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Anonymous No. 160969

what’s the cheapest way to get into skating? i’m a poor disabled neet

Anonymous No. 160972

I'm not sure skating is the best sport for a disabled person, but I've been proven wrong.
But parts seperately from a skate shop and out it together yourself. Prebuilds are shit, think of pre-built gaming PCs but worse since none of the parts are truly functional.

Anonymous No. 160984

He might just be a tard.
Don't it's not worth whatever joy you think you may get. Go learn a skill instead.

Anonymous No. 160996

It is a skill.

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Anonymous No. 161000

check craigslist or something for cheap used boards nearby, that or if you want new heres the most poorfag I could find parts wise that I could confidently say are alright, youd have to find wheels for like 10$ on another site though.

if you must go ultimate poorfag and buy a 15$ walmart board, you caaaan do that, but immediately upgrade the bearings and trucks first at least. and if you do that go for better trucks than essentials, minilogo are decent poorfag performance bearings, but trucks get much better at about the 30$ range (independents, ventures, thunders, and aces tend to have decent reputation). wheels and deck would be nicer upgrades but not neccisary to learn, if you enjoy it enough then upgrade those.

tldr get cheap prebuilt at walmart, upgrade based off priority, and do those during sales. also get a cheap pair of shoes your willing to have destroyed doing this.

based off his post its probably just mental, let the hikki get outside

Anonymous No. 161004

retail brand new complete? bravo sports pro vision or darkstar ds40 (both seem to differ only in looks) on sale.

the above boards are available from walmart but they are considerably higher quality than what many would assume as "walmart boards". but as you said you will still want to upgrade parts. also avoid the ones with "composite trucks".

Anonymous No. 161037

please don't buy parts separately....especially if you're poor. buy a good complete sized between 7.75-8.25 and try it out. if you'll like it then by all means get yourself another one with the components you desire.

good luck!

Anonymous No. 161052

Check your local skateparks at night after the drunks leave and forget some of their shit. I’ve gotten a few boards that way and sometimes people leave their snapped boards and that’s a free set of trucks wheels bearings. Some skate shops also have a supply of good but almost broken decks that will be donated to skaters that don’t have enough money to replace their broken one

Anonymous No. 161053

Also forgot to mention if you just hung out at local parks enough and hype people up while making friends there’s almost always someone willing to donate their extra parts, especially if you’re hella disabled and missing both legs or something and are obviously eager to learn how to skate.
But mostly I’ve gotten tons of free boards just from going to the skatepark at 2am

Anonymous No. 161056

Just used Walmart as a catchall sorta thing, some other places have decent ones too. Ollie's has decent braille skateboard pre-builts sometimes for pretty cheap, a pal of mine started on one of those. Components were pretty good besides the trucks, that thing couldn't turn if your life depended on it.

Separate parts could get him better deal possibly if he really looks out. And the individual parts could be much better than a pre-built. A monkey with a wrench can figure it out even.

>t. Started with a ramshackled peice of shit from friends parts

Seconding this, hell do it while you have a Walmart board and it might work even better since it proves your trying. Drunker the better

Anonymous No. 161069

in what other aspect can skateboarding help you in life? where else would it be useful? What job can it help you get? Can you name one?

Anonymous No. 161070

lmao fatass faggot

Anonymous No. 161073

I can fall over better than you

Anonymous No. 161114

>in what other aspect can skateboarding help you in life?
It's faster than walking and it gets faster than running when you're good at it.
>where else would it be useful?
It develops your balance, some strength and endurance depending on what you do. That makes other physical tasks easier and makes you happier and healthier. It strengthens the mind too because of how difficult it is to learn. Idk if that's useful enough for you.
>What job can it help you get?
Who gives a shit? I already have a job.

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Anonymous No. 161148

exercising at the gym would be a skill then too, right? Maybe even jogging is a skill.

Anonymous No. 161177

It's one of the cheaper sports compared to mtb, bmx etc, you can get a decent setup for about £120 but you'd be better off with a complete if you're strapped for cash, a smaller board is great for learning beginner tricks but you may find a wider one is more comfortable especially on ramps

Anonymous No. 161184

assuming youre poor, go to a skatepark and try and buy someones old used-parts board for $25 or something

buying a brand new board will be like $150

Anonymous No. 161305

Yes and yes. You sound obese.