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Anonymous No. 165385

Is there any sport\athletic sort of camp\facility\play center which most accurately trains for IRL police and military situations? Simunition airforce ,or I think its called Force-on-force? or maybe a version of Dog Brothers kali or HEMA\BON that allows a variety of non-edged weapons combined with striking and grappling?
I'm already saving money to do an Armed Escort (bodyguard) course, recently I got a gun license and try to often train at a range. In a couple of years when Im wealthier I will do survivalism training and partake in competitions bases on that...
>which is another question: Trail running, hiking, or Adventure Racing? which other types of competitions are there based on land navigation and athleticism

Anonymous No. 165387

There are some places that will sell force on force scenario training to civilians but they’re almost universally overpriced and taught by under qualified people. As for sports, while I think a siminution based sport would be fucking based it just simply doesn’t exist and you’re only real option is to do airsoft or paintball with 14 year olds. Not that you can’t learn SOME skills through doing that but it’s really not like handling a real firearm.
>I'm already saving money to do an Armed Escort (bodyguard) course
Fucking why? This kind of shit costs a shitload of money to basically just LARP as some black rock contractor which you certainly are not if you are actually asking about this shit.
>In a couple of years when Im wealthier I will do survivalism training and partake in competitions bases on that...
Camping is one of the most relaxing experiences a man in the modern day can have. Why you would intentionally ruin that to larp as le survivalist is beyond me but have fun I guess.

Anonymous No. 165396

Half of the actual schooling for police and military doesn't accurately train for RL situations.

Anonymous No. 166454

Combatives with simunitions:

Craig Douglas / ShivWorks

Cecil Birch

John Valentine / GreenOps

Pure CQB:

Direct Action Resource Center

Anonymous No. 166462

Like others said, there is little you can do to legitimately/reasonably train for these kinds of things without actually going into a spec ops unit. The only realistic alternative I can see for you is to put yourself in situations or challenge yourself to do extreme things which require you to use all of your physical and mental faculties to succeed/survive. The closer you can put yourself into a life or death situation without dying, the better prepared you will be for a life or death situation