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Anonymous No. 166829

Are there any people who are ,say, amateur K-1 champions and go around joining Mcdojos\ninja no-touch combat dojos\"realistic combative" schools etc, to beat up the top students and the master?
would this be being a bully or bringing people down to earth and helping them, so they dont use their mcdojo stuff IRL and thus get killed?
I think there's a chinese guy called mad dog or dog something, that does this
>it seems he sucks as MMA tho? but he became viral for some time

Anonymous No. 166839

You're talking about Xu Xiaodong? I heard the Chinese government heemed his social credit because one of the Kung Fu "masters" has a lot of connections to the CCP and was like a promoter alongside the culture ministry or whatever.

But either way, I don't feel like dojo storming accomplishes anything substantial except stroke your ego as a fighter. Unless the guy you're bullying (going after someone you're 100% sure you can mess up is bullying, yes) is a total grifter that's encouraging people to do shit that's gonna get them killed I think it's pointless.

OK, the instructor gets beaten up. So what? His students aren't going to abandon what they're learning just because the instructor was defeated, it's usually a family environment and everyone likes each other on a personal level, they're friends before students.

Besides, even if they're not that "loyal" these places are usually focused on defending yourself from a random attack well enough to escape. Being stronger than a professional ring fight in a ring fight isn't what they're there for, so it's a moot point that their instructor wasn't good enough for that.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 171967

*What* [zalgo]a waste[/zalgo] of a ~~thread~~

Anonymous No. 171976

Somebody PLEASE tell me what the hell the deal is with Frank Dux's shoulder pads gi. I've been wondering about this for years, it drives me nuts.

Anonymous No. 171977

In answer to your question, OP, I agree with the other guy. Dojo storming doesn't accomplish much, it just makes the stormer out to be a big jerk. Maybe a handful of students would drift away, but mostly they'd probably band together to support their community.

I'm only speculating, but I think the whole "dojo storming" concept is born of modern mythology. I theorize that it originates in 19th/early 20th century provincial China, when martial arts schools were really more like gangs defending their territory. So rival schools would contest for dominance, and maybe there was some forging of alliances, i.e., "I beat you, you have to join/support us". I'm thinking about the lai tai fights, etc.

Of course later in the 20th century, Hong Kong cinema mythologized all this, and these films had a huge influence on American martial arts culture (for better or for worse). It romanticized the idea of the honor duel and the idea that martial theories could be debated like philosophy, tied up with orientalism and fascination with exotic cultures at a time when a lot of Americans were losing interest in their own culture. Thus you get retards like Count Dante larping as a Chinese warlord.

I say all that to say, beating up someone's friend in front of them is not usually good way to win their approval.

Anonymous No. 172044

I talk shit to anyone who doubts me irl or online and am willing to fight them and their entire gym. Does that count?

Anonymous No. 172055

I doubt you
you can fight the 155lbs indian guy I know. If you manage to win then I'll fight you

Anonymous No. 172056

K. Where he at

Anonymous No. 172059

Probably laying low because people don't know the difference between Indians and Arabs so he's unwelcome in society now

Anonymous No. 172064

Indians shouldn't be welcome in society anyway
>constant victim mentality
>will steal your shit when you're not looking
Even indians don't like indians

Anonymous No. 173624

I don't see anyone doing this outside of fiction

Anonymous No. 173630

Dojo Storming is basically bullying for no good reason, instead, why not challenge them head on so you give them time to prepare to see what they are on about and record to see if you can beat them or not.

That's the proper way, back in the day it was a bit more acceptable since there was no internet and not many ways to share what the different schools were doing.

Anonymous No. 173631

yeah because there's smarter ways to go about challenging dojos these days compared to the past, in the past you had dojo storms that 100% happened as a way to promote one's own school or fighting style.

Anonymous No. 173687

Maybe stop being a gatekeeping incel faggot and realize 2 things queerbait.
>1: Not everyone wants to compete.
>2: Martial arts exists on a spectrum.
This board has taught me 1 thing for sure. MMA faggots are the most obnoxious fucking faggots in martial arts. No one else insists upon themselves as much as these faggots. There is an entire media industry built by and for these kinds of retards. But atleast most pros are honest & admit they're not martial artists. They're just fighters & there is a difference.

Anonymous No. 173688

It's not a thing now and even historically, there is extremely little proof of the practice outside sporting exhibitions.

Anonymous No. 173689

>Being stronger than a professional ring fighter in a ring fight isn't what they're there for, so it's a moot point that their instructor wasn't good enough for that.