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๐Ÿงต How to steal k9 from police while they are biting me?

k9 snatcher No. 162785

>get polices attention
>Experiment what will make them get the k9 units
>Make them get k9 out
>make them use k9
>k9 bites you
>Pet k9 as it bites you and manhandle it to allow you to pick it up
>Get k9 trust by letting it bite/lick you
>Run away with k9 in hand
>Invent new crime
>Boom new dog

Anonymous No. 162801

Way easier to adopt anon.

Anonymous No. 162803

Adoption isn't extreme enough

Anonymous No. 162856

This board is worse than /asp/ after the wrasslefaggots took over and honestly Hiroshimoot should just delete it

Anonymous No. 163093

>retard posts on 4chins

Die in a fire.