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Anonymous No. 163340

Redpill me on axe kicks. I've heard they're hit or miss because they live you in a vulnerable position and you need to be extremely flexible but I don't think they're completely useless Andy Hug was FUCKING guys up in K1 with them

Anonymous No. 163345

In most cases if a person says a move is bad it's usually because they can't physically perform it and cope by saying the move is at fault, not my lack of discipline in learning it

With that said I'm not thrilled about that backwards pressure on the knee

Anonymous No. 163350

They're viable, but way more likely to land properly in a pure striking format. Tactically, think of them as a spinning technique. You need to be sure of your distance, and bait the opening. Some people like to spam a few fronts to get a cover mindset in their target, then blast it out from a chamber. But the setup can come from a few places, depending on what ruleset you're under and your own abilites.

Anonymous No. 163415

manga name?

Anonymous No. 163434

Google Andy Hugh, zoomer. Also, you should actually train martial arts instead of theorising about them on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 163451

Ichi the Killer. The live action movie is batshit and actually great, check it out.

Anonymous No. 163500

I tried to axe kick someone in a school fight once, I just fucked up my hamstrings and the guy I was fighting got a free ball punch

Anonymous No. 163523

Kicking above your navel is a meme. Always strive to remove unnecessary movement. This is why TMA fails against MMA. So many useless flourishes. Yes once in a blue moon someone is lucky enough to land a really spectacular KO, but they are so rare they're practically useless. They are so situational & niche that there are numerous safe techniques to employ which is why many people who attempt them either miss completely, glance off, or get caught.

Anonymous No. 163531

>Kicking above your navel is a meme
>This is why TMA fails against MMA.
Retard. People kick above the navel all the time in MMA. In fact it's TMA that encourages not kicking above the navel because they think it's too risky on da streetz.

Anonymous No. 163532


Anonymous No. 163585

Never knew there was a live action movie. Is it as goofy and over the top as the manga? It's def one of my top 10.

Anonymous No. 163604

You were a stupid fool that didn't even try to set it up with a ball kick first.

Lmao. There's correct methods to using it, you got to make them fear your strikes before you can land a massive one.

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Anonymous No. 164363

Axe kicks are for keeping a downed opponent down

Anonymous No. 164451

The Diaz brothers were some natty kings back then. Brave to go against obviously roided out fighters

Anonymous No. 164939

it is practical but hard to apply in fights, also it is bad to your knee because of the landing and it is also hard to to stay on your feet after landing the kick

I did taekwondo my whole life and never really used it that much
it is viable but not the best technique to learn desu, there are tons of more important stuff to be concerned

Anonymous No. 164953


Not really, if you can set it up in a way your opponent can't react you can break bones with it.

Anonymous No. 165202

Any kick above the waist is a meme, purely for show. The only possible exception is a forward kick to the gut to build distance.
>b-but Bruce Lee
Was an actor. If he was in a self-defense scenario he'd punch them in the nose or kick them in the knee/groin and then run.

Anonymous No. 165210

Is meme cause more practical & equally effective techniques exist. It is all flourish.

Anonymous No. 165218

ur right anon, the reason why I called scrapping your butt on the floor like a dog “bad” is because I cannot physically preform it and am actually super jelly of the people who can.

Anonymous No. 165245

Its more of a high class thing to kick someone in the head than kneeing them, everyone can kick low and use their knees in myau thai fashion, but can you kick high to finish a match?

Anonymous No. 165246

He was an actor yes but with legitimate martial arts experience from his time in Hong Kong and some other actors tried to mess with him and he whooped them a bit to tell them to fuck off.

Anonymous No. 165252

A few things are toned down, some stuff was cut for time reasons, and the ending is different, but the pacing is imo significantly better.
I loved the manga but it really dragged at times. The movie has a faster pace.

Anonymous No. 165307

Our one dog used to just sit and spin leaving lil shit doughnuts on the floor
Maybe that tecnique would work for you anon?

Anonymous No. 165360

crop cop much?? retard

Anonymous No. 169967

Seems like a great way to fuck your hamstring up.

