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๐Ÿงต Why hasn't air racing taken off?

Anonymous No. 165434

It seems like the sport as a whole has stalled ever since the Red Bull Air Race was cancelled. Is it just the expense?

Anonymous No. 167676


Anonymous No. 171768

They need to bring back cross-country air races.

Anonymous No. 172337

Because the rich in society like keeping anything actually fun on the hush hush

Anonymous No. 174561

Seems cool hopefully there's more in the future

Anonymous No. 174790

>air racing
>taken off
I see what you did there, anon

Anonymous No. 175907

>Why hasn't air racing taken off?
It's kinda boring to watch on tv

Anonymous No. 176407

>air racing
I see what you did there, anon

Anonymous No. 176415

I gotta be honest, it's pretty hard to take those inflatable nutcracker bowling pins seriously. God damn, just anchor two balloons for the planes to fly in between, that shit just looks dumb.

Anonymous No. 179730

cuz less than 1 percent of people fly anything. who wants to watch a rich ass hole fly his private jet around?

Anonymous No. 179770

>Hating rich people
Take a long, hard, look at your life.

Anonymous No. 179790

It's unimpressive on TV, the planes seem really far from the cones, none of the intense speed translates and all the risk feels removed. Airshows don't get shown on TV either, planes just don't work in that medium.

Anonymous No. 182280

Nice pun

Anonymous No. 182768

Why has it not taken off?
Just not even nearly exciting enough for an audience to invest in plus logistical challenges like filming and cost. How can you help the audience be invested without being able to film an obvious lead or advantage?
Plus the sport would be fucked by health and safety rules and planes not being able to get close to one another.
Even something like bowls is far more interesting.

Anonymous No. 182787

drone racing looks more exciting and has a lower cost of entry

Anonymous No. 182788

What do you mean? The Reno Air Races are moving to Las Vegas this year.

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Anonymous No. 182954

>Why hasn't air racing taken off?
Air 'racing' has been around since the 1920's anon.
It has had multiple classes, has grown over the years, tried (in vein) to appeal to the more common man (to participate that is, so...), and like anything competitive has become hugely expensive.
So yes, it really is, just watching rich a'holes burn money through the skies.
As for RedBull racing, this is NOT racing, it's time trials with a degree of difficulty, but primarily a spectator sport. But it's now a totally know quantity and has been pushed into such a small corner of performance versus rules, that the average Joe can only watch the (repetitive) spectacle and look at the numbers on the bottom of the screen, and pretend he has any idea of the tolerances and expertise required to be a 'winner'.
I mean like, 6 planes can fly 4 heats each to whittle down to an eventual winner, and the times and scores between first place and last are measured in a few seconds.
Reno (the REAL air races) have finally come to an end, at least at Stead Field, everyone is hoping it can be brought back to life, but...
Over the years, Reno introduced cheaper and cheaper ways to get at least average pilots involved (so you're still talking less than 1% of the population), but as soon as something becomes competitive, you get the choice of getting all you gear at Walmart (sic) and by racing for $20k, or you employ professionals, and pay $200k to win.
It's a shame in some ways as were just on the verge offering electric..

Anonymous No. 182977

Make jets race eachother, that would be 10000 times better
Prop and turboprops planes are boring unless WW2 style

Anonymous No. 182978

the drone racers don't respect the spirit of the competition, like if the track they're following has a hill instead of following the curvature they just go diagonally across it

Anonymous No. 183106

Reno races are going to Vegas this year, and many of the racing teams hope vegas becomes a stepping stone to bringing air racing back to full touring cups year round instead of just once a year, like f1 or nascar.

The races are ending in reno because the city keeps building houses too close to the race course for saftey, plus the yuppies moving into those houses complain about the noise and stuff like that.