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🧵 road work discussion

Anonymous No. 165471

How do running regiments differ between sports?
Are long runs overrated?
If I fight 3x3min should i be running steadily for 30mins most of the time?

Anonymous No. 165476

Running is a gymteacher lore holdover
If you want stamina for your sport you should acquire it by doing your sport

If I want to be a swimmer I'm not gonna run
I dont know why boxers decide running is better than hitting a bag
But they've never been known for intelligence

Anonymous No. 165712

It’s a persistent myth tho. Even the best fighters in kickboxing-muay thai still run. And I’m not entirely sure if I can commit to departing from their practice

Anonymous No. 165793

>I'm not gonna run
You will if your pool time isn't free. Boxer isn't sponsored? He has to work. Even the best gyms aren't 24/7. So guess where he's gonna be at. Tell us more about your intelligence.

Anonymous No. 165795

If you're so broke you can't get a heavy bag for your garage I don't know what to tell you

Anonymous No. 165816

If you've never lived in the city and think you're gonna be a pro boxer, I don't know what to tell you

Anonymous No. 165822

You're not wrong but since you're not a real athlete you don't understand.

It's pretty simple you can't push yourself to the limit conditioning doing the sport without proper setup and its risky injury wise. Roadwork is just super versatile and can be as easy and relaxing way to warm up your body or be the hardest thing in your life not possible "just doing the sport". It is a great tool albet yes one of many in your arsenal

Anonymous No. 165842

Roadwork is a meme from a more ignorant era. We now know the difference between aerobic capacity vs. anaerobic capacity, different energy system in the body, etc.
If you want to improve your physical conditioning specifically as it relates to combat sports there's far more effective ways than going for a jog.

Anonymous No. 170027

when I did muay thai training we were required to run 3 miles first as warm up. The run was not supposed to be fitness training, but a warm up. The HIIT profile of actual training is what provided the overall conditioning for sparring/fighting. If you could not run the three mile warm up you could never make it through the training and it everyone saw that up front.

Anonymous No. 170076

running in kickboxing types helps however as they help you accelerate your kicks off the ground faster.

Anonymous No. 170081

For example have someone that does bjj and rolls for 10 minute rounds do 3 minutes of judo randori and they're completely dead by the end of it

Anonymous No. 170105

>Are long runs overrated?
Yes. Heart rate is what you want to monitor, and studies demonstrate that cardio improvement can be gained with just 20 minutes training at the right heart rate. Distance running without concern for your heart rate pretty much puts wear and tear on your body without actually improving it much.
>If I fight 3x3min should i be running steadily for 30mins most of the time?
No. Focus on being able to do anarobic events for those 3 minute time blocks.

Running is an easy way to develop a base level of cardio fitness and endurance, but it puts a lot of stress on your body, and you'd be better off doing free squats, as they train cardio and develop muscle much more efficiently than running, and puts less stress on your body.

Anonymous No. 170143

What kind of runs? I don’t think me dragging my legs along at a 27min 5k pace is going to do much

Anonymous No. 170748

How about spot running?

Anonymous No. 170774

sprints and whatever gasses you out help.