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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 167927

Hello /xs/ I punched a wall very hard three times and got what they apparently call in English "Boxer's fracture". My two knuckles at the end of me hand (the one from pinky finger and the one next it) a bit fucked up... Which apparently is the most normal especific injury in these cases from what I've been reading.
I went to a public hospital and they lasted too much to attend me my girlfriend went with me and she talked to some doctor asking why there was no one in reception. I got angry at the doctor she talked to because doctors in general are pedantic for some reason so I said to him watch your mouth etc and went back to my house in frustration and rage. One week later I went again to another hospital, waited and finally got checked by a female doctor (who, surprise surprise, was a bitch. And curiously she was pretty, blonde and had light coloured eyes, but quite bad manners) but at least she put my two fingers back in their place or one of them at least cause I heard small cracking sound. She also put a me an arm cast. Something definitely got fixed. After that I just got the hell out of there because people there was depressing and so was that neighbourhood also I was extremely tired it was 2am and I had a appalling day that day.
Problem is I didnt go back again for checking and a radiography and I want to get this damn arm cast out of my hand because:
-I want to put ice on my hand bu t can't with this shit on.
-It's very annoying and I have stuff to do.
Can't I just remove it? Or do I have to keep it on and if so for how long? It's been about 3 days already.

Anonymous No. 167928

How do I unsubscribe from your gay blog?
>oh no I punched a wall and broke my hand like a retard
>should I just take the cast off?
Yeah you should then slam it against another brick wall you dumbfuck

Anonymous No. 167930

Since humanity is laziest these days than ever before that can't read more than a few lines or else they get stressed out I will make it simpler for you:

I got "boxer's fracture" in last two knuckles of my right hand from punching wall too hard.
I went to hospital.
Bitchy doctor put this arm cast thing on my hand.
I want to remove it because it's very annoying and also prevents me from putting ice on hand.
What do?
Happy? I just seek useful advice not unnecessary aggresion.

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Anonymous No. 167933

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Anonymous No. 167935

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Anonymous No. 167936

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Anonymous No. 167937

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Anonymous No. 167938

Anonymous No. 167940

I donโ€™t care retard

Anonymous No. 167962

I read your entire OP. Nobody cares that you broke your own hand like a fucking moron. Also
>asking for medical advice from 4chan