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🧵 Is it cringy to start martial arts after losing a fight?

Punched No. 162488

I got sucker punched at a party last night. I was dancing with a girl and accidentally bumped into another guy and spilled his drink on him. Before I could apologize, he sucker punched me and got thrown out before I could do anything to fight back. I now have a massive black eye and a throbbing headache and feel like a massive wuss. I’ve always been interested in Muay Thai or boxing and figure now is as good of a time as any to start. Am I being too emotional about this and would it be cringy to start right after getting my ass kicked? Or is this a good time to start?

Anonymous No. 162490

It doesn't sound like you could have fought back even if you wanted to so don't feel like a wuss.
But to answer your question, a lot of people start training for this exact reason so it's not cringe at all. Go for it.
That guy is a massive retard btw

Anonymous No. 162491

Nothing wrong with it. A lot of people start practicing martial arts because they were bullied or wanting to know how to protect themselves, that's a very healthy concern and you should definitely sign up in a gym to get started.

Punched No. 162492

Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. Is this something that I should wait until my black eye is all healed before going in so I don’t send the wrong message or should I just full send?

Anonymous No. 162494

not him but I feel like waiting for it to disappear might be a good option, good trainers usually don't really like when people get in their gym only to know how to defend themselves, at least from my experience.

Punched No. 162497

How long would that normally take? I imagine it depends on the person and the injury, but for what would probably be considered a huge black eye by almost anyone who sees it

Anonymous No. 162498

>after losing a fight
that wasn't really a fight, just sounds like someone punched you and ran away

Punched No. 162500

Yeah, I guess that’s true, but it sure feels the same when I see a plum where my eye should be in the mirror

Anonymous No. 162506

I'd go in with the black eye, and if they ask what happened you can say as you can see someone beat me up and I don't want that to happen again

Punched No. 162509

It’s swollen shut right now. Should I at least wait for the swelling to go down?

Anonymous No. 162510


sounds like you have a broken orbital though

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Punched No. 162512

It’s been like 16 hours since I got punched and this is what I’m dealing with. I did get X-rays at the student clinic but they said it was fine. Are you thinking I should get a second opinion?

Anonymous No. 162514

Wait until you black eye is completely healed. You don't want the coaches first impression to be that you're a quarrelsome trouble makers. Say you're there because you want to learn to defend yourself, say you "used" to get bullied.

If the coach thinks you're trouble for any reason he might refuse. Remember he has a business' reputation and other novice fighters to protect.

Also, life advice from a martial artist: Let your injuries heal or they will get worse.

Anonymous No. 162517

if they did an xray and said its ok then it's probably ok then
I certainly hope the police are looking into this

Punched No. 162518

Yeah, I filed a report with campus police this morning. They did say to “keep an eye out for any vision changes” which I’ll be sure to do, but it seems like a moot point since I can’t even pry my eye open with my fingers

Anonymous No. 162519

poor choice of words

well don't fiddle with it too much, just let it heal and I guess ice it I dunno

Punched No. 162520

How long do you think a black eye like this will take to heal? I read online they usually take like a week to heal.

Anonymous No. 162521

Oh boy. Another 6 month long black eye video.

Anonymous No. 162522

I don’t think that will heal in a week. After two weeks you should be mostly healed though.

Anonymous No. 162524

the ones saying a week mean your typical little moon shaped bruise under your eyebrow or on your cheek bone, you're gonna have at least a week before it even gets to that point

Anonymous No. 162529

It can't be any cringier than me who started because of a bad breakup.

Anonymous No. 162535

naw OP thats real life shit

Anonymous No. 162539

Being bullied was a major motivator for me. Lame or not I don't really care anymore, it's so long ago.

Anonymous No. 162547

If you feel motivated go there
You won't be the only one with a black eye
And in a gym it will be months until you gain the privilege of punching and getting punched in the face so no worries there

Punched No. 162568

Damn, that really sucks. My parents are coming to visit next weekend

Anonymous No. 162576

well then the decision you need to make is do you tell them the truth about what happened or do you say something stupid happened like you were playing kickball with your new friends and it was just a freak accident

and then just wear sunglasses when you take pictures with them

Punched No. 162621

Do you think I should tell them the truth? I’m worried they’ll freak out when they see me

Anonymous No. 162636

That's based on your relationship with your parents and how they'll react so only you know the right move
If you have the kind of mom that will say that's it no more college you're coming home now, then spare her the details and just say you tried to play sports or something and the ball hit you and it was a freak accident

If it was me if it looks really bad still when they're about to come I'd tell them ahead of time so they aren't shocked when they see it
Alternatively ask a girl to do makeup on you to hide it

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Punched No. 162766

Fair enough, does anyone know if there’s a way to get the swelling down by tomorrow morning? I have my first day of class and don’t want to look like and idiot bumping into things because I have no depth perception and can’t see out of my right eye

Anonymous No. 162772

i would wait for the black eye to heal, once a guy with a black eye did a single trial class in our gym and after he left me and the coach mocked him behind his back, it certainly gives a bad first impression to the people training there

Punched No. 162774

Was his eye like mine or not so bad? I’m worried about waiting a while though. I’m motivated to go now, and have no idea how long it will take to heal. It sounds like it could be at least a week, but I was talking with a friend today who said his brother had a black eye that wasn’t nearly as bad as mine last for 6 months.

