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๐Ÿงต /box/ general

Anonymous No. 165765

Hello, I've been training since March, and while some months I've been more consistent with my training than others, I typically train at least 3-4 times a week. Recently, I had my third sparring session, and I have another one scheduled for tomorrow against someone from a different gym. I'd appreciate any tips you could offer. I wore a gray shirt during my last sparring session, and I'm aware that I didn't perform well. I struggled with ducking, clinching, and had little to no head movement, but was just feeling unusually tired and my throat was hot and the flow of air was so hot for some reason.

Here's the sparring, I am in the gray shirt. Slightly taller.

Anonymous No. 165848

you lead with your head before throwing punches, making you vulnerable and telegraphing the shot, you throw the shot just with your arm and don't rotate your body making it less powerful and with less reach.

just a couple things I noticed right away

Anonymous No. 165851

How does one actually snap and not push when throwing a punch? It's so frustrating to get right
Also what do you use to make your gloves and shoes not reek like death after a training session? I've got good smell shoe spray but I don't think it's enough

Anonymous No. 165901

Make sure to keep your hands loose and relaxed in the glove until the moment of impact. If you hold a tight fist the whole time you're more likely to just push.

Anonymous No. 165965

Since this is /general/
How do I identify a "good gym", as a complete layman? I want to get into the sport, but since I am a novice I don't know what to look out for in terms of gym/instructor quality.

Anonymous No. 166010

Find a place that prepares it's students for actual fights/tournaments. They don't have to put out Olympic level boxers but any half decent gym will produce fighters that at least compete locally.
But honestly, this isn't something you have to worry much about with boxing compared to bullshido arts -it's one of the benefits of taking up boxing, you're almost guaranteed to be learning something legitimate.
Just make sure you're not going to a "cardio boxing" class or something, which have become increasingly popular the last couple of years. But their usually advertised as such, so it's not really a problem if you pay attention.

Anonymous No. 166483

Hands too low, elbows flared, not throwing enough combinations. Very little head movement. You need to stay closer to your opponent if you're going to threatening straight punches, that you opponent was shorter, mostly throwing hooks and completely controlling the distance just shouldn't happen. Too many lead straight rear hands from too far away, which let your opponent slip and counter easily, head movement or higher hands help here. Leaves the body open but I didn't see either of you throw to the body. You have your weight over your front foot then you're leaning when you throw, which throws you off balance and makes your recovery slow. Learn to check hook against a charging opponent, and to tuck your head to your opponent's shoulder in a clinch.

Keep it up.
You probably need to be throwing with you hips and shoulders more.

Anonymous No. 166591

I injured my right hand's wrist pretty badly yesterday while doing mitt work. My coach was empahzising on throwing powerful hooks and he doesnt just hold the pads, he swings them. Now my hand is kind of fucked and I have a small competition tomorrow. I think I'll still be able to just use jabs though. Hopefully it will heal by tomorrow

Anonymous No. 168149

Anon you did better than what I imagined you were going to do based on how you described the spar.

Anonymous No. 170591

Advice for not gassing out 30s in? Training for about a month, had a short sparring session and gassed after 30s, coach said it"s me tensing not my fitness level but does that relaxation only come with time?
Also, any advice for shadow boxing? Been boxing slow to reinforce technique and combinations, but that all went out the window in the sparring session and I was just throwing jabs or single punches.

Anonymous No. 170596

be conscious of the tension and remind yourself to be light and relaxed, practice it with intent while shadowboxing and both your shadowboxing and your sparring will improve
you tense up because of fear, try play sparring light with someone you like and who is the same size as you and you will learn to be calmer

Anonymous No. 170598

Cheers anon, will do.
Annoyingly though, I'm the only one under 6ft kek.

Anonymous No. 170600

Unless it's against their body, no one just holds pads. Doing so it a great way for them to get hurt worse than you did.

Anonymous No. 170639

>Hands too low, elbows flared, not throwing enough combinations. Very little head movement.


Your feet are too far apart, which limits your range, mobility, and leads to being flat footed and slow.

Keep at it.

Anonymous No. 170689

New to boxing, can't seem to find good info and coach was vague: what the fuck does it mean to always be on your toes or light on your feet?
I've tried being on the balls of my feet, but I keep losing balance or losing rhythm.

Anonymous No. 170707

>what the fuck does it mean to always be on your toes or light on your feet?

It means not being flat footed, and being able to launch off the ball of your rear foot, or being able to rotate off of the ball of the front foot.

Anonymous No. 170728

keep trying until you don't lose balance or rhythm. Bend your knees more to get your centre of gravity lower.

Anonymous No. 170776

Do jump rope, boxing steps to learn the proper form.

Anonymous No. 170788

Still not totally sure what it means, but definitely a bit clearer now. Thanks anons.

Anonymous No. 170803

Sounds like this might be your first venture into athletics. If so, don't sweat the concept too hard. It takes awhile to build the physical awareness of being light by having control of where your weight is. Especially as an adult first timer.

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Roy Jones Jr. def....webm

Anonymous No. 170812

Anonymous No. 170861

Cheers anon.
Do coaches generally do one-on-one sessions any more? Or is that only for their prize fighters/after you've attended for a while?
Feel like I learn fuck all from the classes. Asked my club, and they don't offer it after a fighter had a massive hissy fit after a loss.

