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Anonymous No. 166457

I did abit of sanda before covid. I went to join back up recently only to find out that a new guy runs the place and now does shaolin kung fu there. He mainly focuses on form and not so much sparring which is kinda a red flag. So I'm looking at boxing (because I lost my leg stretch) or muay thai

Anonymous No. 166467


Anonymous No. 166529

do muay thai brother, best combat sport of all time imo (currently do mma and muay thai, wrestled through hs and did bjj)

Anonymous No. 167224

>I did abit of sanda before covid
Are you in China?
Also if you’re scared of leg stretching just know that Muay Thai is very dependent on it. But then again if that’s what’s putting you off then you’re a fucking pussy and probably shouldn’t be anywhere near a gym in the first place.

Anonymous No. 167652

Ive also trined Sanda. Sand and MT synergize really well.