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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166049

Fellow /x/philes. I finally found the truth!
The earth is non-euclidian shaped.
The universe is a fourth dimensional hologramm.
Santa exists.

Birds are not real.
Snow don't exist.
All mosquitoes are bots.
We landed on the Sun in 1845.
Air don't exist.
Clothes are a psyops.
All insects are different evolutions of cockroaches.
Dinosaurs don't exist.

This board is ruled by a secret society that worship Shrek, the green. Shills, glowies, CIA agents, janitors, Nigerian digital slaves and traps. Dragon dildo masters.
One gay philosophy is inverting 4chan.

They make you think you are arguing with underages.
They make you think you are banned.
They make you think there's a report button.

The tranies are behind cuckoldism, depotism, futurism, communism, wokism, Stalinism, Nazism, imperialism, flat-earthism, morfism, luciferianism, feminism, succubism, niilism, racism, socialism, sexualism, sadism, schism, astrologism, furryism, social decay and degration.

They despise and want to destroy:
- IPv4.
- Jewish memes.
- Good quality animes.
- Waifus.
- Comfy threads.
- Wired headphones.
- Anonymous Fraternity.
- UI Dark themes.

Hence these civilizational concepts are under relentless assault to make way for their homosexual dominance sponsored by Big Tech companies led by satanic channer moderators and Infinity engine developers after a fake reddit invasion know as 4Normie Project.

ALL of these conspiracies hinges on the original, mother of all psyops and hoaxes: "Traps aren't gay".

Anonymous No. 166051

Wrong board