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Anonymous No. 161084

I like jumping off of bridges into water and doing general unhinged things for an adrenaline rush. What should I do /xs/ I’m bored.

Image not related I couldn’t find a good pic.

Anonymous No. 161085

Join the army

Anonymous No. 161088

I’ve thought about joining so many times. Fuck America and it’s stupid politicians and wars. Id love to join an army but I don’t have faith in america.

Anonymous No. 161089

Lol should I enlist in Ukraine and get ptsd? I kinda want to go through hell. I thought about moving to the Netherlands in the future but I can’t serve there and haven’t even been in the country. Lol

Anonymous No. 161101

Possibly the worst solution for being bored

Anonymous No. 161105

Work on your mental problems so you don't have to put your life in risk to feel happy.

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Anonymous No. 161113

Incel 4channer vs chad army vet with ptsd from real war.

Anonymous No. 161156

This anon is correct: >>161101
You will spend a lot of time bored out of your mind and it will be illegal to alleviate your boredom.