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Anonymous No. 161320

If you had to teach an elite spy ONE martial art (outside of firearms and other weaponry training) Which would it be and why?

Anonymous No. 161334

On average, jiu jitsu
>bodytype of “elite spy” in real life is generally going to look more like an unassuming bureaucratic intellectual rather than anything big or hulking that’d make striking best choice due to sheer overwhelming force
>the ability to theoretically subdue individual targets silently and without leaving identifying marks is valuable when sneaking around, even in a word where you’re carrying a knife or gun
>if someone’s attempting capture, jiu jitsu’s aggressive focus on hostile escapes regardless of how bad your position’s gotten is the CQC meat and potatoes stuff you’d want a spy learning from it, beating out even other grappling sports like wresting or judo which end the fight unnaturally early

If you get a second art, probably wrestling to double down on the above or boxing to add some skill diversity even if the user won’t get much from it, but if you get only one, let knife-fighting cover striking, you wanna give them something you know they can get some use from instead.

Anonymous No. 161340


Anonymous No. 161374

Combat sambo

Anonymous No. 161375

That's gay.

Anonymous No. 161377

>fall atop me and meet your doom

Anonymous No. 161378

and i lold

Anonymous No. 161379

Bjj, wrestling and boxing are top 3 most common martial arts in mma

Anonymous No. 161380

The spy isn't an MMA fighter looking to go into an octagon with the mindset of scoring points or shooting for a submission win. The spy needs something with maximum efficiency, something with lethal effects. Jiu-Jitsu is just that, but since Jiu-Jitsu is hardly practiced we have to go to Judo (which does practice strikes).

I second Kudo or Sambo.

Wrestling is point-score fighting with the objective of submission.

BJJ is point-score fighting with the objective of submission.

Boxing is a point-score fighting with an emphasis on knock outs, which can be a total gamble on how hard or how the background of the attacker. It just isn't as effective as something like Muay Thai.

Judo teaches striking that are similar to Muay Thai. So, Judo is the best answer.

Anonymous No. 161383

Judo striking is like God. Everybody has heard about it but nobody has seen it

Anonymous No. 161385

Combat aikido, with a focus on atemi

Anonymous No. 161389

If you open your heart to God he will appear to you, you just need to invite him into your life

Anonymous No. 161396

don't do that, opening yourself to God is a bad habit since he can grab from the inside collar lapel and perform a better kuzushi

I heard God's a stiff arming asshole

Anonymous No. 161558

Getting thrown perfectly or in a new way is a good way to learn. Open your heart to God and to atemi waza.

Anonymous No. 161578

What kind of spy?

Anonymous No. 161581

>Open your heart to God and to atemi waza.

That would make a good shirt.

Anonymous No. 161582

Corporate-hire espionage agent and professional killer.

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Anonymous No. 161596

in white

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Anonymous No. 161597

in black

Anonymous No. 161602

Obviously mma. Sambo otherwise. Both are combat sports.

If you wont accept this answer and only tma based disciplines then I suppose mma style jiujitsu in nogi. They should have competent wrestling relative to the discipline because of this

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Anonymous No. 161612

Elite spies don’t fight people, so what are we really talking about here? What does this guy have to do?
Anyways, MMA if that’s an option. Judo, BJJ (gi ON), or Wrestling are the best options otherwise. Probably wrestling, because you just need to get into a good enough position to stick em with your knife.

I feel like bare handed striking is almost useless when you know 100% you will have weapons on you at all times. At what point in a professional badass’ career would you want to punch someone in the face instead of stabbing or shooting?

Anonymous No. 161614

I make clothes, specifically athletic apparel
I could run these and get them on the shelf for under $20 a piece but I 'm also certain nobody would buy it

Anonymous No. 161670

If you sold them to dojos for both BJJ, Judo or Karate you'd make a bit of cash.

Anonymous No. 161673

Whatever keeps them in good shape to sit at a desk all day for their analyst job.

Anonymous No. 161675

lmao, based. ryogan-tsuki from the clouds.

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Anonymous No. 164486

art of kicking in the balls 10,000 times.

Anonymous No. 164686

A "spy" would have little use for a standard martial art. Real life spies are generally in deep cover feeding information which would be 99.999% going to a boring ass government job for years and years and not drawing attention to yourself. If they get burned they are completely fucked unless they can get extradited or escape but from my understanding that's a pretty rare occurrence. Most likely you will end up in prison facing charges for treason (if you get caught). Your best bet would be parkour in case you have to make a run for it but at that point you are pretty much completely fucked anyway. You might as well train whatever martial art helps you release the stress of living a double life.

