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Anonymous No. 170263

How bulshit are these video's? You can bend those pipes easly, I'm pretty sure I could learn to do that in a month

Anonymous No. 170266

Kicking them is a little harder than you think, but not that much. The real bitch is doing it a bunch of times, and still being able to do anything else for awhile.

Anonymous No. 170287

The banana tree ones are nonsense because banana trees aren't trees, they're plants
And that's not a trunk it's a stalk so it's actually soft

Anonymous No. 170334

>believing anything that a chink does/says

I shiggydiggy my nigga

Anonymous No. 170382

For a long while I have shin-kicked, punched in all manners, and even head-butted a real solid trees. only now I realize I *mistakenly* thought that's what thai fighters do.
I guess Im either an extreme retard, but I have become extremely powerful out of a retarded mistake.

Anonymous No. 170524

They're actually legit. The "micro-fracture" thing is real, and common to a lot of sports. Rock climbers get a shit ton of them in their hands, and end up with weirdly strong hand bones, for example. Human bodies are lazy, so even though it's capable of giving you really big muscles and dense bones, it won't unless you break it down a little and activate the mechanisms that encourage that growth. The opposite is also true. Astronauts have to do special weight training and exercises when they spend a while in low gravity because your body stops densifying your bones and building muscle up there in zero-G.

Like any good martial arts display though, people making videos like this make sure to choose targets that are weaker than they seem, to make the effect of their strength appear super-human rather than just really impressive.

Anonymous No. 170609

>The "micro-fracture" thing is real,
Armchair Violence told me it's not, and that "pressure" builds stronger bones.

Anonymous No. 170622

>The "micro-fracture" thing is real
But the line between "a fracture small enough to result in stronger bones in the long run" and "breaking your leg for no net gain" is so hard to gauge for the average person there's literally no value in trying to exploit this body function.
Just train with care for your health and let the fracture that come naturally from sparring and matches strengthen your bones.

Anonymous No. 170636

both happen when board breaking.

Anonymous No. 172104

Micro fracture thing is not real. Your bones don't grow thicker when you do that. your cells take away bone for the unstressed parts (the back of the bone) and put it on the stressed parts (the front) which will give you curved bones after awhile. Curved bones are slightly better at surviving kicks, but they are weaker in everytrhing else. The other guy is right about pressure increasing bone strength. Whe your muscle contracts and squeezes the bone, a similar thing to what you think it hap[pening with the microfractures is happening, except it is evenly distributed, and your bones don't have to waste resources repairing microfractures.

tldr lifting heavy gives you stronger bones. /fit/ wins again