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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 165501

How much bigger does a woman of same skill + training(steroids) Need to be to defeat a man?

Anonymous No. 165502

Healthy men usually have 10-20% of fat and healthy women 20-30%, therefore a woman needs to be 10% heavier. Unless she kicks him in the balls then she simply needs a kicker's chance.

Also, this pic is photoshop, right?

Anonymous No. 165867

Even if she has the same amount of muscles her arms are gonna be shorter (less reach and less power) and her bones are gonna be weaker.

That being said, even a 5'3 chick can take out a 6' dude if he doesn't know what he's doing and she does/she catches him offguard. But she has to be a top tier fighter to be able to do it consistently. I'm talking UFC/Olympic boxer girl vs some random untrained goon off the street.

Anonymous No. 165871

imagine her farting

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Anonymous No. 165900

I don't know, but I'm more than happy to help find out the answer by repeatedly wrestling with enormous women. For scientific purposes.

Anonymous No. 165907

Literally the perfect ass.

Anonymous No. 166445

I wish a woman would rape me.

Anonymous No. 167170

A lot bigger and a lot more training. That is to say if the man doesn't go easy on her cause 90% of mixed gendered fights, the man will go easy on the female.

Anonymous No. 167174

Haha noo no don't stay on top of me no

Anonymous No. 168193

I am 22yo male 163 cm tall 54 kilograms
my sister 18yo 156 cm tall 56 kilograms
our hand palms are same size.
when fighting she constantly beats my ass cause i dont punch her.
arm wrestling about same power as me.

Anonymous No. 168718

So you are saying that she actualy trying to hurt you and fights you while you try to NOT hurt her. That's pretty much how male VS female fights go 99% of the time irl and then women think they have a real chance.

If you can't beat her in arm wrestling then you may just be a pussy and a terrible example.

Anonymous No. 168744

Usually x2 size and training.

Anonymous No. 169426

this photo is unreal, unfortunately the woman in the pic is not my wife, so it's not that sexy

Anonymous No. 169431

steroids could drastically alter their physical makeup to be much similar to a man's which makes it harder to say but if we're talking natural I'd honestly take like any 115 lb man fighter over the heaviest women fighters I don't know if there are any even above like 145 or 155. The difference in speed and strength between male and female athletes is honestly insane and hard to really appreciate. high school boys soccer teams regularly trounce the gold medal womens teams.

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Anonymous No. 169434

There are female fighters way above 155

Anonymous No. 169495

why does this arouse me

Anonymous No. 169501

>man on the left
>6’2 is shorter than 5’10
what’s going on in this pic

Anonymous No. 169504

they have the names and probably sizes flipped for some reason, probably because no one cares about the freakshow that is womens MMA. that's gabi garcia on the left.

Anonymous No. 169519

Is the referee 5'8" then?

Anonymous No. 169520

Death by snu snu, kek.

Anonymous No. 169552

Your brain refuses to contemplate the idea of a man so small that an ordinary (albeit large) woman dwarfs him so comprehensively. Therefore, your first thought when seeing this picture is that the man is normal size and the woman is an eight foot Amazon.

Anonymous No. 169554

If that's gabi garcia as some fag says, there is nothing "normal" about her. She's not 8 foot or superhuman tall for a girl even if obviously very tall. Whay is notable is just how... mutant her frame is naturally and how jacked she is. Of course we all know she's on ton of juice so that contributes a lot too

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Anonymous No. 169556

Op pic is not Gabi
This is Gabi

Anonymous No. 169561

I'll be honest... I know. Or had a quite firm suspicion

Just wanted to talk about gabi since she was brought up

Anonymous No. 169567

She went off the roids in recent years (or at least tapered down the dose), lost a bunch of muscle mass and actually ended up looking surprisingly decent. Went from freakish shehulk to tall/strong athletic amazon.

Anonymous No. 169593

Steroids really are miraculous. I don't think the absolute limits have been reached yet, and the athletes in 50 years time are going to be magnificent triumphs of chemistry.

Anonymous No. 169623

Someday soon athletes will be carrying so much muscle mass their skeletons will be lost inside vast mounds of contractile tissue. Then some mad scientist will invent steroids for bones. Then we'll finally have space marines.

Anonymous No. 169627

> Steroids for bones.

Well there's already been studies on that thing with some substances...

Fingers grossed.

Anonymous No. 169642

maybe this is true if the guy is in a wheelchair or anemic. Most untrained guys could take down a woman with little to no problem. They have testosterone, bone density, strength and size advantage over a woman. To put this into perspective, I was bench pressing at the gym the other night, and was on my last set. 135 to failure. No one around to spot so I asked this lesbian looking girl who was pretty "in shape" for a woman (lean, toned etc.).

On my last rep she could barely assist me pulling the bar up, needed to use her whole bodyweight to help me lift it, almost like a deadlift. Never asking a chick to spot me again, but it did make me realize how weak they are, even the "strong" ones

Anonymous No. 169643

that is totally a man on the left side right?

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Anonymous No. 169644


Actually kind of based when you think about it. Gets paid to roid and beat up women, dude is living the dream

Anonymous No. 169645

Gabi still lost to amy campo who is 74kg

Anonymous No. 169648

Amy is 14 years younger

Anonymous No. 169649

Let's be real. It's gabi's jiujitsu not her age

Anonymous No. 169655


Anonymous No. 169962

Angle fraud as they say in /fit/

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Anonymous No. 170290


Anonymous No. 172340

i need a link to this video

Anonymous No. 172443

>maybe this is true if the guy is in a wheelchair or anemic. Most untrained guys could take down a woman with little to no problem
a trained woman would mop the floor with you easily

Anonymous No. 172478

"Mixed wrestling"

Anonymous No. 172613

That's a stunt designed to be funny and humiliating, and furthermore is done under sporting rules. It isn't reflective of real combat where each fighter is intentionally trying to hurt and kill the other.

Anonymous No. 172635

she'd still murder him in real combat rules

Anonymous No. 172637

same, i wish a woman would drug me, chain me and then force feed me some viagra and then rape me until it is no longer enjoyable to me and i start crying and begging for her to stop only for her to gag me and slap me in the face

Anonymous No. 172646

Absolute nonsense, have you ever been in a fight?

Anonymous No. 172686

>woman who has trained her whole life to fight beats wasted drunk/high man who probably just did an entire case of whippets

This is not the flex you think it is. Also kickboxing has rules. If they were fighting to the death, it’s over for her within seconds.

Anonymous No. 173412

i wish that was me under that chocolate mommy

Anonymous No. 174499

would commit unspeakable acts against Man and God to be the guy in this pic

Anonymous No. 174692



Anonymous No. 176031

Women are very weak when it comes to upper body strength in particular. I mean really weak. Judging by other sports, they'd probably get beat up by 14 years old boys and would have a hard time beating a 12 years old boy.

It's unlikely that such a fight would ever occur but unless they sucker punch or get really lucky if it's a life or death situation the guy will always win. Even if the guy is a 14 years old boy.

Anonymous No. 177964

Theres a O.N.E female champion that KOed dudes in muay thai matches, i don't remember her name right now, but she's the living proof that a well trained woman can beat a trained dude, let alone an out of shape untrained one

Anonymous No. 179740

retarded nigger doesn't understand that roidtranny has the same advantage a tranny tranny has if that tranny trains to compete, unlike the one in your pic who only trains to take cock 24/7

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Anonymous No. 180126
