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Anonymous No. 163614

I can't find shit about it online, so asking here. Can I join a combat sport, any of them, with a rod through my arm? I broke my arm in the past, and have recovered, but would they allow me into competitions in the like? I have no doubt about training, but I don't want to get my hopes up to early.

Anonymous No. 163619

so it's like a titanium rod used to fix a bone? so you have smasher
anderson silva and conrad mcgrundle both have rods through their shins and both were allowed to compete professionally despite having a weapon installed into their body
there is no rule against it

Anonymous No. 163622

Who would know unless you told them?

Anonymous No. 163651

Depends on the level of sanctioning. Anything requiring medical probably needs it listed, but I'm not familiar with the entire dearth of forms across states/countries. IME, medical only comes up in striking scenarios, and whether or not it applies to the amateur level is a local variable. In any case, I don't believe it's a disqualifying factor. You just won't be able to have an anime moment with a secret weapon reveal post fight.

Anonymous No. 163652


Anonymous No. 163723

Yeah, titanium rod through the arm.
Pretty sure they could just look it up
I believe it would be more a hindrance than an anime moment, but as long as I could compete I wouldn't much care.

Anonymous No. 163728

Talk to your doctor if you're worried about injury. I don't see any reason you wouldn't be allowed to compete in grappling. Maybe it's more iffy in striking, but I dunno

Anonymous No. 163758

Training yes, competition, doctors are going to disqualify you if you lose limbs, lmao.

Stop worrying about competing at your age and become a solid instructor if you can, you'll earn more that way than as a second-grade player.