culture made by and for ancient Greeks. Anything you try to extrapolate from those stories is, at best, an educated guess. Cope more about your gay larp you call a religion. When and what was your last sacrifice?

Anonymous No. 161475

Maybe you should cope about being a fucking pussy not wanting to do combat sports because of a misinterpretation of your holy book. Pagans may not have all the answers but they've always been more practical than any Abrahamic religion with regards to every day situations. Bunch of weenies whining about what God would and wouldnt approve of. Wimps.

Anonymous No. 161495

I’m not OP you fucking moron.
>paganism is more practical
Yeah I’m sure it’s practical to just believe whatever is convenient and doesn’t require you to actually do anything but that’s not a route to spiritual development.

Anonymous No. 161507

you only think this because you havent done any serious study

Anonymous No. 161513

>>can’t believe you tried to suggest studying literature made you an authority on literature
no I'm laughing at you suggesting having a *degree* in literature makes you some sort of authority figure, you r*ddit-tier credential obsessing faggot.

Want me to flaunt my credentials too? I have a degree in molecular biology. But I read about philosophy, the classics, and religion because I'm interested in them. I don't need a slip of paper from midwit administrators confirming to me everything I learned through my own self study.

Homer was considered to be divinely inspired. He even directly invocates the Muses at the beginning of the Odyssey. His works provided ethical aspirations for the Greeks, and provide at least some insight into religious rituals at the time, funeral pyres, feasts, sacrifices, etc. So at the very least you could call them quasi-religious text. Therefore, calling it "pop-culture" as if Homer was the ancient equivalent of George Lucas and his works had the same function as Star Wars to our culture is what's actually fucking retarded.

Did it provided narratives of cosmological origin? Well no, so in that sense they aren't analogous to more explicit religious text like the Quran or Bible. Hesiod’s Theogony is better suited in this respect. Then you also have the Homeric Hymns which are directly addressing the Gods (which ironically enough despite these works being attributed to Homer in the ancient world most scholars today do not as far as I'm aware). Furthermore you have Plato critiquing Homer's interpretation/metaphysics of the Gods in The Republic (Heraclitus levied attacks against Homer as well). If it was just "pop-culture" for entertainment I highly doubt Philosophers around the same time would have wasted their time trying to seriously rebuke it.

Anonymous No. 161515

It's really ironic you accuse me of being an atheist when your "Homer was just a pop-culturist" analysis is only possible via a very modern and atheistic projection on life and culture. In the ancient world 'spirituality' permeated so thoroughly through every aspect of life, nothing was 'secular' in that sense. In much the same way the ancients don't make such stark distinctions between philosophy and religion, because to them they were muddled, dare I say even almost synonymous. To us philosophy is very much a type of secularized religion. But to the ancients this would have never been the case. I'm rambling to say you can't look at these text through a modern lenses or you'll come to the wrong conclusions.

Anonymous No. 161531

Why you lying nigga? Also Thor is owned by Disney.

Anonymous No. 161570


Anonymous No. 161571

Just like the Iliad

Anonymous No. 161577

>there is literally no such thing as pagan religion
It is the same thing as when an astrology girl tells you she is spiritual. Their beliefs are just whatever they on the internet+whatever they feel like. There is no objective reality or organization to it at all. there is no cohesion. Have you ever heard of a LARPagan sacrificing a goat to odin? No, but you see christians with priests offering sacrifices and worship to a God who is an objective reality, and acts in our lives in measurable ways every day

Anonymous No. 161680

the only 'objective reality' of worshiping Yahweh is ensuring that you become a spiritual doormat you fucking dweeb. Imagine following a religion that makes you feel guilty for taking up martial arts as a simple hobby and then having the audacity disparage Paganism.

Anonymous No. 161681

What a fucking horrible thread, how is this shit even still up?

Anonymous No. 161682

It’s not even on topic so I couldn’t tell you. Next time use Sage.

Anonymous No. 161689

>Imagine following a religion that makes you feel guilty for taking up martial arts as a simple hobby
Pretty sure that’s just OP, retard. Read the Bible or at least psalm 144.
>144 Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

>2 My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

>3 Lord, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man, that thou makest account of him!

>4 Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away.

>5 Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.

>6 Cast forth lightning, and scatter them: shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them.

>7 Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children;

>8 Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

>9 I will sing a new song unto thee, O God: upon a psaltery and an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee.

>10 It is he that giveth salvation unto kings: who delivereth David his servant from the hurtful sword.

>11 Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood:

>12 That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace:

>13 That our garners may be full, affording all manner of store: that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets:

>14 That our oxen may be strong to labour; that there be no breaking in, nor going out; that there be no complaining in our streets.

>15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.

Anonymous No. 162003

You have a much softer definition of "violence" than men of the past.

Anonymous No. 162158

>Nyaaahhh you only think this becuz abloobloo
I've read up on Abrahamic religions plenty, they are faiths for weak, sheltered do-nothings who want their problems to be magically solved by prayer instead of taking action.
Like I said, a bunch of wimps. I don't need that nonsense in my life.

Anonymous No. 162160

It's more practical because it exists in the world and not in long winded screeds in books written by old Jews. Rules against mixed fibers are retarded and impractical today, for example. Rules against contreception are impractical because you end up with retards not raising their kids to produce more retards.
>Muh spiritual development
Who gives a fuck? Abrahamic faiths are all dead ends, every answer ends in some variation of "God/Allah wills it/blessed it/ordained it to happen" or "just keep believing your faith and the answers will be revealed".
Weak faiths for weak people.

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Anonymous No. 162161

Retard, ask me how I know you haven’t actually read the Bible.
>hurr durr my religion is totally real
>who gives a fuck about spiritual development
You’re embarrassing yourself

Anonymous No. 162189

His source? still at large

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162220

lol American spotted.

>Training for war, self defense, even fitness is ok
>Training for vanity and sport is not
That's how the Church Fathers saw it. The pagan Romans too, btw. The Romans considered the Greeks huge fags because they trained for sport and hypertrophy instead of war.

Anonymous No. 162221

lol American spotted.

>Training for war, self defense, even fitness is ok
>Training for vanity and sport is not
That's how the Church Fathers saw it. The pagan Romans too, btw. The Romans considered the Greeks huge fags because they trained for sport and hypertrophy instead of war.

It's exactly the opposite: If you train to kill in war it's ok but training to hurt people for nothing but vanity and glory is a sin.

Anonymous No. 162222

We literally conquered the whole world lol.

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Anonymous No. 162238

I actually do take the nonviolence command seriously, most Christians I've found don't. Excessive exposure to murder, death and gore injures the soul. It is psychologically harmful. Matthew 5:43-48 intentionally causing injury and death is not in alignment with the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 6:10 we are commanded to make heaven happen on earth, not just wait for the afterlife.

I'm inclined not to use Psalms to justify that command because it's just a bunch of song lyrics written by ancient Jews. Also not inclined to use John 18:10-11 to justify it because someone arguing the other side would rightly say Jesus stopped it because He knew it was His time to be arrested

Martial Arts isn't violence because it's a sport and a competition. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 162241

>denies canon
nice heresy bro

Anonymous No. 162256


Anonymous No. 162262

>be prot
>claim sola scriptura despite it being compiled by Catholics
>deny parts of le scriptura anyways
I will never understand you faggots.

Anonymous No. 162265

It's just a sports competition dude, both guys agree to it, it has rules, it's completely fair for both sides. It is not random violence, it's violence for a positive purpose: to entertain. Clearly that quote is talking about violence that is wicked in nature.