Anonymous No. 169970

then why don't you ask yourself why you don't do the 3600000 flabby seal twisted elbow esoteric ancient kungfu kick and hit your opponent's 7 secret dim mak points on his face and finish the match

Anonymous No. 169971

An axe kick is incredibly easy to evade and also doesn't really hit with much power
There's just not much reward for the risk

Anonymous No. 169973

I could kick a duck up the arse

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Anonymous No. 170393


I don’t like em because since Andy Hug nobody used ‘em effectively, at least to my knowledge

They are VERY prone to getting jammed, while this is common to all high kicks is even more noticeable on axe kick especially in mma.
Unless you specialize deeply into them they don’t even deliver that much power to justify the inherent risk imho

I agree that my critique might come from a lack of skill into using them but as a kicking enthusiast is probably my least used kick and I had made a point to use the most absurd turboautist kicking game in my mma gym, two touch spinning back kick unironically landed more than that dammed thing but again it still might be a skill issue idk, I’d love to see anybody but andy hug use em tho just for reference and inspiration to maybe try them again but at this point idk if they are worth training.

>pic rel just to (partially) invalidate your claim

Anonymous No. 170410

if it hits your chin, you are dead, a high kick that misses can be turned into an axe kick.

Anonymous No. 170466


You literally just have to be southpaw and a passable flexibility, ain’t that hard

The only street fight I had ended with a rear leg high kick as untrained randos don’t even conceptualize the idea of getting their head reaped off like that but is surprisingly easy.

Since the legs are stronger is easier to get a finish like that and harder with hands, or at least in my case

Anonymous No. 170472

> Flexibility.
Just stretch V-Stretches at night before bed and do a mobility rotation stretch every morning, literally all you need for a good high kick if you know how to kick off the floor to gain height reach.

Anonymous No. 170686


Im the guy that posted the middle split, my point is kicking at head level is in fact not hard at all unless you are a manlet or way too stiff.
Also southpaws have a easier time kicking your head off due to stances
That was the point I was trying to make, a head kick ko is way easier than it seems since once you land it is almost a guaranteed ko

Anonymous No. 170693

most people are way too stiff due sedentary lifestyles.

Anonymous No. 172304

the axe kick is garbage and why keep insisting on trying to make it work? it has zero range, it takes too long to start, its obvious that your doing it. it doesn't do enough power to be worth it

Anonymous No. 172377

it's a terrible kick. Takes a long time to kick, very telegraphed, leaves you completely open for a takedown, small are to hit, uses a lot of force. It's a bad kick plain and simple. Does not mean it can't work but there are way better options.

Anonymous No. 172393

its only obvious if you make it obvious like any other big range strike.

Anonymous No. 172843

if your opponent is squared up and their arms are protecting their sides i feel like an axe kick coming up or coming down would probably get through reliably seems practical to me. cant you also do a outside to inside crescent kick to axe kick combo that would smash through a guard also? isnt that why a question mark kick works well? even if you dont disguise it i feel like it would still work for that simple application. i can add more to it but will wait for a reply first.

Anonymous No. 172844

>if it hits your chin, you are dead
The only way an axe kick hits your chin is if you're looking up, so it would only work in combo with the "oh shit what's that" technique, which isn't very effective

Anonymous No. 172852

Axe kicks work because of the "oh shit" factor. It goes around a conventional guard and hits from an angle where few attacks come from. It can be countered if someone sees it coming, but it someone's prepared for an axe kick, then they're open for basic worked.

Andy Hug's axe kicks worked because he used them often enough that people would bite on his axe kick feints and expose themselves to punches down the middle. Hug had mediocre boxing and wouldn't have landed those shots were it not for his kicks.

Anonymous No. 172896

I wouldn't even bite on an axe feint since they barely do anything, and all you have to do to avoid one is move off the centerline

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Anonymous No. 172930

>I've heard they're hit or miss because they live you in a vulnerable position

Not if you are Ichi the motherfucking killer they dont

Anonymous No. 172955

never taken one on your collar bone with the heel? Gonna slam you down even if it doesn't hit your head.