Anonymous No. 162778

have you been icing it? you should be icing it for 15-20 minutes a few times a day

Punched No. 162781

I have been religiously. I’ve probably a total of 8 hours over the past two days with ice on my eye. Is there any hope before I start my first day of college tomorrow?

Anonymous No. 162782

so this is literally your first day, like not even first day of then new semester but your first day ever of college?
that kinda sucks

maybe get a medical eyepatch, not like a pirate one but a white one just to cover it up. you can't see out of it anyway and it'll seem like a normal injury (which it is)
but people are going to be less inclined to ask what happened all day every day because it seems more officially medical
hey what happened to your eye? yeah I just have an injury, I'm trying to protect it while it heals

Anonymous No. 162796

>before I could do anything to fight back
This is likely a lie. You probably had a widow of opportunity to attack but you hesitated because you didn't know what to do. That's why you know are wanting to train in MA

Anonymous No. 162797

Bro your eye is fucked. No shot. When I went to school you could cancel your classes early in the semester, I would do that and just go next semester.

Punched No. 162820

Cancel classes for the entire semester? I know my eye looks awful, but that seems like an extreme response. Are you saying I’m going to have the black eye all semester too?

Anonymous No. 162821

It will be weeks before that's fully healed. Anyway you do you, I wouldn't want to walk around in public with that.

Punched No. 162823

I mean, I don’t love waking around like this either, but my parents already paid tuition for this semester. I’m definitely going, even though I definitely don’t want to be seen in public like this. Maybe sunglasses to class? You think it’ll only be weeks though? I’m worried that it’ll be longer because my friend said his brother had a black eye that wasn’t even as bad as this last for 6 months

Anonymous No. 162824

if waiting is that big of a deal and after it heals you would lose motivation you would never stick to it long enough to get decent
waiting or not is not that big of a deal, if you go there like this you will cause a bad impression no doubt but at the end of the day who cares

Anonymous No. 162826

What you describe isn't a "good trainer," thats just an over the hill POS desperate for a Champs coattails to ride on. I get what you're saying but that priority doesn't make them good trainers, just greedy.

Anonymous No. 162827

... CSUSB?

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Punched No. 162828

I don’t know that waiting is that big of a deal, it’s just that I could see myself getting busy with other things if I don’t start soon. Then again, I can’t image it would be a good look to show up to a Muay Thai gym looking like this

Anonymous No. 162836

Look, just keep in mind that for the exact situation you described... A fucking khabib-chan martial arts mutant abomination can't do shit of the attack isn't seen. So, i question your motivation & commitment to begin with. Maybe don't go to whatever shithole dive you went to that caters to that quality of peoples. You know most folk never get into a fight their whole lives, know why, cause they stay the fuck away from dodgy places & people.

Anonymous No. 163049

You're emotional but it's understandable, getting sucker punched sucks. If you haven't yet I recommend you shop around at a few gyms you're close by in styles you find interesting, if nothing else you might find a hobby you love because of the experience. Don't feel too bad about the black eye, not a lot you can do about random retards except avoid areas they're at, but knowing you can handle yourself should it happen again gives you a new outlook on life.

Anonymous No. 163089

Dude that looks fucked up. Are you sure nothing is broken? You may want to get a second opinion. I’ve never seen an eye that black. Also, wait until you are at least able to open it before you find a gym to train at.

Anonymous No. 163154

>he sucker punched me and got thrown out before I could do anything to fight back
He punched you in your eye. Your eye that you use to see things like fists before reacting to them with your trained reflexes. If you did wrestling or judo in high school you could have thrown him instead of catching a fist to the eye and looking like a retard.
>Muay Thai or boxing
These definitely would have helped avoid the strike but give you fewer deescalation tools. If that's where your interests are, however, you should definitely go check them out.
>Am I being too emotional about this
The punch to the face was just waking you up to a human reality that you already knew but had been emotionally conditioned to suppress.
>would it be cringy to start right after getting my ass kicked? Or is this a good time to start?
One of the very strongest men I ever knew started lifting hard after getting beat up in his early 20s by a guy who was stronger than him and deciding to never let that happen again.

