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Anonymous No. 163994

think about it all the vaccinated people are constantly shedding spike proteins and mrna particles and roll around with them and get alll sweaty? The age of martial arts is over, if you still want to train then find someone unvaxxed and fool around with them

Anonymous No. 163997

At my gym we were told when the govt. was pushing for vaccine passes that the club would introduce the opposite of that and if anybody got vaccinated we wouldn’t be allowed entrance to the gym. All of the pros and long time regulars are far-right and hate Jews and the government.

Anonymous No. 163998


Anonymous No. 164016


Anonymous No. 164025

>tfw I fucked an escort who told me she got vaxxed not knowing the effects of shedding spike proteins

Anonymous No. 164049

Incredibly based. Is your coach John Danaher?

Anonymous No. 164053

I’m going to shed my spike proteins all around and there’s nothing you can do about it


Anonymous No. 164074

Nobody thats a legitimate athlete got the vaccine, basically nobody in the gym got one

Anonymous No. 164085

I can't wait when all of your kind will be put in asylums

Anonymous No. 164088

Can't muster the courage to do it yourself eh?

Anonymous No. 164125

You absolutely can wait.

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Anonymous No. 164163

Cringe, touch grass incel

Anonymous No. 164168


alienating what few training partners we already have over sth as petty and irrelevant as politics would be silly. good martial arts gyms are uncommon as it is.

Anonymous No. 164172

No, I think Gordon could fit in with us though, he has a good personality and views. Ironically the highest profile person I can think of that’s visited us recently is Makhachev.

Go back to your orange pedophile forum

Anonymous No. 164228

It’s amazing how I hate the hard right but still manage to hate the hard left more because of their inability to communicate their ideas effectively or think critically beyond what the mainstream media has told them.

Anonymous No. 164288

what does "hard right" mean to you? because all I see is people saying please stop trying to fuck my children and getting called a fascist for it

Anonymous No. 164337

Retards who either think the vaccine isn’t just a rushed shit shot to try and justify ending the lockdowns without admitting they were a mistake and is instead a bill gates killshot to depopulate the earth or /pol/tards who think all of Americas problems would be solved if we just killed or departed all the darkies and messicans