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🧵 Martial Arts for Pussies

Anonymous__ No. 167272

I've had 10+ concussions and am super sensitive to head injuries these days.
I've always wanted to try martial arts but can't risk getting hit in the head.
Is there any discipline with near zero head injury risk?

Anonymous No. 167274

like literally do kung fu or tai chi or some shit

Anonymous No. 167275

Not one with contact. You're either going to be looking at something that's based around performative solo routines, called forms or kata. Or you'll be training just on equipment, like heavy bags and pads. I'd look into a boxing instructor who is willing to just work you on equipment and pads, and fully disclose why you'd want that. Boxing equipment might be the most widely documented thing in combat sports, so you'll be able to read or watch plenty.

Anonymous__ No. 167276


Thanks. I suspected that anything with a real competitive element would be out and you've confirmed it.

Any other suggestions for adrenaline sports without head injury risk? I used to ski and ride a motorcycle (concussion), and still ride a bicycle despite getting hit by a car and concussed last year.

Its sucks living low risk. I even tried option trading and asking out random women to fill the void

Anonymous No. 167292

Sky diving I guess?

Anonymous No. 167293

He'd get 11 more concussions on the way down. Skydiving shakes you like a paint mixer. OP your options are going to be incredibly limited. Asking retards on the internet is going to at best be more depressing. Find a doctor who's got an active lifestyle.

Anonymous No. 167296

idk bro climbing probably, maybe not extreme at beginner levels but looks fun

Anonymous No. 167326

I'll be honest with you bud, I smashed up my skull (no concussion, just fractures and cracks), I was told not to do any competitive sports by my doctor.

Sure, I dropped boxing because that's just too big a risk but, I still grapple just fine. Just got to pick something you're willing to risk yourself for.

Anyway, BJJ was designed for pussies who can't wrestle.

Anonymous No. 167329

literally how the fuck is this bf achievable? incredible.

Anonymous__ No. 167330

Lol its mostly lighting fraud and pump fraud. Normally I look like shit.

As for bf%, just eat clean. No one does.

Anonymous No. 167332

I've been doing bjj for 7 years now, over that time aside from rogue pops to the mouth here and there I've been domed in the side of the head enough so that I saw stars twice, once by a knee, once by a flush shin
I'm not sure it's worth it if head trauma is a consideration

like you can learn how to do it but literally never roll seriously with anybody ever

Anonymous__ No. 167340

Honestly I wouldnt mind doing something like BJJ. Ive always enjoyed wrestling and rolling around with other men.

Just me though. I guess the concussion rates wouldnt be very high also.

Anonymous No. 167363

Not really. Jiujitsu or aikido are your best bet.

Anonymous No. 167365

Grappling. You don't need to go 100% with a partner to develop good grappling skills, and you aren't as susceptible to head blows. Look into BJJ or Judo, and just explain to your training partners about your head sensitivity and you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 167382

Filipino Martial Arts training is very controlled. It's all about sticks, swords , and knives, ...w/ training blades of course when you practice. Not many solo forms and it's usually partner driven where one feeds an attack and the other performs a block/parry then counter. Theres no sparring at the beginer or immediate levels either. There's lots of reflex and coordination drills also, within those coordination drills are the motions used to perform throws, joint locks, and take downs.

Anonymous No. 167391

I think the issue is that extreme sports are extreme because they come with certain risks involved and you’re actively trying to avoid risk. BJJ isn’t an extreme sport, there’s not really any adrenaline involved outside of competition and even then it ain’t that bad compared to competing in muay thai or MMA in my opinion.

If I were you I’d probably get into some kind of motor sport, at least you’ll wear a helmet.

Anonymous No. 167478

Taking classes at a BJJ school or any Martial Arys school is not extremed. It's when the students enter tournaments, grapple amd exchange hits it becomes extreme.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 167480

train with guns at the shooting range, play paintball, also try fencing

Anonymous No. 167504

Diving, shooting, climbing, hunting, martial arts but just katas... These are came to my mind on first.

Anonymous No. 167505

This the most you can do is escrima drills now you'll gain some fight proficiency, better than nothing

🗑️ Anonymous No. 167522

sniper training, artillery operation, drone piloting, IED making

Anonymous No. 167524

Never once felt anything close to the adrenaline rush of descending or climbing a steep mountainside without equipment while competing in grappling. You get a little nervous if a lot of people you know are spectating, but it’s not extreme.