Full send, you've got a lot of motivation for it right now. If you're worried about your trainer thinking you're out for blood make sure you have a sense of humor about your condition and make a joke about how you figured you should learn how to duck next time rather than making a comment along the lines of wanting to have street duels with bullies and ne'er-do-wells. You should have a sense of humor about it anyway because it's not that bad of an outcome, it's objectively funny, and you'll be less miserable.

Anonymous No. 163160

>the student clinic
Do you have access to real healthcare?
>Are you thinking I should get a second opinion?
Doctors are often burnt-out midwits who were okay enough at cramming for tests and accumulating debt in their 20s to scrape by in medical school. If you ever suspect a doctor is fucking you over through laziness or incompetence it's absolutely worth doing your homework and seeking a second opinion, ideally from a more-uncommon competent doctor who actually cares about his job.

Anonymous No. 163161

Based. What'd you get into?

Anonymous No. 163163

>maybe get a medical eyepatch, not like a pirate one
Pirate one is way cooler. I used to know a guy who lost an eye due to some medical mishap. At first he wore the medical eye patches and was all mopey and cringe about it, but once he finally accepted his situation he started a pretty based collection of handmade leather eyepatches that fit his face shape and looked a lot better. Dan Crenshaw is kind of a faggot but his eye patch is an example of a good one that fits the wearer's face, though the hard edges might not be ideal for OP's current situation.

Anonymous No. 163204

Thats very close to why Joe Rogan started martial arts.

Punched No. 163250

I do, but if I can avoid paying a $500 co-pay for an ER visit, I would prefer to. Do you still think I should go?

Anonymous No. 163251

has your eye opened yet?

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Punched No. 163252

No, but I think it’s looking a little better than it did yesterday. Don’t you?

Anonymous No. 163270

There's no shame in losing a fight and then actively trying to improve. Also, everyone loses, so don't be down on yourself.

Anonymous No. 163806

Yes, it shows that you're a reactionary beast with no forethought. For example, women always ignore martial arts until after they get raped and abused. "Lol, that'll never happen to me", "lol I'll just kick him in the nuts", "lol, I'm a lover not a fighter", "lol, I don't like violence". Then they come limping into the gym begging for lessons and I have to bite my tongue not to say "I told you so". When will people learn?

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being week is not....jpg

Anonymous No. 163873

It doesn't matter what gets you going, only that you don't stop.

Anonymous No. 164079

wear eyepatch if you dont like the look, embrace pirate

Anonymous No. 164083

Need an update on the eye for medical data purposes

Also need an update on what the parents said for dama purposes because I'm a nosy little bitch that likes gossip

Anonymous No. 164141

A bit, but it stops being cringe if you keep with it instead of going to a class for three weeks and giving up.

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Punched No. 164237

Here’s how the eye looks today after more than a week. My eye only finally opened up on Saturday right before I saw my parents. I lied when I saw them and said I collided with someone playing flag football. They were concerned, but far less concerned than they would be had I said I got sucker punched at a frat party. I just hope my eye doesn’t take too much longer to heal. I’m getting pretty tired of all the stares and questions I’ve been getting

Anonymous No. 164592

>Then again, I can’t image it would be a good look to show up to a Muay Thai gym looking like this
Just be honest anon. Tell the trainers at the gym the truth. 'I was sucker punched. I want to learn how to defend myself so this doesn't happen again.'

That eye looks terrible, I've never seen such a dark black eye. How big was this guy that hit you?

In regards to your classes, go ahead of time and tell your professors that you will be wearing sun glasses.

Do not let this injury put your life on halt. Also, don't be ashamed of the black eye. I was hit in the face when I was sucker punched as a kid for standing up for this dopey kid against a bully. I didn't let that hold me back from anything. I went to huge events with the shiner, and if anyone asked, I told them the truth, 'I stood up for someone against a bully, and he unexpectedly hit me.'

You aren't a real man until you've been hit in the face full force.

Anonymous No. 164599

Have you considered going Goth?

Looks like you'd save 50% on all your eyeshadow purchases

Anonymous No. 164698

No but it won't matter in muttland since everyone goes for guns

Anonymous No. 164703

if you don't have a draw to first shot in under 1.5 seconds a gun is basically just a noise maker, you're already dead

Anonymous No. 164734

At least he got thrown out and not you.
As for the question, just start it lol, it's a sport and you'll be doing something physically active with other people, there's literally ZERO downsides to it and nobody cares why you started

Anonymous No. 164735

Yeah wait for it to heal dude, your body heals better without exerting itself.