Anonymous No. 172977

Stretch more dude.
It isn't even that difficult of a kick to do compared to other high kicks.

Anonymous No. 173054

Move in and jam them. It's a fun kick i like to throw in sparring but would never use in a fight

Anonymous No. 173059

No? What kind of a pussy are you that that would hurt? If I even bothered to do anything about it, I would just raise my forearm in a cross block, then you can counter with a low kick and sweep their plant leg

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Anonymous No. 173387

It’s an advanced, niche kick that requires setup. Retards here think that if a technique isn’t easily and safely spammable by a retarded nub, it’s not good.

If you throw an axe kick out of the blue, you are going to get rekt. The biggest advantage of the axe kick is that it goes over the traditional guard for pretty much every other strike. It’s also hard to see coming. From the opponent POV, you could be going low, high, or very high, and it’s hard to tell until it’s almost too late. Use it to mix up and confuse your opponent.

For example, if you throw out a front kick to the stomach, a roundhouse to the body, and then an axe kick, you’ll catch most people off guard. Even if they can tell you’re going high, they’ll almost always be expecting a roundhouse. Throwing out some head punches before/after is also acceptable. Even if you don’t stick an axe kick very frequently, just the threat of it makes you more dangerous.

Also hit 4pl8 deadlift.

Anonymous No. 173483

>The live action movie is batshit and actually great
lol no

Anonymous No. 173495

they're shit because the range of motion is so low. you only have space to accelerate your foot downwards for like a foot. How much power do you really expect to be able to build up with that range of motion? There is no mass behind it, it is just the foot all alone.

Anonymous No. 173513

gravity adds to the force if you have big legs, that's the point of why axe kicks ARE powerful they also target weak points like the head and the collar bone, easily damaged by such strikes.

They are morons stuck in the street fight mentality, muh streets only.

in muh streets you gonna get stabbed.

Anonymous No. 177455

This is abstract but it feels very sickly. Where the manga is more noir the film is more sickly and disgusting.
There's something cold about the manga but something actually diseased and rotting about the film. Enjoy

Anonymous No. 177523

Kicking higher than your navel is a meme that has been statistically insignificant.
>bUT wHAt BoUt tHiS Le ePic ViRAl vIdEo!!!!!
Statistically insignificant, it's pure luck. For every 1 attempt someone succeeds a million others fail. It's a crap technique.
You're a retarded casual. Guess what dipshit, watching rekt fight highlights on 4chan does not make you an expert. You have no frame of reference for how astoundingly wrong you are because you don't really watch fights.

Anonymous No. 177539

>retard raises his leg for an axe kick
>kick or knee his nuts
>fight over
>gg fgt

Anonymous No. 177795

But Baki's dad does it all the time

Anonymous No. 178171

I doubt you actually train, you dingbat, but if you do:
figure out 2-3 ways to set it up during sparring
drill it
use it during sparring
use it during competition

Anonymous No. 180545

Taekwondo chicks that can axe kick are invariably great in bed. Having one try it on you and then getting frisky on her when she inevitably gets her leg stuck on 6our shoulder is some of the most fun I've ever had with my ex.

Anonymous No. 180547

Counter point, some moves just plain don't work unless you send them with full intent and I'm certain you're not trying to heel smash people with all your might in the gym

Anonymous No. 180780

>Its pure luck that you can set someone up with a 1-2 combo then headkick them in their blind spot over their shoulder


Ax kicks, crescent kicks, and hook kicks fall in the category of it can work but the amount of effort necessary to make it work could invariably be better spent elsewhere. Roundhouse kick and front kick are the bread and butter no one would question works, with spinning side kick, and hook kicks being in the middle ground and sidekicks on and Brazillian kick on the fringes.

Also on Andy Hug he did all kinds of crazy shit we have never seen replicated like a tko with a spinning hook kick to the leg lol.

Anonymous No. 181610

hook kick is a fun way to make your opponent mald, which is great for technical fighters