Anonymous No. 167677

Bjj doesn't have a lot of head trauma. The only time I hit my head was when a big guy with no skills just single legged me as hard as he could and threw me backwards.
Luckily my school had a spring floor system, which is very important for safety (many schools don't have this).

Anonymous No. 167963

There are martial fitness programs. You won't be fighting anyone so, obviously against anyone who spars you would probabaly still get destroyed. Buuuut... You can atleast go ham on a shit ton of drills. Some training > No training.

Anonymous No. 167982

If you don't want head trauma, just get gud

Anonymous No. 168207

That helmet prevents your skull from exploding but the severity of TBI you can sustain from motor sports makes any martial art look like a fucking joke.

BJJ is probably your best bet, OP. Skip takedown day. You and your partners are probably gonna be spazzy and you'll bonk your head.

Anonymous No. 168223

Judo, just don't land on your head like a fag meta-gaming the rules.

Anonymous No. 168225

BJJ is useless without learning how to do takedowns.

Anonymous No. 168260

Judo is pretty good if you have a decent instructor that will teach breakfalls

Anonymous No. 168264

Try the internal martial arts, they're like a more metal version of Yoga if you find a good teacher. Best endorphin rush I ever had. Don't believe people who describe Tai Chi as "gentle low impact exercise". The more you relax, the more intense it is. I imagine it's the same for bagua and xingyi. You will get quads of steel.

Sparring is not so common in these arts but the discipline is real.

Anonymous No. 168289

Yep. But OP doesn't get to fight because he has brain problems. He'll have to be content with guard pulling BJJ comps.

Anonymous No. 168312

Go for taekwondo or kyokushin or shotokan karate

those don't have punches in the head and you won't be knocked out that easily in training

Anonymous No. 170172

Any good stuff for build abilities to conquer a man?(i mean not fight directly, eye contact. dont be pussy inside etc)
I raised by mom and im pussy :(

Anonymous No. 170177


Anonymous No. 170189

you can't defeat biological wiring, sorry to say. Speaking from experience

Anonymous No. 170241

Aikido, best 'negotiation' exercise in the world. You'll learn advanced dodging and rolling techniques. You'll learn the joy of being thrown - because it won't make sense at first how simple opponent motions and redirect your own energy (or frustration; anger), and because of this you'll learn about other's nature of conflict, and how you can redirect theirs.

Anonymous No. 170399

i just watched a bunch of violent trauma-filled prison boys ko a drunk guy

drunk guy mustve been on some weird drugs becuase he kept waking up aggro and they kept ko-ing him over and over and im very sure the dude will be mentally defective at this point. at one point there were whacking him in the head with a skate board. they sucker punched KOd the back of his head a few times while he was stumbling around. dude kept waking back up, standing up and responding aggro and gettig ko'd again

what does getting KO'd ten times in 30minutes do to a human??

Anonymous No. 170405

It’s really just a matter of practice. Cut down on negative self talk, remind yourself that you’re a man and worthy of respect, make a conscious effort to work with your eyes up and shoulders back.
Shut up, retarded faggot
Why are you posting this in every thread?

Anonymous No. 170411

most aikido schools are cults.

Anonymous No. 170503

BJJ especially at a more mcdojo-ish gym. Just tell them you can't start standing.

Anonymous No. 170530

Russian roulette. When that gives you head injury, the results and lethality are always the same regardless of concussion history.

Anonymous No. 170531

>Gets thrown hard into the mat
>Gets his brain rattled

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Anonymous No. 170626

You can get into competitive arm wrestling.
The risk there is in accidentally breaking your arm tendons (which is an extreme danger cause you might end up crippled that way if it's serious), and your head won't be ever even be graced. There's room for both strength and technique in that sport and it's competitive in nature. The best type of "wrestling" for you to practice.

Anonymous No. 170934

>Its sucks living low risk. I even tried option trading and asking out random women to fill the void
Man I'm blessed to have a hard head. I sometimes smack it around as a goof with friends with sticks just cause I find it funny.