Punched No. 165034

I think the only downside is me showing up looking like I got my ass kicked. I think I’ll wait until all the swelling goes down before I show up. It’s still pretty swollen and basically swollen shut when I wake up every morning. Hopefully the swelling is gone soon. Tough to say how long the bruising will take to heal

Anonymous No. 165037

The hardest part is actually going, it’s fighting that evil side of your brain that wants you to stay home and be comfortable. Start going now while the motivation is high.

Anonymous No. 165040

Nobody that trains is going to look down on you for getting your ass kicked. We all get our ass kicked every time we train.

Anonymous No. 165091

The evil side wants me to go train in woods and become an animal occasionally getting to city to mog idiots by merely walking in savage form, the good side wants me to stop training realize all fights stem from hanging in bad places, be grown civilized human and live laugh love.

Anonymous No. 165095

It might sound crazy but I have precognative visions, I won't bore you with details about that but you're right
As long as you don't go to stupid places at stupid times with stupid people you probably will never need to fight
Unfortunately I'm going to end up fighting a guy in a parking lot when he starts tripping over some petty road rage situation so I need to be ready for that
It's coming down the pipe I just don't know when

Anonymous No. 165148

Don't listen to that fucking idiot. A black eye is no reason to cancel classes. You have nothing to be ashamed of, the other guy was a violent piece of shit who should be ashamed of himself. Carry on with life as normal, if anyone looks at you weird or asks about your eye just be honest and try to have a sense of humor about it, and pick up the form of self-defense you're interested in. You'll get many more benefits from it along the way.

Anonymous No. 165153

>the good side wants me to stop training realize all fights stem from hanging in bad places, be grown civilized human and live laugh love.

>You have nothing to be ashamed of, the other guy was a violent piece of shit who should be ashamed of himself.

Holy shit yall are pussies

Anonymous No. 165154

>I am a become 4chan
Kys dude. You're already dead inside.

Anonymous No. 165192

why is this board so nice compared to other boards?

Anonymous No. 165335

people who can fight are actually nicer than insecure faggots who can't

Anonymous No. 165355

quit your bitching sissy

Anonymous No. 165395

It's not cringe, but also study some Jew-Jitsu. Fucking sue that faggot and have his ass in jail for niggers to rape. THEN you go learn Muay Thai. Jew-Jitsu can wreck things that normal martial arts can't, like their life savings, their asshole from nigger rape, and job prospects.

Anonymous No. 166314

Absolutely this.
Mainly the last bit. Wait until you’ve healed up so you can train properly.
Use the time to solidify your rage into a steel resolve to become an excellent fighter

Anonymous No. 166493

ain't that the truth. osu!!

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Anonymous No. 166555


Anonymous No. 166570

Always a step up, remember, if you got sucker punched, you got to start practicing avoiding getting hit.

Anonymous No. 166571

> Its a chinese frog poster.

Looks like Chinese can't all do Kung Fu after all, myth busted! Looking like a gross roastie pussy.

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Anonymous No. 166588

Lol, yeah, it was pretty gnarly. Doing a lot better now though. Even picked up some new ones (not on the face) at Muay Thai. Loving it so far

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Anonymous No. 166713

Glad your experience lead to you having fun with a new hobby, you fucking faggot

Anonymous No. 166724

I dont know the numbers but I assume 90% of people start for self defense, the rest are just kids that parents drop off for "day care"

Anonymous No. 166757

Better do jump rope and running for all that cardio gains that you need for myau thai, its useful, or running + hindu squats (the ones where you jump back and forward) for conditioning purposes.

Anonymous No. 166960

I suppose that compared to how it looked originally, it looks better, but dude that shiner is still horrific

Anonymous No. 167031

>it's the same attention whore doing black eye larp for 4th (5th?) time on yet another board

Anonymous No. 167125

Sounds like a shitty gym ngl

Anonymous No. 167130

You and your coach sound like faggots

Anonymous No. 167132

lots people here tell insane amounts of bullshit and get off acting tough online (like telling you you are a faggot for resting when you are injured). Its a blue board with pitfalls like any other
woah you get a lot of black eyes, you look a lot like that guy that got a black eye right before a date and posted about it here...

Anonymous No. 167199

Sucker punching Is not really a figth, More like a cowards way of killing someone, youll be suprise how Many retards aré in jail because of a bad hit, unless the fucker has a gun, threating your family or otherwise, sucker punching Is not the way. Its in the name, a suckers punch.

Anonymous No. 171337

He could chase the guy outside if he knew how to fight although the black eye would put him in disadvantage.

Anonymous No. 171423

I feel like getting your ass kicked is probably the best time to start, desu

Anonymous No. 171425

Go watch Fight Club and stop giving a fuck about what other people think of you.