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Anonymous No. 163681

Where can I learn real defense against muggers or non-economically motivated assaulters who use knives, shanks, bladed weapons or a revolver or handgun?
How can I tell a mcdojo or tourist trap apart from a real-deal school? I have been searching and found some Kapap-krav-maga courses aimed at bodyguard escorts, courses dictated by special forces police officers, etc.
Im in the process of getting the national permit for owning and carrying a firearm -which use is an skill in itself.
As well as defensive driving in cars and motorbike ,including using the gun from there.
I WILL NOT allow myself to be robbed of my wealth.

Anonymous No. 163683

You can't, it's a grift with fake scenarios for larpers

The bad guy will approach and say hey, you! Give me your money! Don't make me tell you again! And then you hawachachacha him in the ground yelling THATS MY PURSE I DONT KNOW YOU!!!

No mugging in the history of muggings has ever gone down like this
They just walk up from behind and bash you over the head then empty your pockets

Anonymous No. 163684

Learn Judo, Kali and situational awareness.

The situational awareness will help with looking out for ne'er-do-wells and for weapons that you can use to your disposal. Kali for when you want to use those knives and batons that you found with the maximum amount of efficiency. And Judo, for when you can't find a weapon or the attack is too sudden to grab one.

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Anonymous No. 163687

Im willing and able to pay for "police grade" courses or courses given to prison officers, etc
there's one dictated by BOPE which is of course fucking expensive is what it is.
And as I said I will eventually own and carry a gun. So giving the robber what he wants and shooting him in the rear when he runs away, IS a thing
is Palankutan (is that how its spelled?) part of Kali? I know Eskrima is the one with sticks, and Kali with short knives?
I should try Dog Brothers anyways, seems like a fun way to build grit and manage adrenaline

Anonymous No. 163689

These courses are a lot of fun, so at least you'll have that.
If you're so wealthy and willing and wanting the real thing, why not sign up for a high profile armed security job, do their legitimate course with the legit instructors, quit before what you agreed in the contract and just pay the course costs yourself plus whatever other penalty you'll get for being a flake.

Anonymous No. 163690

Learning judo... for anything but judo is a meme. You know who I stole this from talking to? Travis Stevens. Does part of it work? Yes, but you're spending a significant of time working on stuff that requires someone play the judo game. It's just not time efficient. Judo fags (the ones that aren't larpers) just can't accept they're just like bjj in this way. Just learn MMA and call it a day, martial arts wise.

Anonymous No. 163692

Meh, might as well DO the job. I've been wanting to work in armored trucks (bank notes delivery, gold reserve, etc) for some time. I honestly think my Country is headed for a civil war within 2 decades so i gotta git gud
Is there any martial art that teaches "group tactics"? most likely in a bar fight\(((nightclub)) brawl etc, you'' have friends and the enemy will have friends so- better learn coordination, manoeuvres, drills, etc?

Anonymous No. 163696

please tell that to /judo/.

Anonymous No. 163697

Travis Stevens said Judo is a meme? That's hilarious, please post that.

Anonymous No. 163700

>Im willing and able to pay for "police grade" courses or courses given to prison officers
those are the worst ones, that's why they're always shooting people at the slightest provocation. They lack the confidence in their ability to go hands on so they escalate every encounter to deadly force unnecessarily
think about how many cops it takes to hold one guy down? they'll dog pile 4 or 5 guys, hit him with the taser, punch him in the ribs and shit and still cant manage to get him to roll on to his belly and put his hands behind his back

if you take regular jiujitsu classes on your own you'll be able to put almost anybody you come across in that position by yourself

Anonymous No. 163703

>Meh, might as well DO the job. I've been wanting to work in armored trucks (bank notes delivery, gold reserve, etc) for some time.
Good lad. Consider also airports and ministry of defense stuff. These jobs do burn time though, since you're usually idle you really feel that after a couple of years.

Anonymous No. 163704

>Does part of it work? Yes, but you're spending a significant of time working on stuff that requires someone play the judo game.
That applies to any single discipline sport. Even Gordon Ryan admits that pure BJJ doesn't translate perfectly to MMA.

Anonymous No. 163718

Judo was used a police tactic for self-defense and subduing people.

And it still is to this day. If you had to learn one martial art for defending yourself or stopping someone physically, it should be Judo.

Anonymous No. 163719

I think in japan police have their own system, tho? (the one the killer cop from kengan uses)
And in my country, police are taught "combatives" and karate...never judo.

Anonymous No. 163720

Combatives is just a funky version of Jiu Jitsu which is pretty much older Judo.

Anonymous No. 163819

just learn how to fight, these special forces shit are trash

Anonymous No. 166824

learn to run really, really fast. Anything else is setting up for a failure.