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Anonymous No. 163640

What skill, body, excercise and martial art would you learn to survive prison with dignity?

Anonymous No. 163643

Minding your own business and being polite without being a pushover.
The pushup and squat, with a focus on bodyweight calisthetics optionally aided by water in sealed bags used as weights
>Martial Art
Boxing and wrestling, boxing because it commands respect, wrestling because fights don't last long enough for groundwork to matter much and so you know what to do when someone unarmed's grabbing you

Anonymous No. 163644

How to lead
>Martial art
krav maga, its bullshido if you cant kill your oppionent but youre already in prison so who cares

Anonymous No. 163730

BJJ so you can avoid getting raped

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Anonymous No. 163732


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Anonymous No. 163777

to elaborate; unless you live in a nordcuck country where prisons are spas, its very likely aggressive inmates (the ones whod try to rape you\extort you\ kill you because theyre high on something) will use a shank. Why would a murderer use "fair fight" bare-handed attacks? He's gonna shank you.
so, learn to build a crossbow or some projectile weapon,a long nunchuck or even set baby towels on fire and learn to throw them as mini-molotovs...

Anonymous No. 163788

A strong, quick and powerful one
Bodyweight exercises only? Plyometrics and isometrics, both upper and lower. Weighted? Hitting the major muscle groups such as legs, arms and trunk with heavy lifts like deadlift, squat and pressing. Using singles, doubles and triples with heavy weights. Doing one hard lift a day, upping the weight when the intensity level starts to drop for that weight.
>Martial art
Judo. But usually, respective prison gangs will actually do drills of hand-to-hand combative similar to what the militaries of the world do. That is a lot of Jiu-Jitsu, Judo and Karate derived stuff.

Most important thing is having a strong backbone, if you go through prison with this stoic mindset that you're above violence or standing up for yourself thinking you're being the 'better man.' You're in for trouble. Do not talk when a confrontation occurs with another inmate, just physically confront them if you suspect disrespect. It will set a precedent. Other than that, keep to yourself and your respective race. Don't let others question you or undermine you and if they do, follow with the former advice.

Anonymous No. 163822

>with dignity
Wu-style taichichuan

Anonymous No. 163868

dont be a bitch. friend who is in prison, a twink, and only ever trained in a mcdojo as a kid

Anonymous No. 164038

BJJ and wrestling, good luck raping me

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Anonymous No. 164041

Being a lanklet isn't enough if you don't wanna get raped

Anonymous No. 164064

use your surroundings

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tactica shank.jpg

Anonymous No. 164183

>go to the ground doing BJJ
>Tyrone shivs you as you roll with T.J.
I say it again, grunts in prison work in groups and use any bladed weapon available. there's not Gentlemen's Code in prison

Anonymous No. 164740

wouldn't hurt to know bjj. Also, I can do bjj and have a knife as well. I wonder who's most likely to win that one?
But yeah, 2v1s are not uncommon. Practically jack shit that you can do about that though, other than be high tier at mma, and also be a physical specimen.
One thing i want to note is that a lot of people seem to think martial arts won't work for a street fight, but i'll tell you what REALLY won't work for a street fight. Not doing martial arts! lol

Anonymous No. 164759

you still need to be a decent to good wrestler to WREST an attacker's weapon from their hand.

if an attacker is armed but can't grapple for squat, while you're unarmed but good at hand fighting, getting a hold on him, taking him down, and pinning him if need be, he'll be like a helpless child, and his weapon is now your weapon.
the overwhelming majority of krap maga schools don't spar, so you'd never learn to apply any of the skills it has to offer against even mild resistance, let alone a drugged out menace who won't feel pain during an altercation.

even if today every krap maga school suddenly started sparring, they'd find out that all the "dirty techniques" aren't sustainable to train if they wanna keep their training partners out of the hospital, thus they're not repeatable, which means they'll never get any good at using them. at which point you're basically left w/ a much krappier amalgamation of (kick)boxing, wrestling, bjj, and aikido, til they have enough experience of consistent live training to be halfway decent at any of those arts/skillsets individually (i know aikido doesn't train live either, but my point still stands), which would take YEARS.

that time would be much better spent training at a gym that's BEEN sparring and training live since day one, as they'll have much more experience producing capable to amazing fighters by training them for competition - fighters who'd fare much better against a drug-addled, knife-wielding maniac than the average krap maga practitioner. all they'd have to do is throw a fake knife into the mix when sparring (like icy mike did in one of his vids, for example) and train to avoid danger and call for help, as opposed to confronting the danger and 'going the distance' as they do in the ring/cage/on the mat/what have you.

tl;dr: the average mma, (kick)boxing, bjj, wrestling, or judo club, for example, closest to you, will prepare you MUCH better for self-defense than the average krap maga club.

Anonymous No. 164761

agreed. don't forget strength in numbers. join the prison gang that you align w/ most racially speaking, so when you're in trouble your brothers have your back. other than that, be cordial w/ as many inmates as possible, even those outside of your gang. conflict is generally considered undesirable by most, so it's in every inmate's best interest to avoid it as much as possible. prison life is hard enough as it is, so might as well make the most of it.

speaking of, if you're an experienced martial artist, you can try and arrange an in-house grappling tournament for the inmates, w/ oversight by the COs who can act as judges, announcers, referees, and matchmakers. each prison gang acts as a fight team and signs up their best grapplers. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place get a book from their wishlist, a pack of their favorite cigarettes, a bar of soap by a brand of their choosing, or sth like that. this would be a great outlet for their excess energy and pent up frustration, i imagine.

even the biggest scumbags in society deserve life and peace; if there's a likelihood they're the ones getting shanked on a given day while they're doing time, thereby meeting their end prematurely, they might never get the chance to learn from their mistakes and redeem themselves on the outside once their sentence is over.

Anonymous No. 164788

52 blocks and hiding weapons inside your asshole

Anonymous No. 164817

> Skill: Crafting that contraband.
I mean, you got to know how to figure out a weapon from scrap metals from day 1 or you gonna get shanked down the line!

> Exercise: Breakdancing.
C'mon, they love a bit of entertainment, plus you get some nice hand balancing and strengthening you can use in a fight if you go to the ground.

> Martial Art: Kali.
Knife shit, it will also be useful for getting basic grappling and striking down sparring.

Anonymous No. 164818

> Dubs.
You forgot one exercise otherwise based meme.