Anonymous No. 170878

Depends on the gym. I can't imagine one that wouldn't be completely private membership that doesn't also have open availablity for solo lessons, but it sounds like maybe you're either not at a well established place or something. IME fighters acting like that get told to nut up or pound sand.

Anonymous No. 170904

Coaches are solid old fuckers, I think they just got fed up with tempermental bullshit kek
There is a guy getting his pro card there, but he's practicing by himself during classes and comes in by himself on the weekends from what I can gather.
Might need to look into another gym then. Got a coach for solo sessions, but he's not always free and he's not affiliated with a gym so he couldn't corner me or get me fights, so was looking for a second coach that was club affiliated. Good teacher though.

Anonymous No. 170907

Going for my first class tomorrow any thing I should know?
Is it bad to go in with an idea of how I want to fight?
Mainly I want to learn Philly shell style boxing.

Anonymous No. 170910

Piggybacking this for a similar question: how soon into training do you start asking coaches about picking stances?
I know you're supposed to know othodox and southpaw inside out regardless, but so many Amateur and Professionals talk about how they should have learnt Philly Shell or Peekaboo or sonething else entirely much, much earlier in their career so that they could have refined it rather than having always fall back on the orthodox that they know best when things get tough.

Anonymous No. 170922

Yeah that's what I heard as well, they wish they trained both from the beginning. I guess if my first time they make me start with orthodox I go along with but just practice and study Philly shell on my own till I find a different gym.

That is a bit much of future planning but who cares.

Anonymous No. 171035

How bad of an idea is it to try and learn Hitman if you're not built like an orangutan?
I have the standard 1:1 ratio, but Hitman looks so much fun.

Anonymous No. 171160

Do they actually spar and do they produce competitors? IF yes to both then they are at least legitimate. The quality of competitor they put out will tell you the quality of traing the gym *can* put out. But just bercause they produced a few champions doesn't mean you'll get the same quality coaching by paying for a $300/mo beginners class lol

Anonymous No. 171178

And that's a really important word. In addition to all this, make sure that gym actually produced those fighters and they didn't just recruit them on a name. Especially for said $300 type places.

Anonymous No. 171185

Anyone fight in Europe or the UK?
Taking test for medical reasons, then hopped on some stronger stuff to fuck around with powerlifting but now I'm getting into boxing too.
I'm too old to be seriously competitive since I'm starting from scratch, but do friendlies and does local shit test super strictly?
Would rather stay on the test to offset the synptoms of my condition, but even if I hopped off that would be months to clear.

Anonymous No. 171911

Any book recommendations?
Just philosophical not techniques

Anonymous No. 175577

How viable is hitman if you're the smallest in your division, especially if it's by a decent margin?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 175607

depends how good you are. It's a good counterpunching stance and if you're small you'll need to be counterpunching anyway, but the low lead hand plus reach advantage means you'll be eating jabs all day every day.
I found Dempsey's pretty good, though I didn't agree with all of it.

Anonymous No. 175608

depends how quick you are. It's a good counterpunching stance and if you're small you'll need to be counterpunching anyway, but the low lead hand plus the reach disadvantage means you'll be eating jabs all day every day.
I found Dempsey's pretty good, though I didn't agree with all of it.

Anonymous No. 175634

Thanks anon, I figured as much.
I'm not aggressive enough for peekaboo, and I like the feeling of having more vision (not having to "look past" my lead glove) from hitman since I'm shortsighted too. And flicker jabs are fun.

Anonymous No. 175663

I fail everything I try, I lack discipline and motivation and I'm kind of a brainlet as well. I'm also a coward.
If I try boxing is it going to finally break me or help me?

Anonymous No. 175664

Might do neither. Might do both. Might have to do the first to do the second. Won't do anything if you don't go see.

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Samart Payakaroon....webm

Anonymous No. 176248

Anonymous No. 176576

Just try them during play spars

Anonymous No. 176581

You'll be lucky to find anyone that can really teach you a specific style of boxing these days. Try not to get your hopes up

Anonymous No. 176593

Use enzyme or antifungal spray/powder. They make little activated carbon ball and sachets to insert as well.

Anonymous No. 177424

Did Marciano research his opponents?
I remember reading a quote somewhere attributed to him where he basically says that he doesn't bother researching his opponent before a bout because his gameplan wouldn't change anyway so he just goes in and does his thing.
But I can't find it anywhere now, not even attributed to someone else.

Anonymous No. 177432

The quote itself in relation to an old school boxer is definitely something I've seen before. Whether or not it's entirely true, who can say. Spying on your opponent is as old as sport.

Anonymous No. 177446

I had my hopes to high the first gym was a cardio class, second is practice a mexican community center. It is a real gym but there is a language barrier to learning in class.

Anonymous No. 177524

>How does one actually snap and not push when throwing a punch?
Aim for the posterior side of whatever you're hitting. Meaning if you're gonna punch someone in the face, imagine the face isnt there and you're aiming for the back inside of their skull. Visualize the path you want your force to take & aim for the destination, not the contact, then just don't push. If you do it right you will develop better framing.