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Anonymous No. 165151

Depends what you mean by "teach". Do I as the leader of a spy organization have to choose from dojos/academies teachin arts which are open to the general public? Or am I choosing to pick one style, getting all of the top of the class knowledge and experience in that art, and then teaching it to him? Does my information primarily come from the modern competitive scene in that sport? or does it come from the originator of that fighting style? Alll of these questions would change your answer

Anonymous No. 165176

"Spies" are just foreign chinese students who get jobs at tech companies for two years in the US and EU and then quit and move back to China with industry inside knowledge they stole from some higher-up's unsecured invite only Google Drive folder

Anonymous No. 165182

You must choose, you're information can come from where ever.

Anonymous No. 165200

Jiu Jutsu for incapacitation, Muay Thai for striking.

Clearly the intent of the question was a James Bond-style superspy.

Anonymous No. 165206

Jason Bourne-style actually.

Anonymous No. 165229

I would pick Silat.

Unarmed + Weapon training. Say what you want but those island asians are good with knives.

Anonymous No. 165324

Then MMA. pretty easy choice

Anonymous No. 165918

>>161320 Spies don't fight. They gather intelligence. That is all that a spy is.
Jason Bourne and James Bond are not spies. They are assassins.

Anonymous No. 165984

probably sambo or judo.
>main reason
John wick is cool as fuck, and grappling really complements CQC with weapons
>why not wrestling
spies are in civillian settings, which means clothes to grab onto. this isnt MMA.
>why not striking
grappling >>> striking in 1v1 and where weapons are present. if theres multiple people or you're out of grappling range just use your gun. your only weakness is someone getting into grappling range to grab your gun where strikes arent as effective
>why judo/sambo over bjj
you start your grappling standing, and you always want top position in an IRL, weapons hot situation. Submissions and bottomn competence dont matter as much in a jason bourne spy situation. You take down the mfer and shoot him or run away. In the offchance you go against a bjj blackbelt you're fucked but ideally thats what guns and weapons training is for

Anonymous No. 166243

meme and gay

Anonymous No. 166278

yongmudo hapkido, because it's a modern hybrid art that has a little bit of everything while focusing on practicality and self defense and includes training against resistance and a good amount of sparing.
At least in the setting I learned it.

Would be a decent base for a spy for their hand to hand training, as well as improvised weapons training.

That said the main downside to it is that you will never be a master of any particular aspect of hand to hand combat with yongmudo hapkido training alone. It is very much a jack of all trades kind of martial art.

Anonymous No. 166485

>khabib and islam makhachev is meme and gay
>MMA with gi is meme and gay for civillian assassin despite the fact thay youre never going to fight a naked bodyguard

Anonymous No. 166520

I'm learning a lot about different martial arts and how they all are just pretty much the same thing but with a different name.

Anonymous No. 166522

There's often more variation between two teachers of one martial art than there are between two "different" arts.

Anonymous No. 166537

Sambo. You get striking and grappling in a comprehensive system that's been proven in sport and in the field. Every other viable style ignores some aspect of the fight and weapon awareness is a concepts/drilling class you teach later. Sambo will build the proper base upon which a strong warfighter is built.

Anonymous No. 166574

They both gather intelligence and assassinate people that need to be get rid of. Usually ends up being the later because they are after high risk targets.

Anonymous No. 166575

They should be wearing shorts and tank tops for fights to be extremely realistic, lmao.

Anonymous No. 170025

>ONE martial art
simple effective strikes to kill/incompacitate because its not a sport. The type of training taught to special forces when you need to kill quick with your hands, or a knife. If you are a spy spying you are not putting on gloves and stepping into the ring you are fighting for your life. If you can't have a gun, you need a knife. There is a vid by the ronin former SF guy who said when he went into some countries by himself and could not bring a gun, or get a gun in country, or bring anything with him after arriving he went to the local store to by a regular knife he could use if he needed. Never risk an equal fight, always have an advantage your opponent make surprise you and be a better striker, wrestler, be bigger stronger and faster. You going to tap out or ask the attacker to wait to catch your breath when he was sent to kill or capture you for torture? What if are multiple people?

Anonymous No. 170032

In certain countries where you can't carry a gun OR a knife, what's next? Carry a longbow and quarterstaff to troll locals? Usually not banned.

Anonymous No. 170614

Aiki-jujutsu or any Kung Fu style that's good like Feeding Crane or Bajiquan.

Anonymous No. 171339

I would say Krav Maga since it's a mix of several arts and it is taught in the Israeli Defense Forces which witness action very often, especially since a few days ago. The Mossad agents are probably trained in Krav Maga as well.